Title Komparative Diskursanalyse politischer Reden
Title (croatian) Komparativna analiza diskursa političkih govora
Title (english) Comparative Discourse Analysis of Political Speeches
Author Tomislav Nebes
Mentor Anita Pavić Pintarić (mentor)
Committee member Helga Begonja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zaneta Sambunjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Pavić Pintarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Diese Masterarbeit stützt sich auf Arbeiten im Bereich der Diskursanalyse, um zu untersuchen, ob es möglich ist, politische Reden zu vergleichen. Zum Zweck der Analyse der Themen, der Struktur, der Sprachhandlungsmuster, der Nominationen, der Manipulation und der Verwendung der Pronomen wir und sie wurde der Kontext der Reden beschrieben. Die Kontexte wurden in die Analyse einbezogen, indem die politischen Situationen vor der Wahl beschrieben und grundlegende Informationen über die Politiker
... More und ihre jeweiligen politischen Parteien bereitgestellt wurden. Die Struktur und die Themen der Rede wurden analysiert, um Daten für den Vergleich und für die folgenden Analysen zu liefern. Um herauszufinden, welche Funktionen die Reden erfüllen, wurden die Sprachhandlungsmuster analysiert und verglichen. Um zu sehen, wie die Politiker die Welt interpretieren, wurden Nominationen untersucht. Die Manipulation wurde untersucht, indem die Struktur der Sprache analysiert und nach expliziten Manipulationsarten gesucht wurde. Die Verwendung der Wörter wir und sie wurden statistisch beschrieben und den Bedeutungsgruppen zugeordnet. Die Analyse zeigt, dass die Rede der kroatischen Politikerin deutlich mehr Themen und Strukturen als die Rede ihres Amtskollegen enthält. Es wurde herausgefunden, dass in politischen Reden, die nach dem Präsidentenwahlsieg gehalten wurden, die häufigste Sprachhandlung sich auf das Informieren bezieht. Es wurde festgestellt, dass das Wort wir in der Rede der kroatischen Politikerin mehr als eine Bedeutung besitzt. Im Gegensatz zu ähnlichen Untersuchungen wird das Wort sie nicht negativ verwendet. Less
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj se rad temelji na radovima iz područja analize diskursa kako bi se istražilo je li moguće usporediti političke govore. Da bi teme, strukture, obrasci govornih činova nominacije, pokušaji manipulacije i upotreba zamjenica mi i oni bile analizirane, opisan je kontekst govora. Konteksti su uvršteni u analizu opisivanjem političke situacije prije izbora i davanjem osnovnih informacija o političarima i njihovim političkim strankama. Struktura i teme govora su analizirane kako bi se dobili
... More podaci za usporedbu i naknadne analize. Kako bi se otkrilo koje funkcije govori imaju, obrađeni su i uspoređeni obrasci govornih činova. Kako bi se utvrdilo kako političari tumače svijet, istražene su nominacije. Manipulacija je istražena analizom strukture govora i traženjem eksplicitnih vrsta manipulacije. Upotreba riječi mi i oni statistički je opisana i dodijeljena je značenjskim skupinama. Analiza pokazuje da govor hrvatske političarke sadrži značajno više tema i struktura od govora njezinog kolege. Utvrđeno je da je govorni čin koji se najčešće pojavljuje u političkim govorima održanih nakon pobjede na izborima vezan za informiranje publike. Vjeruje se da je hrvatska političarka pokušala manipulirati publikom. Smatra se da riječ mi može imati više značenja u govoru hrvatske političarke. Za razliku od sličnih istraga, riječ oni ne koristi se negativno. Less
Abstract (english) This master's thesis draws on work in the field of discourse analysis to investigate whether it is possible to compare political speeches. To analyze the topics, the structure, the speech act patterns, the nominations, the manipulation, and the use of the pronouns we and they, the context of the speeches was described. The contexts were incorporated in the analysis by describing the political situation before the election and by providing basic information about the politicians and their
... More respective political parties. The structure and themes of the speech were analysed to provide data for the comparison and the subsequent analyses. To uncover which functions the speeches fulfill, the speech act patterns were analysed and compared. To see how the politicians interpret the world, nominations were investigated. Manipulation was investigated by analysing the structure of the speech and by looking for explicit types of manipulation. The use of the words we and they was statistically described and assigned to groups of meaning. The analysis shows that the Croatian politician's speech contains significantly more topics and structures than the speech of her counterpart. It has been found that the primary function of political speeches held after an election victory is to inform an audience. We have reasons to believe that the Croatian politician may have attempted to manipulate the audience. It is believed that the word we may have more than one meaning in the speech of the Croatian politician. Unlike similar investigations, the word they is not used negatively. Less
Keywords (croatian)
analiza diskursa
govorni čin
Keywords (english)
discourse analysis
speech act
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:353933
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-10-17 09:38:23