Title Die Suche nach Identität und Heimat in Werken von Marica Bodrožić und Jagoda Marinić
Title (croatian) Potraga za identitetom i domovinom u djelima Marice Bodrožić i Jagode Marinić
Title (english) The search for identity and homeland in the works of Marica Bodrožić and Jagoda Marinić
Author Ana Atelj
Mentor Goran Lovrić (mentor)
Committee member Goran Lovrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavija Kabić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Jeleč (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-02-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Im Roman Tito ist tot (2002) von Marica Bodrožić wird die Kindheit des Mädchens Jelena aus Dalmatien in 24 Kurzgeschichten beschrieben. Sie erzählt eine Reihe von Geschichten, die die Lebensweise der Dorfbewohner und ihre Alltagsprobleme zeigen. Die Rahmenhandlung spielt in einem Sommer ihrer Kindheit. In mehreren Geschichten werden Jelenas Erlebnisse dargestellt, die Trennung von Mutter und Vater und das Zusammenleben mit dem Großvater. Die Emotionen des Mädchens und seine Einsamkeit kommen besonders durch Bodrožićs Naturschilderungen in den Vordergrund. Bodrožić beschreibt im Roman Der Spieler der inneren Stunde (2005) die Stille der Natur und ihren Abschied. Es wird auch das Leben von Jelenas Familie beschrieben, aber die Familienmitglieder und ihre Beziehungen unterscheiden sich etwas vom Roman Tito ist tot. In diesem Roman verlässt Jelena die warme Persönlichkeit ihres Großvaters und fährt nach Deutschland. Der Kulturschock und die graduelle Art und Weise sich der neuen Welt anzupassen werden dargestellt, während gleichzeitig ihre Erinnerungen an die schönen im Dorf verbrachten Tage wiederkehren. Jagoda Marinić beschreibt im Roman Restaurant Dalmatia (2013) die zweite Generation der Gastarbeiter. Die wichtigste Protagonistin ist Mia, die nach einer Sinnkrise Kanada verlässt und wieder nach Deutschland und Kroatien zurückkehrt. So beginnt sie ihre Reise, während der sie ihre Identität sucht und erkennt, und eine Art Versöhnung mit der Vergangenheit und mit ihrer Familie erlebt. Beide Autorinnen erzählen über ihrer Kindheit, die eng an Dalmatien wie auch an Deutschland gebunden ist. Ihre Familienbeziehungen werden in drei Generationen dargestellt. Die Identitätsfragen und Anpassung an die neue Kultur sind die zentralen Motive in diesen Werken.
Abstract (croatian) U djelu Marice Bodrožić Tito je mrtav (2002) (Tito ist tot) opisano je djetinjstvo djevojčice Jelene u Dalmaciji kroz 24 priče. Kroz niz priča ona prikazuje način života u selu u vremenskom razdoblju od jednog ljeta. Bodrožić progovara o problemima koje donosi njihova svakodnevnica. Radnja je smještena u jedno ljeto Jeleninog djetinjstva i tako je pojačana poetičnost opisanih trenutaka. Kroz nekoliko priča izneseno je Jelenino proživljavanje obiteljskih situacija i razdvojenost od roditelja te suživot sa djedom. Emotivnost djevojčice i njena usamljenost dolaze do izražaja na poseban način u opisima prirode. Bodrožić u romanu Tišina, rastanak (2005) (Der Spieler der inneren Stunde) opisuje tišinu prirode i svoj rastanak od djeda. Opisuje se također život Jelenine obitelji, ali članovi obitelji i njihovi odnosi se ponešto razlikuju od onih u romanu Tito je mrtav. Jelena u ovom romanu napušta djeda i putuje iznenadno u Njemačku. Dok se nakon početnoga kulturnoga šoka polagano prilagođava na novo okruženje, ona prebire svoja sjećanja na seoske dane. Jagoda Marinić u romanu Restoran Dalmacija (2013) (Restaurant Dalmatia) opisuje drugu generaciju migranata. Mia je glavna protagonistica, koja nakon emotivne krize napušta Kanadu i opet se vraća u Njemačku i Kanadu. Tako započinje putovanje, na kojem odgovara na pitanja o vlastitom identitetu te se uspijeva pomiriti s prošlošću svoje obitelji. Obje autorice pripovijedaju o djetinjstvu koje je povezano s Dalmacijom i Njemačkom. Njihovi obiteljski odnosi prikazani su kroz tri generacije. Pitanja identiteta i prilagodbe novoj kulturi najizraženiji su motivi u ovim djelima.
Abstract (english) In the work of Marica Bodrožić Tito is dead (2002) (Tito ist tot) is described the childhood of a girl Jelena in Dalmatian region of Croatia through 24 stories. Through a series of stories she depicts the life in her village, and the timeline is set in one summer. Bodrožić presents problems that their everyday life brings. The action is set in one summer of Jelena's childhood, and so the increased poetics of the moments described come to the fore. Through the short stories, Jelena's family situation and separation from her parents and coexistence with his grandfather are revealed. The emotions of the girl and her loneliness come to be expressed in a special way in Bodrožić's descriptions of nature. In the novel Spieler der inneren Stunde (2005) (Spieler der inneren Stunde), Bodrožić writes in a slightly different style which is no longer in form of short stories. The author continues to describe Jelena’s life, but family members and their relationships are slightly different. In this novel, Jelena abandons her grandfather and her village by her abrupt departure to Germany. After the initial cultural shock, she manages to adapt to the new surroundings. In this process, she reminisces of her days spent in the village. Jagoda Marinić describes in the novel Restaurant Dalmatia (2013) (Restaurant Dalmatia) the second generation of “Gastarbeiter”. Mia is the main protagonist who, after an emotional crisis, leaves Canada and returns to Germany and Canada. She begins her journey, where she searches after her identity and succeeds in reconciling with her family's past. Both authors write about their childhood, which is closely tied to Dalmatia as well as to Germany. Their family relationships are presented in three generations. The questions of identity and adaptation to the new culture are the strongest motives in these works.
Keywords (croatian)
obiteljski odnosi
Keywords (english)
family relations
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:145299
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
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Created on 2019-04-04 08:30:46