Abstract | Dječji su likovi u dječjim romanima najčešće smješteni unutar družine kao jedne od prevladavajućih narativnih figura. U diplomskom radu, na romanesknom korpusu iz svjetske i hrvatske dječje književnosti, analiziraju se različiti tipovi dječjih družina, njihovi članovi te karakterne osobine likova uz pripadajući položaj u družini. U romanima: Pustolovine Toma Sawyera, Emil i detektivi, Dječaci Pavlove ulice, Vlak u snijegu, Družba Pere Kvržice, Priča o Jelenku, Koko i duhovi, Tajna Zmajeva vrta, Trešnjevačke trešnje, Lopovska uspavanka, Trojica u Trnju, Koliba u planini, Eko Eko i Od rata do zvijezda proučava se odnos družine prema okolini i odraslima kao i razlog isključenosti odraslihiz djelokruga družine. Družine u dječjim romanima djeluju u različitim životnim uvjetima, raznolikom prostorno-vremenskom kontekstu, kulturološkom ozračju što vrlo izravno utječe na tipove družina, ponašanje članova družine, njihove prokupacije, vrste igre, probleme, rodne odnose, odnose prema odraslima i autoritetima. Poetička se mijena dječjeg romana, između ostalog, može promatrati i kroz promjene što ih je doživjela dječja družina, od početaka do suvremenih romana. Nekadašnje čvrsto povezane skupine dječjih likova, snažno istaknuti likovi vođa te izraženi rodni stereotipi slijedom povijesnog razvoja romana doveli su do afirmacije neformalnih dječjih družina, razbijanja rodnih stereotipa te otvaranja niza suvremenih problema današnjice koji sukreiraju identitete dječjih likova, a time i dječje družine. |
Abstract (english) | Children's characters in children's novels are often part ofa pack as one of the predominant narrative figures. In this graduate thesis, on the novel corpus of the world and Croatian children's literature, different types of children's packs, their members, and the characteristics of the characters are analyzed with the relevant position in the pack.In the novels: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Emil i detektivi, Dječaci Pavlove ulice, Vlak u snijegu, Družba Pere Kvržice, Priča o Jelenku, Koko i duhovi, Tajna Zmajeva vrta, Trešnjevačke trešnje, Lopovska uspavanka, Trojica u Trnju, Koliba u planini, Eko Eko i Od rata do zvijezda, we study the relationship between the pack and the community and the adults, as well as the reason for the exclusion of adults from the scope of the pack. The packs in children’s novels reside in different conditions, in a diverse spatial-time context, in a cultural atmosphere that directly affects the types of packs, the behavior of the members of the pack, their preoccupations, the type of games, problems, gender relations, relationships with adults and authorities.The poetic change of a child's novel, among other things, can be observed also through the changes that children packs have experienced from the beginnings to modern novels. Formerly closely related groups of children's characters, strongly distinguished leader characters and prominent gender stereotypes following the historical development of the novel led to the affirmation of informal children’s packs, the breaking of gender stereotypes and the opening of a series of contemporary problems of today that co-create the identities of children's characters and thus children’spacks as well. |