Abstract | Ovaj završni rad obuhvaća danas najznačajnije bolesti koje se prenose komarcima u svijetu kao što su malarija, denga groznica, žuta groznica, japanski encefalitis, St. Louis encefalitis, virus zapadnog Nila, Zika virus, istočni, zapadni i venecuelski konjski encefalitis, Ross river vrućica, chikungunya virus, Rift Valley groznica i Le Crosse encefalitis. Cilj je prikaz bolesti koje se prenose komarcima koje su odigrale značajnu ulogu u zdravstvenom stanju ljudske populacije u svijetu tijekom prošlosti, ali i danas imaju značajnu ulogu. Također, cilj je prikazati ulogu medicinske sestre u prevenciji i zdravstvenoj njezi ovih bolesnika. Među ovim bolestima izdvaja se malarija koja se od ostalih razlikuje prema uzročniku, protozoanskim parazitima roda Plasmodium, dok ostale bolesti uzrokuju virusi. Ovaj završni rad opisuje uzročnike, vektore, zemljopisnu rasprostranjenost u svijetu, epidemiološke značajke, simptome, liječenje i ostale značajke koje karakteriziraju svaku navedenu bolest. Osim toga, opisani su načini prevencije ovih bolesti, bolesti koje se prenose komarcima u Hrvatskoj, važnosti medicinske sestre u edukaciji i prevenciji te sestrinske dijagnoze s kojima se medicinske sestre susreću u radu s osobama oboljelima od bolesti koje se prenose komarcima. U prošlosti su bolesti koje se prenose komarcima bile ograničene na tropske krajeve, no danas predstavljaju prijetnju i ostalim krajevima svijeta. Stoga je u prevenciji ovih zaraznih bolesti potrebna suradnja stručnjaka različitih profila i zdravstvenih djelatnika. Kao članovi zdravstvenog tima, medicinske sestre imaju važnu ulogu u prevenciji bolesti koje se prenose komarcima, a naglasak se stavlja na edukaciju koju su one kompetentne provoditi. |
Abstract (english) | This final work includes the most important mosquito borne diseases in the world like malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, Japaneese encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, west Nile virus, Zika virus, eastern, western and Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Ross river fever, chikungunya virus, Rift Valley fever and Le Crosse encephalitis. The intention is the description of mosquito-borne diseases which had a big impact on the health of the human population in the world during the history, but they also have a big impact even today. Also, the goal is to describe the role of nurses in prevention and in health care of patients suffering from mosquito-borne diseases. Among this diseases, malaria is unlike the others, because it is caused by the protozoan parasite of the genus Plasmodium, and all of the other mentioned diseases are caused by viruses. This final work also describes the causes, vectors, geographical distribution in the world, epidemiological characteristics, symptoms, treating and other characteristics which belong to each disease. Beside that, also the ways of prevention of mosquito-born diseases, mosquito-born diseases in Croatia, the importance of nurses in education and prevention and the nursing diagnosis which nurses are facing in their work with patients who suffer from mosquito-born diseases. In the past, mosquito-borne diseases were spread only in tropic areas, but today they are threating also the other areas of the world. Therefore, different experts and health workers must collaborate to prevent these diseases. As a part of the health team, nurses also have a big role in prevention, with the emphasis on education. Nurses have the competence for this kind of education. |