Abstract | Binge-watching, odnosno maratonsko gledanje serija, odnosi se na gledanje više od dvije epizode serije zaredom. Iako predstavlja relativno nov fenomen, bindžanje je danas uobičajen način provođenja slobodnog vremena. Ipak, istraživanja binge-watchinga još su uvijek u preliminarnoj fazi, stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati prevalenciju i neke značajke binge-watchinga te njegov odnos s motivima za gledanje serija, ličnošću, impulzivnošću i regulacijom emocija. Istraživanje je provedeno putem interneta na uzorku studenata različitih studijskih usmjerenja s različitih visokoškolskih institucija u Hrvatskoj. Sudionici su ispunili subskalu binge-watching (koja je dio upitnika angažmana u binge-watchingu i simptoma povezanih s istim), modificirani Upitnik regulacije emocija i Upitnik motiva u pozadini gledanja serija. Osim toga, ispunili su i IPIP 50S upitnik ličnosti, kao i subskale pozitivne i negativne hitnosti te nedostatka ustrajnosti S-UPPS-P skale impulzivnog ponašanja. Uz navedeno, odgovorili su na pitanja o prevalenciji i karakteristikama maratonskog gledanja serija. Utvrđeno je da 77.65% ispitanih studenata prakticira binge-watching, a oko 20% ih bindža svakodnevno. Oko 45% studenata to čini putem streaming servisa i to najčešće putem Netflixa, dok ih oko 30% uopće ne koristi streaming servise. Uz to, trećina studenata preuzima serije putem interneta. Pokazalo se da čak oko 85% studenata najčešće gleda serije onda kada su sami te da studenti najčešće bindžaju serije američkog podrijetla, trenutno aktualne serije ili one koje su već dobro potvrđene u istraživanjima kao serije pogodne za binge. Nadalje, dobiveno je da više rezultate na subskali binge-watching postižu pojedinci koji češće bindžaju serije s ciljem upravljanja vlastitim emocijama, kako bi pobjegli od stvarnosti, doživjeli jake emocije, nešto naučili gledajući seriju ili kako bi se lakše povezali sa značajnim drugima kroz komentiranje svojih najdražih serija. Manje savjesni te emocionalno nestabilniji pojedinci također izvještavaju o višim razinama binge-watchinga. S druge strane, dobiveno je da pojedinci koji češće reagiraju nepromišljeno u situacijama popraćenim ekstremnim negativnim ili pozitivnim emocijama postižu niže rezultate na subskali bingewatchinga. Značajnim pozitivnim prediktorima bindžanja pokazali su se regulacija emocija, motivi naglašenih emocija i socijalni motivi, dok su negativni prediktori bindžanja savjesnost i spol. Uz sve navedeno, dobiveno je i da ne-bindžeri češće reagiraju nepromišljeno kada su uzrujani i doživljavaju negativne emocije u odnosu na bindžere, dok se u ostalim osobinama ličnosti i impulzivnosti ne razlikuju. |
Abstract (english) | Binge-watching, or marathon-viewing, refers to watching more than two episodes of a series in a row. Although a relatively new phenomenon,"bingeing" is nowadays a common way of spending free time. However, binge-watching research is still in its preliminary phase, so the aim of this study was to examine the prevalence and some features of binge-watching and its relationship with TV series watching motives, personality, impulsivity and one's emotion regulation. The participians of this study were Croatian students of different college majors. The research was carried out through an online survey that was constructed of Bingewatching subscale (derivated from Binge-Watching Engagement and Symptoms Questionnaire), modified Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and Watching TV Series Motives Questionnaire. In addition, pariticipants completed IPIP 50S personality questionnaire and positive/negative urgency and lack of perseverance subcsales derivated from The S-UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale. Furthermore, participants answered some questions regarding the prevalence and marathon viewing features. The results showed that 77.65% of students engage in binge-watching, about 20% of them bingeing on a daily basis. Around 45% students binge using streaming services, mostly Netflix, while around 30% do not use streaming services at all. In addition, a third of students downloads series. It turned out that as many as 85% of students binge when they're alone and that students most commonly binge American-origin series, currently popular series, or those already wellestablished in research as binge-friendly series. Furthermore, it has been found that people who binge the series in order to control their own emotions, ecaspe from reality, experience strong emotions, learn something or to easily connect with significant others through commenting on their favorite series achieved higher results on the binge-watching subscale. Less conscientious and more emotionally unstable individuals also present higher levels of binge-watch. On the other hand, individuals who respond more often thoughtlessly in situations accompanied by extreme negative or positive emotions score lower on the bingewatching subscale. Significant positive predictors of bingeing were emotion regulation, emotional enhancement and social motives, while negative predictors of bingeing were conscientiousness and gender. In addition, it has been established that "non-bingers" are more likely to react recklessly when upset and experience negative emotions than "bingers", while they do not differ in any other personality traits or impulsiveness. |