Abstract | Tetoviranje, kao najjstariji oblik ukrašavanja tijela, je imalo umjetničku i religijsku
ulogu čovjeku još od prapovijesnog vremena. Religijski motiv, kao razlog tetoviranja, se
proteže u skoro svim kulturama koje koriste tradicijsko tetoviranje. O tetoviranju u
prapovijesti, koje je bilo rašireno već u doba paleolitika i u brončano doba, svjedoče nalazi
igala u raznim grobnim humcima, kao i nalazi mumija koje su na sebi imale tetovaže.
Civilizacije su imale utjecaja jedna na drugu, pa su i tako prenosile običaj tetoviranja.
Poimanje tetoviranja se razlikuje od kulture do kulture, jednima je od velikog značaja, dok
drugima predstavlja barbarski čin. Kroz tisućljeća je fenomen tetoviranja žena način
izražavanja raznih dimenzija života i stanja individue, kao i vrijednosti u zajednici, a odvijalo
se u prijelomnim fazama života žena. Tetoviranje je predstavljalo i kulturno sredstvo rodnog
diferenciranja. Tetovirane žene su postale prihvaćene u društvu tek kada je žensko tijelo
steklo određenu neovisnost u prošlom stoljeću, kada više nije povezano sa subverzivnošću.
Tetoviranje je način socijalne komunikacije koji da bi bio shvaćen u potpunosti mora biti
promatran i praćen kao proces koji se transformirao kroz vremenska razdoblja, pa tako mora
biti praćen i u vidu sociogenih promjena tijekom vremena. U Bosni i Hercegovini postoji
tradicija tetoviranja katolika, koja iako se veže uz običaj tetoviranja kod Ilira, se razvila
zasebno u vrijeme vladavine Osmanskog Carstva na ovim prostorima. Tetovirala su se
kršćanska djeca u najvećoj mjeri u dobi od desete do šesnaeste godine, a tetoviralo se u
proljeće na određene kršćanske blagdane. Običaj je smatran u narodu kao neizbrisiv simbol
katolicizma u Bosni i Hercegovini. Tradicijsko tetoviranje se izvodilo na tri načina (svatko
izvodi tetovažu sam sebi, tetoviranje se izvodi međusobno i tetoviranje vrši starija osoba) i s
tri metode (prethodno bockanje kože iglom i naknadno nanošenje boje na kožu, bockanje
iglom po prethodno nanesenoj boji na kožu ili izravno unošenje boje iglom). Za tetoviranje se
koristila samo jedna igla, za boju se koristio ugljeni prah i čađ, negdje i barut, pomiješani s
vodom, pljuvačkom, majčinim mlijekom ili medom, a za iscrtavanje motiva se koristio kalup
od kore drveta ili lista biljke. Tetovirani su vidljivi dijelovi tijela: prsti, šake, podlaktice s
unutarnje i vanjske strane, zapešća, te prsa i čelo. Zadnjih par godina javlja fenomen
tetoviranja neotradicijskih motiva u svrhu očuvanja i održavanja tradicije. |
Abstract (english) | Tattooing, as the oldest form of decorating the body, had artistic and religious role for
humans since prehistoric times. The religious motive, as the reason for tattooing, extends to
almost all cultures that use traditional tattooing. About tattooing in prehistoric times, that was
already widespread in the Palaeolithic and the Bronze Age, we have the evidence in the
findings of needles in various burial mounds, as well as of mummies that were covered with
tattoos. Civilizations had an impact on each other, and thus transmitted the custom of
tattooing. The perception of tattoos varies from culture to culture, to some it is of great
importance, while to others it represents a barbaric act. Throughout the millennia the
phenomenon of tattooing of women was a way of expressing the various dimensions of life
and condition of the individual, as well as the value in the community, and it took place in the
crucial stages of women's lives. Tattooing represented a cultural instrument for gender
differentiation. Tattooed women have become accepted in society only when the woman's
body gained certain independence in the last century, when it was no longer connected to the
submissiveness. Tattooing is a way of social communication, and to be understood in full
must be observed and followed as a process that has been transformed through time periods,
so it must be followed through sociogenic change over time. In Bosnia and Herzegovina there
is a tradition of tattooing of Catholics, although tied to the custom of tattooing of the Illyrians,
it developed separately during the reign of the Ottoman Empire in this region. Christian
children were mainly tattooed between ten and sixteen years of age, and tattooing was
performed in spring on certain Christian holidays. The custom was regarded by the people as
an indelible symbol of Catholicism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Traditional tattooing was
performed in three ways (a child tattoos itself, children tattoo each other and tattooing done
by an elderly person) with three methods (pre-pricking of the skin with a needle and
subsequently applying color to the skin, pricking with a needle on the previously applied color
on the skin or direct applying of the color with a needle). Only one needle was manly used for
tattooing, the color was made of coal dust and soot, somewhere the gunpowder, mixed with
water, saliva, breast milk or honey, and motifs were carved in tree bark or leaves of some
plants. Visible parts of the body were tattooed: fingers, hands, forearms on the inside and the
outside, wrists, chest and forehead. In the last couple of years the phenomenon of tattooing of
traditional and neo-traditional motives appeared, with the aim of preservation and
maintenance of tradition. |