Title Taktike manipulacije u ljubavnim vezama, emocionalna inteligencija i privrženost ljubavnom partneru
Title (english) Manipulation Tactics in Romantic Relationships, Emotional Intelligence and Attachment to Love Partner
Author Nikolina Opat
Mentor Jelena Ombla (mentor)
Committee member Zvjezdan Penezić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Vidaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Ombla (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-11-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology General Psychology
Abstract Manipulacija je u svakodnevnom životu prisutna više nego većina ljudi primjećuje; od upravljanja neživim objektima, do namjernog utjecaja na ponašanje i emocije osoba s kojima ulazimo u odnose. Romantična veza predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih dugotrajnih odnosa u životu pojedinca. Pritom, da bi bliski partnerski odnos ostvarili, pojedinci prolaze proces odabira, privlačenja i zadržavanja partnera. Svaka od tih faza procesa otvara mogućnost korištenja strategija manipulacije za osiguranje uspješnosti. Kako se upotreba tih strategija može negativno odraziti na psihološku dobrobit romantičnih partnera, bitno je osigurati bolje razumijevanje pojma i korelata manipulacije. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je stoga ispitati odnos taktika manipulacije i emocionalne manipulacije s emocionalnom inteligencijom i dimenzijama privrženosti u romantičnoj vezi. Istraživanje je provedeno na 168 sudionika (53 para i 62 sudionice čiji partner nije sudjelovao), prosječne dobi 23 godine. U istraživanju su korišteni: upitnik općih podataka, Modificirana skala taktika manipulacije (Tactics of manipulation; Buss, 1992), Upitnik emocionalne kompetentnosti (UEK-45; Takšić, 2002), Modificirana skala emocionalne manipulacije (EMS; Austin i sur., 2007) te Modificirani Brenannov Inventar iskustava u bliskim vezama (Kamenov i Jelić, 2003). Rezultati su pokazali da je kod žena sklonost emocionalnoj manipulaciji u odnosima povezana sa spremnošću za korištenjem direktnih, kao i indirektnih taktika za podilaženje i prisilu u romantičnim odnosima. Također, izbjegavanje bliskosti u romantičnim odnosima negativno je povezano s korištenjem indirektnih taktika za prisilu, dok je anksioznost u romantičnim odnosima pozitivno povezana s korištenjem indirektnih taktika za podilaženje. Potvrđeno je da je tendencija muškaraca ka korištenju emocionalne manipulacije povezana s većim stupnjem emocionalne inteligencije. Pritom su emocionalno inteligentniji muškarci u svojim odnosima skloniji utjecanju na emocionalno stanje drugih, nego što su tome skloni manje emocionalno inteligentni muškarci i žene neovisno o emocionalnoj inteligenciji. Nadalje, rezultati ukazuju da se partneri koji se više razlikuju u emocionalnoj inteligenciji i anksioznosti, ujedno više razlikuju i u sklonosti korištenju indirektnih taktika za podilaženje, u odnosu na partnere koji su međusobno sličniji na tim varijablama.
Abstract (english) Manipulation is present in our everyday life more than most people notice; from managing of inanimate objects to deliberate influence on the behavior and emotions of people with whom we enter into relations. A romantic relationship represents one of the most important long term relationships in a person's life. Thereby to achieve a close partnership, individuals are undergoing the process of selection, attraction and retention of the partner. Each one of these phases opens an opportunity to use manipulation to ensure success. Since the use of manipulation may have a negative impact on the partners psychological well-being, it is of great relevance to provide a better understanding of the concept and correlates of manipulation. The aim of this study was therefore to explore the relationship of manipulation tactics and emotional manipulation with emotional intelligence and dimensions of attachment in romantic relationship. The study was conducted on 168 participants (53 pairs and 62 participants whose partners did not participate) with average age of 23 years. Scales used in the study were general information questionnaire, Modified Tactics of Manipulation Scale (Tactics of manipulation; Buss, 1992), Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire (ESCQ-45; Takšić, 2002), Modified Emotional Manipulation Scale (EMS; Austin et al., 2007) and Modified Brenann's Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory (Kamenov and Jelić, 2003). The results showed that females tendency to emotional manipulation in relationships is correlated with willingness to use direct and indirect tactics for humouring and coercion in romantic relationships. Moreover, avoidance of intimacy in romantic relationships negatively correlated with the use of indirect tactics of coercion, while anxiety positively correlated with the use of indirect tactics for humouring. The results also confirmed that males tendency to use emotional manipulation is corellated with a higher degree of emotional intelligence. In addition, men who scored higher on emotional intelligence are prone to managing the emotional state of others more than men who achieve lower scores on emotional intelligence and women, regardless of their emotional intelligence. Furthermore, the results indicate that partners who differ more in emotional intelligence and anxiety, differ more in their affinity to use indirect tactics for humouring, compared to partners who are more similar to each other on those variables.
taktike manipulacije
emocionalna manipulacija
emocionalna inteligencija
dimenzije privrženosti
Keywords (english)
manipulation tactics
emotional manipulation
emotional intelligence
attachment dimensions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:910575
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-01-16 13:47:25