Abstract | Uvod: Humani Papiloma Virus (HPV) je virus koji pogađa pločasti epitel kože i sluznica. Premda je poznato više stotina vrsta HPV-a najviše se spominju podtipovi 6,11,34,41,42,43,44 kao niskorizični i podtipovi 16,18,45,56,58 kao visokorizični. Niskorizični tipovi uzrokuju bradavice, dok visokorizični mogu dovesti do pojave prekanceroza i karcinoma. Znatan broj infekcija ima sposobnost samoizlječenja, dok kod određenih treba upotrijebiti neke metode liječenja, kao što su krioterapija bradavica, elektrodisekcija ili ablacija laserom (1). Ključni su redoviti posjeti ginekologu što uključuje i uzimanje briseva cerviksa, čime se u velikoj mjeri pomaže u otkrivanju infekcije. Cilj rada: Prikazati ulogu medicinske sestre, te zdravstvenu njegu bolesnika inficiranog Humanim papiloma virusom. Rasprava: Infekcija Humanim Papiloma Virusom infekcija je suvremenog doba. Iako znanje o HPV-u raste u općoj populaciji, i dalje postoji znatna količina netočnih informacija. Upravo je tu važna uloga medicinske sestre, kao i svih ostalih zdravstvenih djelatnika. Oni trebaju prepoznati sve simptome, uzroke i rizične faktore, kako bi se što ranije moglo započeti sa liječenjem i ostalim postupcima. Od medicinske sestre očekuje se da će biti stručna u procjeni fizičkog i emocionalnog statusa, pacijentove anamneze, kao i kod upoznavanja pacijenta i obitelji s bolesti i njezinim liječenjem. Zaključak: U zdravstvenoj njezi pacijenata zaraženih HPV-om, kaoi kod oboljelih od karcinoma uzrokovanog HPV-pm, ističe se značajna uloga medicinske sestre. Krenuvši od edukacije mlađih generacija o rizičnom spolnom ponašanju i znakovima bolesti, dijagnosticiranju i prijeoperativnim pripremama, pa sve do palijativne skrbi. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: HPV is a virus that affects the squamous epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes. Although hundreds of HPV types are known, subtypes 6,11,34,41,42,43,44 are mostly mentioned as low-risk and subtypes 16,18,45,56,58 as high-risk. Low-risk types cause warts, while high-risk types can lead to precancerous lesions and cancer. A significant number of infections have the ability to heal themselves, while some require the use of some treatment methods, such as nipple cryotherapy, electrodesection, or laser ablation (1). Regular visits to the gynecologist are crucial, which includes taking cervical swabs, which greatly helps in detecting the infection. Aim of the paper: To present the role of a nurse and health care of a patient infected with the Human papilloma virus. Discussion: Human papilloma virus infection is a modern infection. Although knowledge about HPV is growing in the general population, there is still a significant amount of inaccurate information. This is where the role of the nurse, as well as all other health professionals, is important. They need to identify all the symptoms, causes and risk factors, so that treatment and other procedures can be started as early as possible. The nurse is expected to be expert in assessing the physical and emotional status, the patient's medical history, as well as in introducing the patient and family to the disease and its treatment. Conclusion: When we talk about the health care of patients infected with HPV and those with cancer, it is a very important task of the nurse. Starting from educating the younger generations about risky sexual behavior and signs of disease, diagnosis and preoperative preparations, all the way to palliative care. |