Title Competencias requeridas para aprobar el examen de traductor en la UE
Title (croatian) Kompetencije potrebne za posao prevoditelja u Europskoj uniji
Title (english) Competencies needed to work as a translator of the EU
Author Tamara-Bjanka Vranješević
Mentor Ivana Lončar (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Lončar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Stijepo Stjepović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Zovko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Iberoromance Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-10-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Romance Studies
Abstract El trabajo pretende analizar las competencias necesarias para el trabajo de traducción dentro de la Unión Europea. Basándonos en textos elegidos de prensa española relevante y el artículo que sirve como modelo de examen de traducción en la página web oficial de la Unión Europea vamos a demostrar cuáles son las competencias que un candidato debe tener para aprobar el examen/la convocatoria, y con éxito llevar a cabo el trabajo de traducción de la UE. Los textos son traducidos del español al croata, y temáticamente muy similares a los textos modelos en alemán, francés, italiano, esloveno, holandés, portugués e inglés, que también están disponibles en la página web oficial de la UE. Las competencias se dividen en varias categorías que se entrelazan a menudo. Un aspirante al trabajo de traductor en la UE debe, ante todo, tener muy buen conocimiento de su lengua materna, de una segunda lengua, siendo ésta obligatoriamente una de las lenguas de trabajo de la UE (francés, alemán, inglés), y de la tercera lengua de su elección (que tiene que ser una de las lenguas oficiales de la UE), tener un inmenso conocimiento enciclopédico, la conciencia de la realidad y de los acontecimientos en el mundo, y sobre todo de los que ocurren dentro de la Unión Europea.
Abstract (croatian) Rad se bavi kompetencijama potrebnima za prevoditeljski rad unutar Europske unije. Na temelju nekoliko tekstova iz relevantnijih španjolskih novina te članka koji se kao primjer teksta koji treba prevesti nalazi na službenim stranicama Europske unije pokazat će se koje su to kompetencije koje osoba mora imati da bi mogla proći ispit/natječaj te uspješno obavljati prevoditeljski posao u EU. Tekstovi su sa španjolskog prevedeni na hrvatski jezik, a tematika im je vrlo slična tematici tekstova na njemačkom, francuskom, talijanskom, slovenskom, nizozemskom, portugalskom i engleskom jeziku koji se također kao primjeri tekstova koji se pojavljuju na natječaju nalaze na službenoj stranici EU-a. Kompetencije smo podijelili u nekoliko kategorija, iako se često puta međusobno isprepliću. Osoba koja želi raditi kao prevoditelj u EU mora prije svega vrlo dobro poznavati svoj materinji jezik, obvezno jedan od radnih jezika EU (francuski, njemački, engleski), te treći jezik po izboru (koji i dalje mora biti jedan od službenih jezika EU), imati široko enciklopedijsko znanje, svijest o aktualnosti i događanjima u svijetu, a pogotovo o događanjima unutar Europske unije.
Abstract (english) This work deals with the competencies which are necessary for the translation work within the European Union. Using few texts from the relevant Spanish newspaper and the article which serves as an exemple of exam on the official website of the European Union we will try to show what competences a person must have in order to pass the exam / competition, and successfully carry out a translation job in EU. The texts are translated from Spanish into Croatian, and the theme is very similar to the theme of the texts in German, French, Italian, Slovenian, Dutch, Portuguese and English, which are also listed as examples of texts that appear on the contest and are available on the official website of the EU. Competencies were divided into several categories, although often intertwined. A person who wants to work as a translator in the EU must first and foremost have a very good knowledge of their mother tongue, than of one of the working languages of the EU (French, German, English), and of the third language of choice (which still has to be one of the official languages of the EU), have immense encyclopedic knowledge, awareness of actuality and events in the world, and especially the events within the European Union.
Unión Europea
Keywords (croatian)
Europska unija
Keywords (english)
European Union
Language spanish
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:918083
Study programme Title: Hispanistics (double major); specializations in: Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-04-16 09:04:47