Title Navike pušenja kod srednjoškolaca, optimistična pristranost i zadovoljstvo životom
Title (english) Smoking habits, optimistic bias and life satisfaction among high school students
Author Ružica-Marija Vlajčić
Mentor Marina Nekić (mentor)
Committee member Marina Nekić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Šimunić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvjezdan Penezić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Pušači obično postanu ovisnima prije nego što dosegnu dob od 18 godina, stoga jedan od najvažnijih koraka u reduciranju pušenja u cjelokupnoj populaciji mora biti taj da se razvije učinkovita strategija prevencije pušenja kod mladih. Cilj istraživanja je bio ispitati neke navike pušenja kod srednjoškolaca, te utvrditi kakav je odnos između pušenja i percipiranog zadovoljstva životom i optimistične pristranosti. Uz upitnik osobnih podataka čija je svrha bila utvrđivanje dobi, spola, razreda srednje škole, (ne)pušenja i nekih procjena u vezi navika pušenja, ispitanici (N=156) su ispunjavali i Skalu zadovoljstva životom te Adaptiranu mjeru optimistične pristranosti. Oko 41% srednjoškolaca se deklariralo kao pušačima, a najveći broj njih je počeo pušiti između 11 i 14 godine. Utvrđeno je da 61% maloljetnih pušača nije spriječeno u kupovini cigareta zbog svoje dobi, dok je 95,31% njih izjavilo kako puši do 20 cigareta dnevno. Pokušalo je prestati pušiti njih 51,56%. U pogledu duhanskog dima iz okoliša, 82,05% preferiraju zabranu pušenja u zatvorenim javnim mjestima. Nadalje, 56,41% roditelja adolescenata puši, a od onih roditelja koji puše njih 78,8% ne izlazi vani kada želi pušiti. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da je postojala značajna razlika u ukupnoj optimističnoj pristranosti između pušača i nepušača, na način da su pušači pokazali veći stupanj optimistične pristranosti kad je riječ o aspektu smrtnosti, ali ne i percepcije ovisnosti. Može se pretpostaviti da je optimistična pristranost važnija u kontekstu većih negativnih prijetnji po pojedinca kao što je smrt. Povezanost između zadovoljstva životom i ovisnosti o pušenju nije utvrđena. Mogući razlog se može tražiti i u dinamici vršnjačkih grupa koje su važne u ovom razvojnom periodu. Dodatnom analizom se pokazalo da srednjoškolci koji puše cigarete imaju također i više prijatelja koji puše, dok nepušači imaju nešto više prijatelja koji ne puše.
Abstract (english) Smokers usually become addicted before they reach the age of 18, therefore one of the most important steps to reducing smoking in the whole population must be the development of an efficient strategy for preventing the smoking among the youth. The aim of this research was to examine some smoking habits among high school students, to determine the difference in optimistic bias among smokers and non-smokers and to examine the correlation between life satisfaction and smoking. With the survey on personal information that, as a goal, had the assessment of age, gender, grade in high school, smoking addiction, and to test some habits of smoking, the participants (N=156) also filled out the Scale of life satisfaction and the Adapted measurement of the optimistic bias. About 41% of high school students have declared themselves as smokers, and the largest number of them have started smoking between 11 and 14 years. It is shown that 61% of young smokers hasn't been stopped in buying cigarettes because of their age, while 95,31% said that they smoke up to 20 cigarettes daily. Approximately 51,56% smokers has tried to stop smoking. Most of them (82,05%) prefer smoking to be forbidden in closed public places. Furthermore, 56,41% parents smoke and 78,8% of them doesn't get out when they want to smoke at home. The results of this research showed that smokers have a significantly greater optimistic bias on the items that refer to the aspect of death, while there was no difference between smokers and non-smokers on the perception of addiction. It can be assumed that optimistic bias is more important in the context of more negative threats for the individual. The relationship between life satisfaction and smoking addiction was not found. Possible reason can be found in dinamic of peer groups that are important in this developmental period. Additional analysis has shown that high school smokers also have more friends who are smokers themselves, while non-smokers have quite more friends who do not smoke.
zadovoljstvo životom
optimistična pristranost
ovisnost o pušenju
Keywords (english)
high school students
life satisfaction
optimistic bias
smoking addiction
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:837590
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-11-17 12:53:42