Title Razvoj ključnih kompetencija za cjeloživotno učenje kod studenata sudionika programa mobilnosti Erasmus+
Title (english) A Development of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning in Students as Participants in Erasmus+ Mobility Programme
Author Darija Iličić
Mentor Ana Marija Rogić (mentor)
Committee member Rozana Petani (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Vrkić Dimić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Marija Rogić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Pedagogy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Prvi dio rada je teorijski dio u kojem je pojašnjen koncept cjeloživotnog učenja, njegov značaj u kontekstu međunarodnih tijela i organizacija. Definirane su ključne kompetencije za cjeloživotno učenje iza čega slijede karakteristike svake od osam ključnih kompetencija. Usporedbom dokumenta Preporuke iz 2006. godine i Preporuke iz 2018. godine, uočeno je kako je ažurirani dokument prilagođen ubrzanim globalnim promjenama, posebice kada je riječ o kompetencijama vezanim za tehnologiju, građanstvo, poduzetništvo te digitalnim kompetencijama. Nužno je istaknuti da revidirana Preporuka naglasak stavlja na empatiju i etičnost prožimljući ih kroz deskripciju svake od osam kompetencija. Teorijski dio rada završava s prikazom povijesnog razvoja visokoobrazovne europske politike te kratkim iznošenjem relevantnih činjenica koje se vezuju uz određene programe mobilnosti. U drugom dijelu rada prezentirana je metodologija istraživanja te analiza i interpretacija dobivenih rezultata. Cilj je bio istražiti u kojoj mjeri i na koji način se razvila svaka od osam ključnih kompetencija kod sudionika istraživanja, tj. studenata Sveučilišta u Zadru koji su dio svog studija proveli u inozemstvu. Polustrukturiranim intervjuom su dobiveni rezultati koji upućuju na to da je većina studenata razvila ponajviše kompetenciju višejezičnosti, digitalnu, dijelom matematičku kompetenciju, osobnu i socijalnu te kompetenciju učenja kako učiti. Studenti su kompetencije najviše razvijali informalnim putem, u svakodnevnom životu i radu. Šest od osam sudionika uvjereno je kako nema veću mogućnost zaposlenja u matičnoj državi zbog stečene mobilnosti, dok troje ispitanih tvrdi kako im se ipak zaposlenje ili mogućnost stručne prakse u inozemstvu čini kao lakše izvediva opcija. Također, svi sudionici smatraju kako je kompetencija višejezičnosti ona koju su u najvećoj mjeru razvili tijekom mobilnosti, a da za njen razvoj pak nisu imali mogućnost na matičnom sveučilištu. Naposljetku, sudionici naglašavaju da studijski boravak u inozemstvu, unatoč određenim preprekama i izazovima, ima puno prednosti i navode kako bi svakom budućem naraštaju studenata preporučili isto.
Abstract (english) The first part of this paper is the theoretical part which aims to explain the concept lifelong learning, his importance in the context of the international bodies and organizations such as UNESCO, European Commission and OECD. Furthermore, there are certain definitions of key competences for lifelong learning followed by characteristics of each of eight key competences. There is also a comparison of the Council Recommendation of 22 May 2018 on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning and Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning where is noted that the updated document has been adapted to rapid global changes, especially with regard to competences in the field of technology, citizenship, entrepreneurship and digital competences. Except this, it is necessary to point out that the Recommendation of 2018 is putting greater focus on empathy and ethics which are consistently present in the description of each individual key competence. The theoretical part of this thesis is concluded with an overview of the development of European higher education and with the short observation of relevant facts regarding to certain mobility programme. In the second part is presented research methodology followed by the data analysis and interpretation. The aim of the research was to examine, using the semi structured interview, to what extent and in which manner has been developed each of eight key competences in students of the University of Zadar, represented as the data subjects who spent a period studying abroad. Through those results it is obvious that the majority has mostly developed a multilingual, partly mathematical competence, digital, personal, social and learning competences. A lot of key competences have been developed in informal context. In addition, six of the eight participants are convinced that there is no bigger opportunity for employment in the home state, while three of them think that it is easier to employ or to find work placements abroad. All of them, inter alia, emphasize that multilingual competence is the most developed competence during the mobility for which there is no possibility to improve and develop rapid at the home university as it is possible abroad. In conclusion, the research participants maintain that there are a lot of benefits of mobility and they recommend to other students that it is worth to spend a period studying abroad, despite some obstacles and challenges.
cjeloživotno učenje
ključne kompetencije
polustrukturirani intervju
programi mobilnosti
Keywords (english)
key competences
lifelong learning
mobility programmes
semistructured interview
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:012227
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-11-29 14:56:53