Title Upravljanje poslovanjem primjenom Lean menadžmenta
Title (english) Manage a business using Lean management
Author Marina Šarić
Mentor Berislav Bolfek (mentor)
Committee member Anita Peša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Rajko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Berislav Bolfek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Economics) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Lean je filozofija upravljanja koja se proširila u gotovo sve dijelove svijeta, gdje kompanije teže usavršavanju jedinstvenih tehnika i alata Lean menadžmenta, koji omogućavaju poboljšanje eliminacijom nepotrebnih događaja, odnosno događaja koji ne stvaraju vrijednost. Time se postiže najveći učinak i najmanji troškovi, stvarajući pri tome punu vrijednost proizvoda i usluga po želji kupca. Primjena Leana moguća je u svim područjima gdje postoje gubitci kao i mogućnost za poboljšanje. Važan naglasak stavljen je i na zaposlenike. Zato je za postizanje potpune implementacije Leana u poduzeće, moguće jedino uključivanjem svih razina od menadžera do ostalih zaposlenika i suradnika. Dok je u tradicionalnim organizacijama većina rada u organizaciji izgubljena, Lean organizacije fokus stavljaju na eliminaciju tih gubitaka. Uspješna implementacija Lean menadžmenta rezultira smanjenjem proizvodnih ciklusa, otpada, propusta, poremećaja, povećanjem sigurnosti na radu kao i mnogim drugim pozitivnim učincima. Organizacije posebnu pažnju trebaju posvetiti ispitivanju područja na kojima mogu uštedjeti resurse i vrijeme, a sve kako bi povećali konkurentnost i profitabilnost. Jedna od najvažnijih metoda u Lean menadžmentu je „5S“. To je metoda koja rezultira dobro organiziranom radnom mjestu (čisto, uređeno, sigurno i organizirano), čime se povezuju ljudi i procesi. Na „5S“ metodu nerijetko se gleda kao na preduvjet buduće implementacije Lean menadžmenta doprinoseći stvaranju preglednosti poduzeća.
Abstract (english) Lean is a management philosophy that has spread to almost all parts of the world, where companies aspire to perfect Lean management's unique techniques and tools that enable improvement by eliminating redundant events, and anything that does not represent value from a customer perspective is considered redundant. This maximizes impact and minimizes costs, while delivering the full value of products and services to the customer. The application of Lean is possible in all areas in which there are losses and opportunity for improvement. An important emphasis is on employees. Therefore, achieving full implementation of Lean in the company is only possible by involving all levels from managers to other employees and associates. While in traditional organizations most of the work in the organization is lost, Lean organizations focus on eliminating those losses. Successful implementation of Lean management results in reduced production cycles, waste, omission, disruption, increased safety at work, and many other positive effects. Organizations should pay special attention to researching areas where they can save resources and time, all in order to increase competitiveness and profitability. In Croatia, there are only a small number of companies that systematically use Lean tools. Considering that the most common starting point for the implementation of Lean management is the "5S" method, the paper describes the application of this method on the example of Elcon Geraetebau from Rijeka. It is a method that results a well-organized workplace (clean, tidy, secure and organized), bringing people and processes together. The “5S” method is often seen as a prerequisite for the future implementation of Lean management, contributing to company transparency.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:446538
Study programme Title: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-10-28 16:41:59