Abstract | Cvrčci (Insecta: Auchenorrhyncha) predstavljaju značajnu skupinu kukaca u uzgoju vinove loze. Bodenjem i sisanjem biljnog tkiva oštećuju mladice, list, cvijet i grozd (bobe), utječu na dozrijevanje loze pa čak djelomično ili u cijelosti smanjuju prinos grožđa. Neke od vrsta cvrčaka prenose fitoplazme - uzročnike žutila vinove loze. Ovim radom je obuhvaćena fauna cvrčaka u dva vinograda u blizini Zadra. Jedan vinograd je zatravljen, a drugi je podignut na melioriranom kršu. Populacija cvrčaka je praćena korištenjem žutih ljepljivih ploča. U svakom vinogradu postavljene su po tri ploče. Istraživanje je započeto u svibnju, a završilo početkom listopada 2015. godine. Pregled ploča obavljan je svakih petnaest dana. Uhvaćeno je dvanaest vrsta iz šest porodica (ukupno 2022 jedinke iz porodica: Cicadellidae, Cixidae, Dictyopharidae, Cicadidae, Membrancidae i Flatidae). Sedam vrsta pripadalo je porodici Cicadellidae, a iz ostalih pet porodica nađena je samo po jedna vrsta. Najzastupljenije su Edwardsiana rosae s ukupnim brojem od 1761 jedinki (87,09 %), Empoasca spp s ukupnim brojem od 190 jedinki (9,4 %) i Neoaliturus fenestratus s ukupnim brojem od 46 jedinki (2,27 %). Od ostalih vrsta pronađeni su: Zygina rhamni, Fiberiella spp., Macropsis spp., Ledra aurita, Cixius spp., Dictyophara europaea, Cicadetta spp., Stictocephala bisonia i Metcalfa pruinosa. Među pronađenim vrstama potencijalni prijenosnici fitoplazmi mogu biti: N. fenestratus, E. rosae, M. pruinosa i D. europaea. |
Abstract (english) | The cicadae (Insecta: Auchenorrhyncha) represent a very important insect group in the cultivation of grapevine. By feeding on the grapevine, they damage young shoots, leaves, and grapes, affect the ripening of the grapes and even partially or completely reduce the yield of the grapes. Some cicadae are phytoplasma vectors – bacteria which cause the yellowing of the grapevine leaves. This research included the cicada fauna in two vineyards in Zadar. One vineyard had grass covered floor, and the other was planted on an ameliorated land. The cicada population was monitored by using the yellow sticky panel traps. In each vineyard three of those panels were placed. The study was started in May, and ended in early October of 2015. The regular check of the panels was performed every fifteen days. During the research, twelve species from six families were found (total number was 2022 individuals from families: Cicadellidae, Cixiidae, Dictyopharidae, Cicadidae, Membrancidae and Flatidae). Seven species belonged to the Cicadellidae family, while only a one species belonging to each of the other five families was found. The most common species were Edwardsiana rosae with a total of 1761 (87,09 %) individual insects, Empoasca spp. with a total of 190 (9,4 %) individual insects, and Neoaliturus fenestratus with a total of 46 (2,27 %) individual insects. From other species were found: Zygina rhamni, Fiberiella spp., Macropsis spp., Ledra aurita, Cixius spp., Dictyophara europaea, Cicadetta spp., Stictocephala bisonia, and Metcalfa pruinosa. Among the encountered species, the following are potential phytoplasma vectors: N. fenestratus, E. rosae, M. pruinosa and D. europaea |