Title Frauenrollen in ausgewählten Balladen Goethes
Title (croatian) Ženske uloge u odabranim Goetheovim baladama
Title (english) Female roles in selected ballads of Goethe
Author Sandra Marie Kalebić
Mentor Zaneta Sambunjak (mentor)
Mentor Helga Begonja (komentor)
Committee member Tomislav Zelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Pavić Pintarić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zaneta Sambunjak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology German Studies
Abstract Die Frauenfrage nimmt ohne weiteres einen sehr wichtigen Platz in der deutschen Literatur ein — wegen ihrem sozialen Charakter ist sie im Dienst eines öffentlichen Dialogs über zahlreiche Probleme. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, dieses Phänomen in den drei Balladen von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe zu erkennen. Dieses Ziel wurde erreicht, indem die Balladen in verschiedenen Kontexten aufgegriffen wurden. Im Kontext verschiedener sprachlicher Elemente in den Balladen wird die dynamische Entwicklung der Motive erklärt, und sogleich die allegorische Atmosphäre realitätsbezogen dekodiert. Der zentrale Teil dieser Arbeit gibt einen Einblick in die Lebensweise und den Status der Frau in den letzten zwei hundert und fünfzig Jahren, so dass die Balladen in einem historischen Kontext verstanden werden können. Darüber hinaus wird das Geschlechterverhältnis betont, dass zu einer erhöhten Körperlichkeit und hierarchischer Verteilung der Rollen führte, die wir in diesen Balladen zu sehen bekommen. In dem letzten Teil der Arbeit wird der Archetyp des Opfers als grundliegendes Kennzeichen dieser oft gewalttätigen Verhältnisse hervorgehoben.
Abstract (croatian) Žensko pitanje zauzima vrlo značajno mjesto u njemačkoj književnosti jer ono, zbog svog društvenog karaktera, služi javnom dijalogu u riješavanju njegovog problema. Cilj rada bio je prepoznati ovaj fenomen u tri balade Johanna Wolfganga von Goethea. Ovaj je cilj postignut tematiziranjem balada u različitim kontekstima. U kontekstu raznih jezičnih elemenata u baladama objašnjava se dinamičan razvoj književnih motiva, a istovremeno se dekodira stvarnost alegorijske atmosfere u njima. Središnji dio ovog rada daje uvid u način života i status žene u posljednjih dvjesto i pedeset godina, kako bi se ove balade mogle razumjeti u povijesnom kontekstu. Pored toga, naglašeni su i rodni odnosi, koji vodi do povećane razine tjelesnosti i hijerarhijske raspodjele uloga koje su vidljive u ovim baladama. U posljednjem dijelu rada, arhetip žrtve je istaknut kao temeljna karakteristika ovih, često nasilnih, odnosa.
Abstract (english) “The woman question” plays a significant role in German literature through which it serves within the public question in solving its problem due to its social character. The aim of this paper is to recognize this phenomenon in three ballads by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. This goal is achieved by addressing ballads in different contexts. In the context of various linguistic elements in ballads, the dynamic development of literary motives is explained, while simultaneously decoding the reality of the allegorical atmosphere in them. The central part of this paper provides an insight into the way of life and status of women in the last two hundred and fifty years, in order to understand these ballads in a historical context. In addition, gender relations are emphasized as well, since they are leading to an increased level of physicality and hierarchical distribution of roles that can be seen in these ballads. In the final part of the work, the archetype of the victim is highlighted as a fundamental feature of these, often violent, relationships.
weibliche Charaktere
Goethes Balladen
Gender Studies
Keywords (croatian)
ženske uloge
ženski likovi
Goetheove balade
rodni studiji
Keywords (english)
female roles
female characters
ballads of Goethe
gender studies
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:856402
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-05-16 10:06:29