Title La Rome antique dans l'oeuvre de Pierre Corneille (L'analyse de Cinna et de La Mort de Pompée)
Title (croatian) Antički Rim u djelima Pierrea Corneillea (Analiza djela Cinna i Pompejeva smrt)
Title (english) Ancient Rome in the work of Pierre Corneille (Analysis of Cinna and The Death of Pompey)
Author Katarina Zaradić
Mentor Mirna Sindičić Sabljo (mentor)
Committee member Mirna Sindičić Sabljo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Frano Vrančić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Patrick Levačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Iberoromance Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-10-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract Le but de ce travail était de mener une analyse de deux tragédies écrites par Pierre Corneille qui partagent le même thème de la Rome antique. Avec cette analyse, j'ai pu comparer les situations politiques qui se sont produites pendant l'Empire romain avec la situation politique en France au 17ème siècle. La question qui m'a guidé à travers toute l'analyse était "Pourquoi l'auteur a-t-il choisi les anciens Romains comme une étoile directrice pour écrire ses tragédies ?" Après l'analyse, les résultats étaient stupéfiants. Corneille a choisi des séquences de l'histoire romaine et les a ensuite comparées à la situation politique actuelle en France au 17ème siècle ; prêtant une attention particulière à qui il consacrera sa tragédie et à qui se référera son travail. Avant l'analyse de Cinna et La mort de Pompée, il y a une brève introduction contenant la biographie de l'auteur avec des détails de sa vie qui aident à expliquer pourquoi Corneille a choisi de comparer ces deux périodes historiques. Avant l'analyse de Cinna et La mort de Pompée, il y a une brève introduction contenant la biographie de l'auteur avec des détails de sa vie qui aident à expliquer pourquoi Corneille a choisi de comparer ces deux périodes historiques. À la suite de l'analyse, de nombreuses similitudes sont visibles telles que l'instabilité de l'État, les intrigues politiques, les mauvais progrès de l'économie et la lutte pour le trône. L'auteur a prouvé à travers ses tragédies que l'histoire se répète et que certains sujets sont intemporels, éternels.
Abstract (croatian) Cilj ovog rada bio je napraviti analizu dvije Corneilleove tragedije kojima je zajednička tematika antički Rim, te kroz analizu napraviti usporedbu političke situacije u vrijeme Rimskog carstva i političke situacije 17. stoljeća. Tijekom istraživanja postavila sam si ključno pitanje koje me vodilo kroz cijeli rad a ono glasi: zašto je autor izabrao drevne Rimljane kao zvijezdu vodilju u pisanju novih tragedija? Nakon provedene analize rezultati su bili zapanjujući. Corneille je vrlo vješto odabrao koje će reprize iz povijesti Rimskog Carstva preuzeti i s kojom političkom situacijom 17. stoljeća će je usporediti, pri tome imajući na umu kome će posvetiti djelo i na koga će se djelo zapravo referirati. Prije same analize tragedija, koja je ujedno i srce samoga rada, napravila sam svojevrsni uvod autorovom biografijom. U pojašnjavanju čitateljima zbog čega je Pierre Corneille odlučio povući paralelu između ta dva povijesna razdoblja koristila sam se činjenicima iz autorovog života. Kao rezultat analize vidljive su brojne sličnosti između navedenih političkih situacija kao što su nestabilnost države, političke spletke i osvete, upitan boljitak i napredak gospodarstva te borba za prijestolje. Autor je kroz svoje tragedije nepobitno dokazao kako se povijest ponavlja i kako su pojedine teme bezvremenske, vječne.
Abstract (english) The purpose of this work was to conduct an analysis of two tragedies written by Pierre Corneille which share the same theme of the Ancient Rome. With that analysis I was able to compare political situations that happened during the Roman Empire with political situation in France in the 17th century. Question that guided me through the entire analysis was “Why did the author choose ancient Romans as a guiding star for writing his tragedies?” After the analysis the results were stunning. Corneille chose sequences of the roman history and then compared them to the current political situation in 17th century France; paying close attention to whom he will devote his tragedy to and to who will his work refer to. Before the analysis of Cinna and The death of Pompey there is a brief introduction containing author’s biography with details from his life that help to explain why Corneille has chosen to compare those two historical periods. As a result of the analysis, there are visible numerous similarities such as the instability of the state, political intrigues, bad progress of the economy and fight for the throne. The author proved through his tragedies that history repeats itself and that certain topics are timeless, eternal.
La mort de Pompée
Rome antique
Keywords (croatian)
Smrt Pompejeva
Antički Rim
Keywords (english)
The death of Pompey
Ancient Rome
Language french
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:011013
Study programme Title: French Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2018-11-30 14:22:34