Title Meldola u procesu manirističkih strujanja prema Veneciji sredinom Cinquecenta
Title (english) Meldola in a process of manneristic circuling toward Venice in the middle of Cinquecento
Author Mia Cvitkušić
Mentor Laris Borić (mentor)
Committee member Vinko Srhoj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Meri Zornija (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Laris Borić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History of Art) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-03-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art History and Theory of the Fine Arts, Architecture, Urbanism and Visual Communications
Abstract Andrea Meldola, rođen je u Zadru u kojem su članovi njegove obitelji, rodom iz Romagne, generacijama obnašali službu u vojsci Mletačke Republike. U nepoznato je vrijeme napustio rodni kraj i otišao u Veneciju gdje je ostao do smrti dokumentirane oporukom otvorenom 1563. godine. Situacija na Apeninskom poluotoku je u razdoblju Cinquecenta kompleksna na više razina. Osim vjerskih previranja, te brojnih sukoba među talijanskim gradovima-državama, sukladno s rađanjem novih velesila na zapadu, te širenjem Osmanskog Carstva na istoku, u to vrijeme na umjetničkom planu prevladava enigmatičan maniristički stil koji je stoljećima bio podcjenjivan od strane povjesničara umjetnosti i teoretičara. Preispitujući teorijsku podlogu nastanka i narav stila, koji se sjevernom Italijom počeo širiti nakon Pljačke Rima 1527. godine, te njegove manifestacije u mletačkom slikarstvu, inače čvrsto vezanom uz renesansnu tradiciju, doći ćemo do zaključka da je upravo Meldola odigrao vrlo važnu ulogu u formiranju mletačke varijante maniere. Jednako tako, čini se da je potkraj života Meldola bio okupiran vjerskim preispitivanjima, što se primjećuje u njegovim posljednjim djelima. Počevši svoje stvaralaštvo neviđenom uporabom tehnike vidljivih poteza kista kojom je šokirao suvremenike, čini se kako je u konačnici posustao od početne žestine i smjelosti, te smirio temperament u smjeru protobarokne religioznosti. Ipak, ključna važnost Meldoline uloge u kontekstu svojega vremena i stila ne leži u formiranju mletačkog manirizma, kao ni u protobaroknim tendencijama, koje su nesumnjivo prisutne u njegovim posljednjim djelima, nego upravo u eksperimentu, smjelosti i tehničkim inovacijama u kojima daleko prednjači pred vlastitim suvremenicima.
Abstract (english) Andrea Meldola was born in Zadar in which members of his family, natives of Romagne, for many generations behave military service in the army of Venetian Republics. In an unknown time he leaved town of birth and went to Venice where he stayed until his death which was documented by his will opened in the year 1563. Situation on Apennine peninsula in the times of Cinquecento, was complex on many levels. In addition to religious turbulence and many conflicts between Italian cities-states, in accordance with the birth of the new superpowers in the west, and expanding of the Ottoman Empire in the east, at that time in the artistic plan enigmatic Mannerist style was dominating which was for centuries underestimated by art historians and theorists. Reviewing the theoretical basis of the origin and nature of that style, which after the Sack of Rome in 1527 began to spread in northern Italy, and its manifestations in the Venetian painting, otherwise tightly related to the Renaissance tradition, we can conclude that it was Meldola who played a very important role in forming variant of the Venetian maniera. It also seems that the end of his life was affected by religious events like problems which the Council of Trent (1545-1563) tried to solve for almost twenty years, which was visible in his last works. Starting his creativity by unseen using of technique with visible brush strokes that shocked contemporaries, it seems that finally he calmed down from the initial severity and audacity, and in the end soothed his own temperament towards proto-Baroque religiosity. However, the key importance of Meldola's role in the context of its time and style lies not in the formation of the Venetian Mannerism, nor in proto-Baroque tendencies, which were very present in his last works, but right in experiments, courage and technical innovations that separate him from his contemporaries.
Andrea Meldola
venecijansko slikarstvo 16. stoljeća
tehničke inovacije
Keywords (english)
Andrea Meldola
Venetian painting of the 16th century
tehnical innovations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:630100
Study programme Title: History of Art (Museum and Gallery Studies/Art-conservation studies); specializations in: Science, Art-conservation studies and Museum and Gallery Studies Course: Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti (magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-08-25 10:40:09