Title Prevalencija duboke venske tromboze u OB Zadar tijekom 2017. godine
Title (english) Prevalence of deep vein thrombosis in General hospital Zadar in year 2017
Author Kristina Nekić
Mentor Dario Nakić (mentor)
Mentor Kristina Bačkov (komentor)
Committee member Ines Leto (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dario Nakić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Bačkov (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-04-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Utvrditi prevalenciju duboke venske tromboze u OB Zadar tijekom 2017. godine, te prikazati ulogu medicinske sestre u edukacijskim programima koji za cilj imaju smanjiti utjecaja rizičnih faktora, povećati zadovoljstvo i kvalitetu života. USTROJ STUDIJE: Retrospektivna stručna istraživačka studija. ISPITANICI I METODE: U istraživanje će biti uključeni svi bolesnici oboljeli od duboke venske tromboze, hospitalizirani u Općoj bolnici Zadar u periodu od 01.01.2017. do 31.12.2017. godine. Podaci će biti prikupljani iz bolničkog informatičkog sustava. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 33 bolesnika, od toga 18 žena i 15 muškaraca. REZULTATI: Pojavnost duboke venske tromboze je najveća u dobnoj skupini od 81 do 90 godina. Ţene obolijevaju češće od muškaraca. Od rizičnih čimbenika najzastupljeniji su komorbiditeti (60,6%). Od ostalih bolesti najčešće se javlja arterijska hipertenzija (42,42%). Od znakova koje su bolesnici imali pri prijemu u bolnicu najzastupljeniji su edemi (78,78%), a najmanje crvenilo (6,06%). D-dimeri su kao dijagnostički test bili učinjeni kod 26 ispitanika (78,78%), dok se Color Doppler koristio kod svih ispitanika. Prosječna vrijednost D-dimera je 11, 73, a raspon od 0,35 do 33,92. ZAKLJUČAK: Najučestaliji rizični faktor su komorbiditeti, a slijedi ih kirurški zahvat, dok je najmanje učestala primjena hormonske kontracepcije. Od drugih prisutnih bolesti na prvom mjestu se nalazi arterijska hipertenzija, a na posljednjem angina pectoris. Od dijagnostičkih pretraga najviše su korišteni Color Doppler, te D-dimeri. Veliku ulogu u motivaciji bolesnika ima medicinska sestra. Brojna istraživanja su pokazala da programi i intervencije koji su bili vođeni od strane medicinske sestre imaju pozitivan učinak na bolesnika.
Abstract (english) OBJECTIVES: To determine prevalence of deep vein thrombosis in General hospital Zadar in year 2017, as well as a role of a nurse in educational programs that have a goal to lower the effect of risk factors, and to raise the standard for life quality and happiness. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: The subjects who will participate in this research, are all suffering from deep vein thrombosis. Whom all are hospitalized in General hospital Zadar in period from January 1st 2017 to December 31st 2017. Data was collected from hospital IT department. The study included 33 participants, 18 women and 15 men. RESULTS: The incidence of deep vein thrombosis is most common between 81 and 90 years of age. Females fall ill more often with deep vein thrombosis than men. The most common risk were comorbidities (60,6%). The most common acute illness is arterial hypertension (42,42%). Edema was the most common sign during transmittance of the participants (78,78%), while redness was the most uncommon (6,06%). D-dimer tests were used with 26 participants (78,78%), while the Color Doppler test was used on all participants. The average value of D-dimers was 11,73, in the span of 0,35 up to 33,92. CONCLUSION: The most common risk factor is comorbidities, followed by surgery, while the least common risk factor is hormonal contraception. Arterial hypertension is on top, while angina pectoris is in last place among other illnesses. Of all the diagnostic searches Color Doppler, and Ddimers were most used. The nurse has a great role in motivating the patient. Many of the researches have shown that the programs and the interventions lead by the nurses have had positive effects on the patient.
Duboka venska tromboza
rizični faktori
zdravstvena njega
Keywords (english)
Deep vein thrombosis
risk factors
health care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:563773
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-11-26 18:17:56