Title Cijepljenje u djece - stavovi ispitanika Zadarske županije
Title (english) Vaccination in children - attitudes of the respondents of Zadar County
Author Marija Vidaić
Mentor Nataša Skitarelić (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Matek Sarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Alan Medić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Skitarelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-03-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Uvod: Cijepljenje ili aktivna imunizacija spada u najveća dostignuća medicinske znanosti. Važna je mjera prevencije zaraznih bolesti. Davanjem određenog antigena postiže se stvaranje specifične imunosti, koja štiti primaoca od određene zarazne bolesti. Osim pozitivnog utjecaja na zdravlje, ima utjecaj i na socioekonomski status pojedinca i zajednice.
Cilj: Istražiti stavove ispitanika mladih roditelja o cijepljenju vlastite djece te ih usporediti sa stavovima ispitanika njihovih roditelja.
... More Utvrditi izvore informiranja i utjecaje na formiranje stavova o cijepljenju kod ispitanika Zadarske županije
Ispitanici i postupci: Istraživanje je provedeno u ambulantama opće/obiteljske i pedijatrijske medicine na području Zadra, Biograda i Benkovca. Dragovoljno je sudjelovalo 300 ispitanika, 150 mlađe i 150 starije dobi. Anketnim upitnikom ispitivani su stavovi, iskustva i znanja o cijepljenju. Dobiveni podatci anketa statistički su obrađeni.
Rezultati: 300 ispitanika je podijeljeno u mlađu i stariju dobnu skupinu. Većina ispitanika su u braku, zaposleni, srednjoškolskog obrazovanja i dobrog ekonomskog statusa, najčešće s dvoje djece te žive u gradu. Stav prema cijepljenju je pozitivan te je većina djece ispitanika cijepljena, bez poteškoća nakon cijepljenja. Najvažniji utjecaj na donošenje odluke o cijepljenju su imali zdravstveni radnici, čijom podrškom i suradnjom su ispitanici zadovoljni. Pri tom je mlađa dobna skupina pod znatno većim utjecajem društvenih mreža i interneta sa izraženijim strahovima prema cjepivima. Žele više informacija o cijepljenju, a boje se adjuvansa u cjepivima. Stariji ispitanici podržavaju stav o zakonom obvezujućem cijepljenju, smatraju da najviše koristi od cijepljenja ima samo dijete te ne vjeruju negativnim napisima o cijepljenju.
Zaključak: Naši ispitanici u cjelini imaju pozitivan stav prema cijepljenju, uočavaju dobrobiti cijepljenja djece te drže da necijepljena djece predstavljaju rizik za širu društvenu zajednicu. Dobro su informirani i zadovoljni suradnjom sa zdravstvenim djelatnicima, iako određen utjecaj na stavove imaju mediji i društvene mreže. Less
Abstract (english) Introduction: Vaccination or active immunization belongs to the greatest achievements of medical science. It is an important measure of prevention of contagious diseases. By delivering a specific antigen, a specific immunity is created that protects the recipient of a certain infectious disease. Apart from a positive impact on health, it also has an impact on the socioeconomic status of the individual and the community. Objective: To investigate attitudes of young parents on the vaccination
... More of their own children and compare them to the attitudes of their parents. Identify sources of information and influence on the formation of attitudes about immunisation in the County of Zadar. Subjects and procedures: The research was conducted in the general / family and pediatric medical clinics in the area of Zadar, Biograd and Benkovac. 300 respondents, 150 younger and 150, attended voluntarily. The survey questionnaire investigated attitudes, experiences and knowledge about vaccination. The survey data obtained was statistically analyzed. Results: 300 participants were divided into younger and older age groups. Most of the respondents are married, employed, high school education and good economic status, most often with two children living in the city. The attitude toward vaccination is positive and most of the children examined are vaccinated without any difficulty after vaccination. The most important influence on the decision on vaccination was healthcare workers, whose support and cooperation were satisfied with the respondents. In this, the younger age group is significantly affected by social networks and the internet with more fears about vaccines. They want more information about vaccination, and they stick to adjuvants in vaccines. Older respondents support the view of the law on binding vaccination, believe that the most benefit from vaccination is only a child and do not believe in negative vaccine writings. Conclusion: Our respondents as a whole have a positive attitude towards vaccination, notice the benefits of vaccinating children, and hold that untreated children pose a risk to the wider community. They are well informed and satisfied with the co-operation with healthcare professionals, although some influence on attitudes has media and social networks. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:394644
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: Magistar/magistra sestrinstva (Magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2019-11-26 18:03:34