Abstract | U prvoj cjelini definirali su se relevantni pojmovi, te je dan odgovor na pitanje kakva je povezanost distopije sa znanstvenom fantastikom i satirom. Uslijedio je pregled svjetske distopijske književnosti, s naglaskom na najbitnija djela te pregled dosadašnjih znanstvenih istraživanja distopije u Hrvatskoj. Druga cjelina rada donosi pregled utopijskih i satiričnih motiva u hrvatskoj književnosti, prikaz razvoja hrvatske distopijske proze, značajnije tekstove za povijesni razvoj distopijskog žanra u Hrvatskoj (Zagorka, Šufflay, Desnica, Neimarević, Vranić), utjecaje svjetske distopijske proze (Zamjatina, Orwella i Huxleyja) na hrvatsku, tematsku klasifikaciju distopijske proze te karakterizaciju likova (otkriva se specifičan distopijski lik). Također se analizirao značaj jezika, načini na koji se jezik koristi u distopijskoj prozi te s kojom svrhom. U trećoj cjelini donesene su poznate definicije ideologema i prikazani su dosadašnji radovi hrvatskih znanstvenika koji su se bavili ideologemima. Četvrta cjelina prikazuje ideologemske jedinice koje hrvatski distopijski autori koriste. Uzevši u obzir najčešće društvene ideologeme koji obilježavaju hrvatske distopijske prozne tekstove, govori se o antitotalitarističkim ideologemima (ideologemi vlasti koja ima potpunu moć nad čovjekom, neograničeno moćnog vođe, totalitarne religije, „sretne“ zajednice, otuđene vlasti, dehumanizirajuće vlasti, subverzivne moći umjetničkog stvaranja te izmanipuliranog naroda), antiglobalističkim ideologemima (ideologemi tehnologizacije, propagande, umjetnog produljenja života, štetne vladavine korporacija, ekološke katastrofe, ‘vrijeme je novac’), antitotalitarističkim ili antiglobalističkim ideologemima (ideologem društvene moći pojedinca), antipatrijarhalnim ideologemima (ideologemi snažne žene, nemoćne žene, obespravljenog djeteta, obespravljenog homoseksualca) i tranzicijskim ideologemima (ideologem „pravohrvatstva“ i antagonizma prema Drugom, beskrupuloznih bankara i poduzetnika, razočaranih građana (nezaposlenih, branitelja i umirovljenika), nasilnog alkoholičara i žrtava obiteljskog nasilja, raseljenih). Na koncu rada, dani su konačni zaključci o problematici društvenih ideologema u hrvatskoj distopijskoj prozi te se odgovorilo na postavljene hipoteze. Hipoteza da distopijska proza funkcionira kao ideologem potvrđena je, jer se pokazalo da distopijski tekst funkcionira kao intertekst sačinjen od serije društvenih ideologema. Potvrđena je i sporedna hipoteza da se većina distopija može svrstati u podžanr distopije, a ne antiutopije, kao i pretpostavka da možemo govoriti o distopijskom liku u hrvatskoj književnosti. Također je potvrđena hipoteza da se hrvatska distopijska proza temama izdvaja u odnosu na one drugih nacija (s obzirom na naš povijesni, politički i kulturalni razvoj te utjecaj ideologija ovih prostora). Međutim, utvrđeno je da se ne može definirati hrvatska distopijska scena pisaca te je ta hipoteza opovrgnuta. |
Abstract (english) | In the first section the relevant concepts were defined, and the question of what is the connection between dystopia, science fiction and satire was answered. There was a review of the dystopian world literature, focusing on the most important works and an overview of recent scientific research of dystopia in Croatia. The second part of the paper provides an overview of utopian and satirical motifs in Croatian literature, presentation of the development of Croatian dystopian fiction, a historical overview of texts important for the development of the dystopian genre in Croatia (Zagorka, Šufflay, Desnica, Neimarević, Vranić), effects of the global dystopian fiction (Zamyatin, Orwell and Huxley) in Croatia, thematic classification of dystopian fiction and characterization of the figures (revealing specific dystopian type of character). The role of language is also analyzed, as are the ways in which language is used in dystopian prose and to what purpose. In the third part popular definitions of ideologeme were introduced and previous works of Croatian scientists who have studied ideologeme were represented. In fourth chapter, it is clarified which ideologemes Croatian dystopian authors use the most. Taking into consideration the most often social ideologemes that characterize Croatian dystopian prose, we discuss the antitotalitarian ideologemes (ideologemes of the government that has complete power over the individual, leaders without limitation in their activity, totalitarian religion, the community which is 'happy', alieneted government, dehumanizing government, subversive power of art and manipulated people), antiglobalistic ideologemes (ideologemes of technologisation, propaganda, indefinite life extension, damaging corporations, environmental disasters, 'time is money'), antitotalitarian or antiglobalistic ideologemes (social power of the individual), antipatriarchal ideologemes (ideologemes of a strong woman, powerless women, deprived child, discriminated homosexual person) and transitional ideologemes („real Croat“ and antagonism toward the different, unscrupulous bankers and entrepreneurs, disappointed citizens (the unemployed, veterans and retirees), violent alcoholics and victims of domestic violence, emigrated people). At the end of the work, final conclusions are given on the issue of social ideologemes in Croatian dystopian prose and hypotheses have been tested. The hypothesis that dystopian fiction functions as ideologeme was confirmed, as it turned out that the dystopian text functions as intertext made up of a series of social ideologemes. The hypothesis that the majority of dystopias can be classified in the sub-genre of dystopia and not the anti-utopia has been confirmed, as well as the assumption that we can talk about a dystopian character in Croatian literature. It has also been confirmed that the Croatian dystopian fiction significantly differs from those of other nations (with respect to our historical, political and cultural development and the impact of ideologies of our region). However, it was determined that Croatian dystopian scene of writers cannot be established, and this hypothesis was disproved. |