Title Živi glumac na zadarskoj kazališnoj sceni
Title (english) Living actor on Zadar theatrical scene
Author Lucija Govorčin
Mentor Teodora Vigato (mentor)
Committee member Teodora Vigato (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Musa (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Vigato (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Elementary School Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-01-31, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract Kazalište lutaka Zadar na početku svojega djelovanja oponaša glumačko kazalište i tako stvara jednu vrstu pučkog ili dječjeg kazališta. Kazalište lutaka Zadar osnovano je 1. studenoga 1951. godine. Osnivač i direktor kazališta je Bruno Paitoni, a stalni redatelj je Mile Gatara, glumac Narodnog kazališta kojemu je povjeren umjetnički rad i uvježbavanje. Kazalište lutaka je jedan od kazališnih oblika, kao što su drama, balet, opera ili pantomima. Kod ostalih kazališnih formi čovjek je tvorac i građa scenskog lika. No, u kazalištu lutaka tvorac scenskog lika je glumac, odnosno animator, a njegov glas i lutka građa su scenskog lika. Glumačko kazalište ili dramsko kazalište forma je najbliža kazalištu lutaka. Zajedničko im je kazališni prostor (pozornica koja je omeđena dekoracijama i gledalište), glumčev tj. lutkarev glas i brojni tehnički uređaji, posebno svjetlo i zvuk.
Lutke nisu djeci samo partneri u igri ili možda bolje rečeno plastični materijal za partnere u igri, nego i nerazmjerni likovi i pokreti, pomoću kojih oni, ističući neproporcionalno pojedine dijelove tijela ili pojedine društvene osobine, vrše globalnu analizu pojava oko sebe, da ih bolje shvate, a preko njih da bolje razumiju sebe i svoj odnos prema svijetu oko sebe. U ovom radu ispitali smo učeničke recepcije predstava kada su za njih bili pripremljeni i objavili njihovo mišljenje o predstavama u kojima glume živi glumci. Ispitali smo koliko su dobro živi glumci prenijeli poruke predstava i kako su djelovali na same učenike
Abstract (english) At the beginning of its activity, the Puppet Theater of Zadar is imitating the acting theater and creating a kind of folk or children's theater. The Puppet Theater of Zadar was founded on November 1, 1951. The founder and director of the theater is Bruno Paitoni, and the permanent director is Mile Gatara, the actor of the National Theater, which is entrusted with artistic work and training. The puppet theater is one of the theatrical forms, such as drama, ballet, opera or pantomime. In other theatrical forms, man is the creator and material of the stage character. In the puppet theater, the creator of the stage character is an actor, or an animator, and his voice and doll are the material of a stage character. Acting theater or drama theater is the closest to the puppet theater. They share a theater space (a stage with decorations and a playground), an actor, a puppet voice and numerous technical devices, especially light and sound. Puppets are not only partners in the child's game, or perhaps the plastic material for partners in the game, but also disproportionate characters and movements, by which they, by disputing disproportionately individual parts of the body or individual social characteristics, perform a global analysis of the phenomena around them to better understand them , and through them to better understand themselves and their relationship with the world around them. In this paper we examined the student reception of the theater play when they were prepared for them and published their opinion about the performances in which live actors acted. We examined how actors transmitted the message of the show and how they acted on the students themselves.
kazalište lutaka
živi glumac
glumačke predstave
lutkarske predstave
kazališni sustavi
čitana i pričana priča
predstave za djecu
Keywords (english)
puppet theater
live actor
play performances
puppet performances
theater systems
read and spoken tales
performances for kids
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:994523
Study programme Title: Primary education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2018-02-13 16:24:28