Title Promocija turizma grada Zadra putem Instagrama kao komunikacijske tehnike odnosa s javnošću
Title (english) City of Zadar tourist promotion via Instagram as a communicatioanl technique
Author Matea Gugić
Mentor Goran Pavelin (mentor)
Committee member Goran Pavelin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vinko Bakija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-03-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Abstract Internet i digitalne tehnologije promijenili su svijet kakvog smo poznavali do prije samo 10 godina. Rodile su se i društvene mreže, bez kojih ne možemo zamisliti moderan život 21. stoljeća, ali i komunikaciju s ljudima koje znamo i koje uopće ne poznajemo. Ljudski rod komunicira od pamtivijeka, a jedna cjelokupna poslovna filozofija počiva upravo na komunikaciji s mnogim razinama javnosti – to su odnosi s javnošću, čiji su stručnjaci uvelike morali mijenjati poslovne navike i pravila kako bi
... More se prilagodili Internetu i njegovim nusproduktima, društvenim mrežama. Ovaj se rad, među ostalim, bavi jednom od trenutno najpopularnijih društvenih mreža, Instagramom, digitalnom platformom koja ima za cilj dijeljene fotografija. Korisnici po želji dijele fotografije različita sadržaja i tako stvaraju svojevrsni ,,dnevnik života'' koji ostali korisnici mogu popratiti u realnom vremenu.
Upravo zahvaljujući Instagramu nastala su nova zanimanja, poput zanimanja influencera koji svojim originalnim objavama inspiriraju druge korisnike. Ostali, ponajviše mlađe generacije, žele biti baš poput njih, što je samo jedan od razloga zašto je danas vrlo lako manipulirati pomoću Instagrama, što strateški koriste mnoge svjetske kompanije, brendovi i u konačnici - turističke destinacije. Predmet ovog rada je pokazati kako je Instagram postao odlična komunikacijska tehnika odnosa s javnošću koju koriste mnogi svjetski stručnjaci u raznim turističkim zajednicama diljem svijeta kako bi u svoju destinaciju privukli što veći broj budućih turista – isključivo preko savršeno isplaniranih fotografija. Iskoristila je to i Turistička zajednica grada Zadra, koja legalnim dijeljenjem tuđih osebujnih i visokokvalitetnih fotografija grada, stvara u potpunosti jedan novi PR projekt za svjetska emitivna tržišta, za nisku ili nikakvu cijenu. Ovim se radom također htjelo pokazati koliko se drugačije počelo shvaćati Instagram, koji je za PR stručnjake u turizmu, postao mnogo više od obične društvene mreže. Less
Abstract (english) The Internet and digital technologies have change the world as we know it in the last ten years. Smartphones have entered in our daily lives through a big threshold and we experienced birth of social networks, without which we cannot imagine our 21st century lives and communication with people we know, and with ones we do not. The human race has communicated since the beginning of time, and one whole business philosophy is based on communication with various types of public – these are
... More public relations, whose experts had to drasticly change business habits and even the rules of the profession to adapt to Internet and its byproducts, the social networks. This thesis, among other things, deals with one of the most popular social networks today, Instagram, a digital platform made strictly for editing and sharing photos. Users prefer sharing photos of different content and therefore creating their "life diary", which other users can follow in real time.Thanks to Instagram, several new jobs developed, like that of an Influencer who inspires others with their own original posts. Other users, mainly the younger generation, aspire to be exactly like Influencers, which is just one of many examples of how easily is to manipulate masses through Instagram, which strategically exploit companies, brands, and finally tourist destinations worldwide. The aim of this thesis is to prove how Instagram has become an excellent communication technique in terms of public relations and how it is used by many professionals working in tourism agencies all over the world. They use Instagram in order to promote their destination and attract as many potential tourists as they can - exclusively through perfectly planned photos. Zadar tourist board has taken advantage of this approach. They legally share other users high quality Instagram photos they taken of Zadar, and then crate a completely new PR project named LikeZadar – the official Instagram profile of the Board. One of the aims of the thesis is also to show how drastically different we have begun to view Instagram, which is proven to be more than just a social network to public relations experts workng in tourism field. Less
tehnike odnosa s javnošu
turistička destinacija
Keywords (english)
public relation techniques
tourist destination
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:101307
Study programme Title: Journalism and Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima (magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-04-15 08:44:01