Title Primjena konceptualnog modela Zapisi u kontekstima u opisu arhivskoga gradiva
Title (english) The Application of the Records in Contexts Conceptual Model for Archival Description
Author Ema Čelebić
Mentor Mirna Willer (mentor)
Committee member Mirna Willer (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Krešimir Zauder (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Drahomira Cupar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Information Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-07-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Library Science
Abstract Glavna je zadaća arhiva poznata još od 7. stoljeća: osigurati brz i lak dolazak do tražene informacije, no prije svega, potrebno je gradivo opisati. Danas se arhivsko gradivo opisuje koristeći četiri međunarodne norme arhivističkog opisa (ISAD(G), ISAAR(CPF), ISDIAH, ISDF). U novome razdoblju u kojem prevladava paradigma postmodernizma, arhivi i njegove zadaće mijenjaju se i prilagođavaju sukladno zahtjevima društva postmodernizma. Prema tome, na temelju navedenih normi za arhivski opis, razvio se novi konceptualni model pod nazivom Records in Contexts (RiC), u prijevodu Zapisi u kontekstima. Model se sastoji od definiranih entiteta, svojstava entiteta i odnosa. Cilj istraživanja ovoga rada jeste prikazati opis arhivskoga fonda Državnoga arhiva u Vukovaru, Osnovna škola „Moša Pijade“ Županja (HR-DAVU-VK318) primjenjujući entitete, svojstva (atribute) i odnose ovoga modela. U istraživanju je prikazan postojeći opis navedenoga fonda prema normama ISAD(G) i ISAAR(CPF) (sumarni inventar fonda Osnovna škola „Moša Pijade“ Županja). Korištenje sumarnoga inventara u radu i uvid u gradivo navedenoga fonda odobrio je ravnatelj Državnoga arhiva u Vukovaru gospodin Petar Elez. Nakon prikaza opisa prema navedenim normama, tablično je prikazan opis prema modelu koristeći njegove entitete i odnose. Potrebno je spomenuti da se rad ne bavi primjenom svojstava ovoga modela, iako se dijelom spominju u Tablici 12. koja prikazuje usporedbu elemenata norme ISAD(G) i dijelom ISAAR(CPF) s entitetima i svojstvima modela RiC. Rezultat istraživanja prikazan je na Dijagramu 1. koji prikazuje entitete i odnose ovoga fonda. Ono što predstavlja promjenu paradigme u arhivskome opisu jeste što RiC ne opisuje fond kao cjelinu, kako je do sada bilo, nego svaki entitet koji navodi smatra kao samostalnu cjelinu koja se nadopunjuje raznim odnosima s drugim entitetima i svojstvima. Opis arhivskoga gradiva prikazuje se grafički te na taj način omogućuje jasan i pregledan prikaz cjelokupnog konteksta zapisa, koji podrazumijeva i kontekst stvaratelja i drugih osoba koje su vezane uz zapis. Dug je proces opisati gradivo pomoću modela RiC jer je opis neiscrpan, ali i omogućuje da arhivist koji opisuje zapis opisuje i njegov sadržaj koji će zahvaljujući semantičkom webu, povezanim podatcima, triplet izjavama biti računalno pretraživ što će u postmodernističkom gledanju na zapise i velikoj količini informacija omogućiti brz i lak pronalazak tražene informacije.
Abstract (english) The main task of archives is known from 7th century and it is to enable fast and easy way to finding a required information, but first of all it is necessary to describe archival fonds. Nowadays, archival fonds are described using four inter-related standards for archival description (ISAD(G), ISAAR(CPF), ISDIAH, ISDF). In the new epoch which is dominated by postmodern paradigm, archives and its obligations change and adjust according to demands of postmodern society. Accordingly, based on earlier mentioned standards for archival description, new conceptual model is developed and named Records in Contexts (RiC). This model is consisted of defined entities, entity properties and relations. The aim of research in this paper is to show description of archival fond in State archive in Vukovar , Elementary school „Moša Pijade“ Županja (HR-DAVU-VK-318) using entities, properties and relations of above mentioned model. In this research is shown existing description of a fond using standards ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF) (summary inventory of Elementary school „Moša Pijade“ Županja). The use of summary inventory in the paper and insight in archive inventory is approved by director of State archive in Vukovar Mr. Petar Elez. After representaton of description by mentioned standards, there was tabular view of description by model using his entities and relations. It is necessary to point out that the aim of the paper is not to show usage of the properties of conceptual model, although they are mentioned in Table 12. that shows the comparison between elements of standard ISAD(G) and part of ISAAR(CPF) with the entities and properties of RiC model. Results of the reasearch are shown in Diagram 1. that shows entities and relations of this fond. The change of the paradigm in archive description is that RiC model does not describe fond as a whole, but every entity that it mentiones is considered as an independent unity that complements with different relations with other entities and properties. Archival description is represented graphical and therefore it enables clear and transparent review of entire context of the record which also implies the context of the creator and other people that were related to the record. It is a long process to describe archival inventories using RiC model because the description may be inexhaustible. It can also allow to the archivist in charge of describing the record to also describe its content that will be digitally searchable with the help of semantic web, linked open data and triplet statement. In postmodernist view of records and great amount of information this will enable fast and easy way of finding the right information.
Records in Contexts
zapisi u kontekstima
konceptualni model
opis arhivskoga gradiva
Keywords (english)
Records in Contexts
conceptual model
archival description
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:358000
Study programme Title: Library and Information Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti (magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-01-24 09:23:07