Title Иван Грозный: Pеформатор или тиран?
Title (croatian) Ivan Grozni: Reformator ili tiranin?
Title (english) Ivan the Terrible: Reformer or tyrant?
Author Katarina Zaradić
Mentor Eugenija Ćuto (mentor)
Committee member Eugenija Ćuto (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdenka Matek Šmit (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Pandžić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian and Slavic Studies) (Division of Russian Language and Literature) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-07-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Slavic Studies
Abstract Иван Грозный - тема, которая является дилеммой и в настоящее время. Бесконечный источник интереса многих историков и теоретиков. Спорная личность, которая оставила глубокий след в истории. Но действительно ли Иван Грозный был ужасным правителем? Историю обычно пишут победители, но часто случается, что некоторые из личностей, которые не были по меркам их наследников, позднее полностью очерняются. Поиск правды и разрушающего мифа становится долговременным и болезненным процессом, в котором
... More участвуют немногие. Поэтому целью моей дипломной работы было разрушить миф о Иване Грозном как безжалостном тиране и показать другою сторону, которая до сих пор неизвестна многим. Я акцентирyю внимание на проводимых им реформах и на неоднозначности личности, которой он был. Что касается преступлений, то анализ показал, что методы, которыми он наказывал своих противников, были обычными в то время, и что многие из его современников совершили гораздо больше преступлений, о которых история, кажется, забыла. В отличие от его современников, каждое преступление Ивана Грозного осуждается, и вся его власть изображается как царство террора и ужаса, и, вследствие всего сказанного, тезис дипломной работы фокусируется на позитивных аспектах и анализирует контекст 16-го века. Less
Abstract (croatian) Ivan Grozni, tema o kojoj se vode brojne polemike i u današnje vrijeme. Nepresušan izvor zanimanja mnogih povjesničara i teoretičara. Kontroverzna ličnost koja je ostavila duboki trag u povijesti. No, je li uistinu Ivan Grozni bio grozan za vrijeme svoje vladavine? Povijest obično pišu pobjednici, pa se tako često dogodi da se potpuno ocrne poneke ličnosti koje tada nisu bile po mjeri njihovih nasljednika. Pronalaženje istine i razbijanje mita postaje dugotrajan i mučan proces u koji se
... More rijetki upuštaju. Upravo radi toga cilj mog diplomskog rada bio je razbiti mit o Ivanu Groznom kao bešćutnom tiraninu i pokazati njegovu drugu stranu koja je mnogima i dalje nepoznata. Stavljam naglasak na reforme koje je proveo i na kultiviranu ličnost kakva je on bio. Što se samih nedjela tiče, analiza je pokazala kako su metode kojima je kažnjavao svoje protivnike bile uobičajene u to doba, te da su mnogi njegovi suvremenici počinili daleko više zločina koje je povijest, kako se čini, zaboravila. Za razliku od njegovih suvremenika, Ivanov svaki zločin je osuđen i cijela njegova vladavina je prikazana kao vladavina terora i užasa i zbog toga ovaj diplomski rad stavlja naglasak na pozitivne aspekte i analizira kontekst 16. stoljeća. Less
Abstract (english) The reign of Ivan the Terrible, has served as an endless source of interest for many historians and theorists. He was a controversial figure who left a deep mark in history. But was truly Ivan the Terrible - so terrible during his reign? History is usually written by the victors, and often time we can observe how successors try their best to blacken the former rulers, depicting their ruling as extremely vicious and bad in later teachings and written history. Because of this finding the
... More truth and breaking the myths becomes time-consuming and tedious process in which the rare engage. That's why the goal of my diploma thesis was to break the myth of Ivan the Terrible as a ruthless tyrant and show the other side of him, one which is largely unknown. I put the emphasis on the reforms he conducted and on the cultivated personality that he was. As far as the atrocities are concerned, the analysis showed that the method which he used to punish his opponents was common at that time and that many of his contemporaries committed far more crimes that history seems to have forgotten. Unlike his contemporaries, Ivan's every crime is condemned, and his entire reign is depicted as a reign of terror and horror, therefore, this thesis focuses on the positive aspects of his ruling in the context of 16th century Russia. Less
Иван Грозный
российский царь
Keywords (croatian)
Ivan Grozni
ruski car
Keywords (english)
Ivan the Terrible
Russian tzar
Language russian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:599254
Study programme Title: Russian Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching, Translation Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije rusistike (magistar/magistra edukacije rusistike)
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Created on 2018-12-04 08:34:12