Abstract | Nakon vojnih osvajanja Bukovice i Ravnih kotara, Osmanlije su napušteni teritorij revitalizirali novim, vlaškim stanovništvom iz Bosne, zapadne i istočne Hercegovine, te sjeverne Crne Gore koje Mlečani nazivaju Morlacima. Uživajući razne povlastice, činili su vrlo važni demografski, ekonomski i vojni faktor u najzapadnijem djelu Osmanskog Carstva. No krajem 16. i početkom 17. stoljeća njihov status se počinje mijenjati. Gubitak povlastica, na koje se nadovezala samovolja i izrabljivanje osmanskih krajiških vlastodržaca izazivaju nezadovoljstvo kod Morlaka koji se počinju otvoreno buniti protiv svojih gospodara. Odlazak na mletački teritorij, činio se kao dobra prilika za vraćanje starog statusa. Početak Kandijskog rata 1645. godine, Morlaci će iskoristiti za prelazak iz Bukovice i Kotara na mali mletački teritorij obalnih komuna i naselja, sjeverne i srednje Dalmacije. Morlački svećenici i starješine ulaze u dogovore s predstavnicima mletački vlasti i nude prelazak svojih ljudi i stupanje u vojnu službu. Mletačke vlasti su prihvatile ponudu, nakon čega Morlaci masovno migriraju na mletački teritorij. Žene, djeca i starci su uglavnom prebačeni na otoke, poput Paga ili Murtera, dok su muškarci ostali u utvrdama i naseljima na kopnu, gdje su obnašali vojnu službu. Život na malom mletačkom teritoriju u prvim godinama rata bio je izuzetno težak. Morlaci su bili izloženi osvetničkim upadima osmanske vojske, ali i nasilju nezadovoljnih starosjedioca. Nedostatak mjesta za stočarstvo i poljoprivredu uzrokovao je glad i bolest, zbog čega su preživljavali od pljačke, ratnog plijena, prodaje robova i mletačke pomoći. Kako bi ih zadržali, Mlečani su nagrađivali i stipendirali njihove najutjecajnije harambaše i starješine poput Stipana Sorića, Petra i Ilije Smiljanića i Janka Mitrovića. Osim što su osigurale lojalnost svojih ljudi, harambaše su Mlečanima činile najvažniji ofenzivni vojni čimbenik do kraja rata. Doseljenje Morlaka na mletački teritorij bio je presudni događaj u Kandijskom ratu. Mlečani su osmanlijama oduzeli važan vojni i demografski faktor kojeg su zatim upotrijebili protiv njih. Najvažnija promjena na koju je utjecao dolazak Morlaka je bila ona demografska. Zbog ratnih zbivanja, migracija i bolesti, znatan broj obalnih komuna i naselja je s vremenom opustio starosjedilačkim stanovništvom. Morlaci naseljavaju opustjela mjesta i osnivaju nova naselja. Do kraja rata, njihov broj će prerasti starosjedioce i tako radikalno izmijeniti demografsko stanje na obali i priobalju sjeverne i srednje Dalmacije. |
Abstract (english) | After the conquest of Bukovica and Ravni kotari, Ottomans revitalized abandoned territory with Vlachians - newcomers from Bosnia, Western and Eastern Hercegovina and the northern Montenegro – also known as Morlachs by the Venetian. They enjoyed a variety of privileges as they were an important demographic, economic and military factor in the westernmost part of the Ottoman Empire. By the end of the 16th and the early 17th century their status began to change. The loss of privileges, supplemented by tyranny and the exploitation of Ottoman border governors and nobles provoked Morlachs dissatisfaction and initiated their open protest. In order to restore lost privileges, the Morlachs departed into the Venetian territory. They seized the oportunity in the beginning of the Candian war in 1645. to move from Bukovica and Kotari to a small Venetian territory of coastal communes and settlements of northern and middle Dalmatia. The Morlach priests and elders came to terms with the representatives of the Venetian authorities and offered transition of their people and their military service. After they reached terms of agreement, Morlachs massively migrated to the Venetian territory. While women, children and the elderly were mostly transferred to the islands, such as Pag or Murter, men remained in forts and settlements on the land where they carried out military service. The life on a small Venetian territory in the first years of the war was extremely difficult. The Morlachs were not only exposed to a revenge of the Ottoman army, but also to the violent actions of the dissatisfied natives. The lack of the places for the livestock and agriculture caused hunger and disease so the newcomers were surviving on plunder, war prey, slave sales and Venetian charity. In order to keep them, the Venetians provided Morlachs most influential elders and harambaše with sallary and rewards. In addition to ensuring the loyalty of their people, the harambaše proved to be the most important offensive military factor to the Venetians by the end of war. Migration of the Morlachs to the Venetian territory was a crucial event in the Candian War as the Venetians deprived the Ottomans of an important military and demographic factor and used it against them. The most important change affected by the migration of Morlachs was the demographic one. Due to the war events, migration and the illness, a large number of coastal communes and settlements became deserted with native population. Morlachs settled down the deserted places and established their own communities. By the end of the war, their number outgrowed natives and thus radically changed the demographic situation on the coastline of northern and middle Dalmatia. |