Title Odnosi s javnošću u sportu kroz primjenu Web 2.0 alata
Title (english) Public relations in sport through the usage of Web 2.0 tools
Author Ivan Jeličić
Mentor Goran Pavelin (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Kalajžić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Pavelin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-05-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Public Relations
Abstract Temeljem dostupne literature te korespondencije sa sudionicima primarnog istraživanja, ovaj diplomski rad problematizira Web 2.0 alate pri OSJ u sportu te ih analitički istražuje s ciljem otkrivanja elementarnih spoznaja i zakonitosti vezanih za taj oblik virtualnog komuniciranja. Usporedno s razvojem tehnologije došlo je i do pomaka u polju komunikoloških znanosti, koji su rezultirali promjenama u OSJ sportskih organizacija, budući da se promijenio ne samo način na koji se komunicira, nego i
... More sama priroda komuniciranja. Naime, danas je svakom pojedincu s pristupom računalu, internetskom vezom te s temeljnom pismenošću omogućeno da se njegove ideje, stavovi i razmišljanja čuju i primijete na globalnoj razini. Kako bi do navedenog moglo doći, morale su biti razvijene brojne internetske platforme kojima je svrha samo jedna – distribucija kreiranih sadržaja. Riječ je o društvenim mrežama, pripadnicama šire skupine alata Weba 2.0, koji omogućavaju nova iskustva u online prostoru. Jedno od novih iskustava do kojih dolazi primjenom društvenih mreža odnosi se na pružanje mogućnosti korisniku da sam sudjeluje u procesu stvaranja i isporuke, odnosno objavljivanja sadržaja. Premda se ne smije zanemariti cjelovitost pojma Web 2.0, koji osim društvenih mreža obuhvaća i mnogobrojne interaktivne aplikacije dostupne online, kao i posebne tehnologije te programske jezike, u diplomskom radu naglasak je bio stavljen na društvene mreže, koje su obrađene u posebnim potpoglavljima (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube i Wikipedia). Naime, potpoglavlja posvećena mogućnostima korištenja društvenih mreža pri OSJ sportske organizacije predstavljaju osnovu istraživanja te ukazuju na to kako se komuniciranjem putem njih iskorištava učinkovita okolina za uspostavljanje dijaloga sa svim zainteresiranim javnostima. Navedeni mediji, odnosno sadržaji koji se u različitim pojavnim oblicima pojavljuju na njihovim stranicama, predstavljaju veliku priliku pri pokušajima sportskih organizacija da ojačaju i prošire svoje interesne sfere, što će u konačnici rezultirati bogatijim iskustvom i povezivanjem s pratiteljima, navijačima, koji uostalom i predstavljaju najvažniju javnost koja određenu organizaciju okružuju. Istraživanje je prikazalo kako se će se OSJ u budućnosti sve više oslanjati na društvene medije, upravo zbog navedene ovisnosti o pratnji njihovih navijača te njihovom angažmanu. Svojom pravovremenošću te sposobnošću djelovanja u bilo kojem trenutku i na bilo kojoj lokaciji, društvene mreže predstavljaju brz i troškovno učinkovit način komunikacije s ovom, ključnom javnošću. Iako, kako je studija pokazala, korištenje društvenih medija, kako bi se pomoglo naporima pojedinih sportskih organizacija, još je uvijek relativno novi pojam u nacionalnim okvirima RH. Mnoge sportske organizacije se nalaze na početnom, a iznimke su one na srednjem i visokom stupnju identificiranja mogućnosti te korištenja društvenih medija. Trenutni resursi koji sportskim organizacijama na području RH stoje na raspolaganju su ograničeni te, kako bi se razvila uspješna strategija društvenih mreža, potrebno je izvršiti ulaganja, prvenstveno u ljudske resurse te infrastrukturu. Less
Abstract (english) Based on the available literature and correspondence with participants of research, this thesis discusses the Web 2.0 tools of PR in Sports and examines analytically the aim of detecting elementary knowledge related to this form of virtual communication. Alongside with the development of technology happened a shift in the field of Communication Sciences, which resulted in changes of PR of sports organizations, since there was a change not not only in the way we communicate, but also in the
... More very nature of human communication. Today every individual with access to a PC, an Internet connection and basic literacy is enabled his ideas nad thoughts to be heard and noticed globally. For above mentioned to be possible, numerous web platforms have been developed, with one aim – the distribution of created content. These platforms are, in most cases, social networks, as part of broader group Web 2.0, which enable new experiences in online space. One of the newly enabled experiences is the possibility to give the social network users an opportunity to have a role in the creation and delivery of content (its publishing). Although the integrity of the concept of the Web 2.0, which, in addition to social networks, includes many interactive applications available online, as well as specific technologies and programming languages, should not be ignored, the emphasis in this thesis was placed on social networks, which are represented in its own and separate subsections (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Wikipedia). Specifically, sections dedicated to the possibilities of using social networks in PR of sports organizations are the basis of research and act as a suggestion how to communicate through efficient environment for establishing a dialogue with all interested publics. These media and the content that in different forms appears on their sites, represent a great opportunity for sports organizations to strengthen and expand their influence, which will ultimately result in a richer experience and connection with followers and fans, who, after all, represent the most important public that surrounds an sports organization. Research findings have shown that PR will rely increasingly on social media in the future, precisely because of that dependence on their fans and their engagement. Its timeliness and possibility to act at any time and at any location show that social networks are a quick and cost effective way of communication with key public. Although, as study has shown, the use of social media as assistance of the sports organization`s efforts is still a relatively new concept in PR in Croatia. Many sports organizations are only at the beginning, with exceptions of those at middle and high level of identifying opportunities and usage of social media. Current resources available to sports organizations` PR departments on the territory of Croatia are limited and, in order to develop a successful strategy of social networks, it is necessary to make investments, primarily in human resources and infrastructure. Less
odnosi s javnostima
Web 2.0
društvene mreže
Keywords (english)
public relations
Web 2.0
social networks
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:579275
Study programme Title: Journalism and Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima (magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2017-06-05 07:29:56