Abstract | Bajke su sve priče, narodne ili umjetničke, u kojima se međusobno isprepliču nadnaravni elementi sa elementima zbilje.
Osobitosti narodnih bajki su čudesnost kao glavna, te čist i živ jezik, ponavljanje teksta, izmišljeni likovi i događaji, sukobi dobra i zla, nagrada i kazna. Svaka bajka sadrži i pouku upućenu mladim i starim čitateljima.
Narodna bajka najviše je došla do izražaja sa radom braće Grimm, a nakon njih, nešto izmjenjeniju, umjetničku bajku uveli su redom C. Perrault, H.C. Andersen i L. Caroll.
Bajka je, kao književna vrsta, najpogodnija za moralni, etičko-estetički i obrazovni odgoj djece te se uvrštava u dječju književnost još od najranije dječje dobi.
Tematika bajke vrlo je slična dječjoj igri jer potiče maštu djeteta, omogućuje mu da otputuje u neki paralelni svijet u kojemu se ono poistovjećuje sa glavnim likom koji na kraju priče izlazi kao pobjednik ističući osobine poput dobrote, poštenja, hrabrosti, upornosti i vjere u sebe. Uz bajke djeca usvajaju sposobnost razlikovanja dobra i zla te lijepog i ružnog, bajke postaju veliki dio njihova osobna razvoja. Stoga, upravo iz razloga što je bajku najlakše usporediti sa dječjom igrom ona, svojim fantastičnim elementima i istaknutim poukama, postaje važno sredstvo pri pristupu djeci.
Bajke se ne javljaju samo u književnosti nego i u drugim različitim medijima. Ovim radom prikazali smo analizu bajki izvođenih na lutkarskoj kazališnoj sceni u Zadru. Lutkarsko je kazalište osnovano također kao još jedno sredstvo u svrhu odgoja djeteta. Smatralo se kako će ono povući dijete sa ulice i omogućiti mu kulturno i odgojno obrazovanje. Svojim šarolikim izborom predstava, lutaka stvorenih upravo tako da privuku dječje zanimanje, plesom, pjesmom i glazbom kazalište postiže svoj cilj pa usmjerava dijete na put kojim će ono postati etički, moralno i kulturno bogatija osoba proširenih mogućnosti. |
Abstract (english) | Fairy tales are all stories, either folk or artistic, in which supernatural elements are intertwined with elements of reality.
The peculiarities of fairy tales are wondrousness as the main, pure and live language, repetition of text, fictional characters and events, clashes of good and evil and awards and punishments. Each fairy tale has a moral which should be noticed by both young and older readers.
The folk fairy tale came to the fore with the work of brothers Grimm and descending them, C. Perrault, H.C. Andersen and L.Caroll introduced the artistic fairy tale in an altered way.
Fairy tale, as a literary form, is the most suitable form for moral, ethical-aesthetic and educational upbringing of children and has been included in the children's literature since their earliest age.
The theme of fairy tales is very similar to a child's play, as it promotes the imagination of a child, allowing him to travel to a parallel reality in which he identifies himself with the main character who eventually emerges as a winner, who accentuates qualities such as kindness, honesty, courage, persistency and faith in oneself. Along with the fairy tales children adopt the ability to distinguish between good and evil and nice and ugly, according to that, fairy tales become a major part of their personal development. Therefore, especially because fairy tale is best compared to the children's play, along with its fantastic elements and prominent coves, it becomes an important tool of approach to the children.
Fairy tales do not only occur in the literature but also in other various media. The aim of this work was to present the analysis of fairy tales performed on the puppet theatre scene in Zadar. The Puppet Theatre was also established as another mean of educating the child. It was considered that it would pull the child off the street and allow him cultural upbringing and education. With its various choices of plays, puppets created in a way that they attract children's interest, dance, song and music, the theatre achieves its goal and guides the child on the path of becoming ethically, morally and culturally enriched person with a variety of opportunities. |