Title André Breton: surréalisme et psychanalyse
Title (croatian) André Breton: nadrealizam i psihoanaliza
Title (english) André Breton surrealism and psychoanalysis
Author Tea Sokolov
Mentor Mirna Sindičić Sabljo (mentor)
Committee member Mirna Sindičić Sabljo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Frano Vrančić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Patrick Levačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Iberoromance Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-10-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract André Breton était un écrivain surréaliste et théoricien qui, par son détachement de l’ordinaire, a réussi à attirer beaucoup d'attention dans le XXe siècle. Même aujourd'hui beaucoup d'analystes littéraires tentent de comprendre son travail. En raison de sa contribution a ce mouvement, dont il était aussi le fondateur, Breton était considéré comme le père du surréalisme.
Ce mémoire analyse la liaison entre la science et la littérature - psychanalyse et surréalisme. Breton s’est familiarisé avec les théories de Freud lors de son travail à l'hôpital militaire. Les œuvres de Freud sur l'existence de l’irréel, ou l’inconscience, ont tellement impressionné Breton qu'il a décidé d'associer son travail littéraire à cette sphère de la vie humaine. Les théories sur l'inconscient, l'hypnose, les rêves et les maladies mentales, qui forment la base du surréalisme, constituent la partie essentielle de la psychanalyse aussi. Breton a écrit chacun de ses travaux selon ces fondements, qui apparaissent pour la première fois dans le Manifeste du surréalisme, et définissent le surréalisme comme un automatisme psychique pur. L'automatisme a été défini plus tôt dans Les Champs magnétiques, écrits en collaboration avec le surréaliste Philippe Soupault, ce qui sera analysé dans ce mémoire. Par ailleurs, on analysera l’élément psychanalytique des rêves dans Les Vases communicants et la folie dans Nadja.
Abstract (croatian) André Breton bio je nadrealistički pisac i teoretičar koji je svojim odskakanjem od uobičajenog uspio privući veliku pozornost u XX. stoljeću te mnogi književni kritičari i dan danas pokušavaju dokučiti smisao njegovih djela. Zbog svog zauzimanja za ovaj pokret, kojem je bio i osnivač, Breton je nazvan ocem nadrealizma. U ovom magistarskom radu analizira se spoj znanosti i književnosti – psihoanalize i nadrealizma. Breton se upoznao s Freudovim teorijama tijekom svog rada u ratnoj bolnici. Freudova djela o postojanju nerealnog, odnosno nesvjesnog ostavila su tako jak dojam na Bretona da je on odlučio povezati svoj književni rad s tom sferom čovjekova života. U psihoanalizi dominiraju teorije o nesvjesnom, hipnozi, snovima i mentalnim bolestima koje predstavljaju i sam temelj nadrealizma. Breton je svako svoje djelo pisao po tim načelima postavljenim najprije u Manifestu nadrealizma koji određuju nadrealizam kao čisti psihički automatizam. Automatizam je bio definiran još ranije djelom Magnetska polja napisanim u suradnji s nadrealistom Philippom Soupaultom što će biti analizirano u ovom radu. Osim toga, analizirat će se psihoanalitički element snova u Spojenim posudama i ludilo u Nadji.
Abstract (english) André Breton was a surrealist writer and theorist who, with his detachment from the ordinary, managed to attract a lot of attention in the XX century. Even today many literary analysts try to understand his work. Because of his contribution to this movement, of which he was also the founder, Breton is regarded as the father of surrealism.This thesis analyzes the link between science and literature - psychoanalysis and surrealism. Breton became familiar with Freud's theories during his work at the military hospital. Freud's works on the existence of unreality, or unconsciousness, impressed Breton so much that he decided to associate his literary work with this sphere of human life. Theories of the unconscious, hypnosis, dreams and mental illnesses, which are the basis of surrealism, are the essential part of psychoanalysis as well. Breton wrote each of his works according to these foundations, present firstly in the Manifesto of Surrealism, which define surrealism as a pure psychic automatism. Automatism was defined earlier in The Magnetic Fields, written in collaboration with the surrealist Philippe Soupault, which will be analyzed in this thesis. Moreover, we will analyze the psychoanalytic element of dreams in Communicating Vessels and the madness in Nadja.
Keywords (croatian)
Keywords (english)
Language french
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:551164
Study programme Title: French Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-11-02 11:22:31