Title Istraživanje zadovoljstva sezonskih radnika u turizmu
Title (english) Work satisfaction of seasonal workers in tourism
Author Ivana Mimica
Mentor Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (mentor)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Klarin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-02-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Information Systems and Information Science
Abstract Promjene na tržištu rada dovele su do sve veće potražnje za nestandardnim oblicima rada. Trendovi ka ugovorima na određeno i češćem mijenjanju karijera zahtijevaju analizu te nove atmosfere na tržištu rada. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti determinante efikasnosti i zadovoljstva analizom uvjeta rada za djelatnike koji posao obavljaju sezonski. Stoga se osim analize već postojeće literature provodi i primarno istraživanje. Ispitanici su odgovorili na 61 pitanje navodeći dob, spol, radno mjesto,
... More fiksna mjesečna primanja, prosječna dodatna mjesečna primanja, prosječni dnevni broj radnih sati, učestalo prekovremenog rada, zadovoljstvo naknadom koju primaju za prekovremeni rad, je li im osiguran smještaj i topli obrok, zadovoljstvo smještajem i hranom ako je primjenjivo, trajanje sezonskog zaposlenja, broj godina iskustva, te razne druge aspekte zadovoljstva sezonskim poslom. U najvažnije rezultate istraživanja ubraja se značajna veza zadovoljstva uvjetima života tijekom sezone, te percipirane pravednosti pri vrednovanju prekovremenog rada sa zadovoljstvom na poslu. Primanja u svojoj osnovi nisu presudna za postizanje viših razina zadovoljstva sezonskih radnika iz ovog istraživanja, ali povećanim osjećajem kako se rad vrednuje i kako je raspodjela nagrada za rad pravedna, adekvatno plaćanje prekovremenog, te osiguranje uvjeta života tijekom sezonskog rada poboljšavaju odnos prema potrošačima koji onda utječe na zadovoljstvo potrošača. Zadovoljniji potrošač je konačni cilj poslodavaca u turizmu jer se zadovoljniji potrošač vraća na isto mjesto i troši veće iznose na usluge koje se nude, kao i veći broj ponuđenih usluga. Uz savjetovano povećanje uzorka, buduća istraživanja mogu detaljnije ispitati uspostavljene efekte i odnose. Longitudinalni pristup omogućio bi praćenje kroz jednu ili više sezona, uz jasnije praktične implikacije i mjere koje bi se implementirale na zadovoljstvo kako poslodavaca, tako i sezonskih radnika i potrošača. Less
Abstract (english) Labour market changes have led to increasing demand for non-standard forms of labour. Trends toward the limited time contracts and an increasingly change of careers require analysis of this new atmosphere in the labour market. The aim of this thesis is to explore the determinants of efficiency and satisfaction by analysing the working conditions for seasonal workers. Therefore, in addition to the analysis of the existing literature, primary research is carried out. Respondents answered
... More questions such as age, gender, work place, fixed monthly income, average monthly additional income, average daily working hours, frequent overtime, satisfaction with the overtime benefits received for overtime work, whether they are provided with accommodation and a hot meal, satisfaction with accommodation and food, if applicable, seasonal employment, number of years of experience, and various other aspects of seasonal work satisfaction. The most important results of the research include a significant association between satisfaction of living conditions during the season and perceived equity in evaluating overtime work with pleasure at work. In this research, income is not crucial for achieving higher levels of seasonal worker satisfaction, but the increased sense of how work is valued and that the distribution of rewards is righteous, with adequate overtime payments and the provision of living conditions during seasonal work improve the relationship towards consumers, therefore affecting the consumer satisfaction. A more satisfying consumer is the ultimate aim of employers in tourism because the satisfied consumer returns to the same place and pays more, as well as he consumes the greater number of offered services. In addition to the advised increase in the sample size, future studies can further examine the established effects and relationships. The longitudinal approach would allow monitoring for one or more seasons, with clearer practical implications and measures that would be implemented to the satisfaction of both employers and seasonal workers and consumers. Less
zadovoljstvo poslom
sezonski posao
prekovremeni rad
Keywords (english)
work satisfaction
seasonal work
overtime work
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:268462
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-02-13 09:56:09