
Gastronomija Gorskog kotara i njezina uloga u turističkoj ponudi
Gastronomija Gorskog kotara i njezina uloga u turističkoj ponudi
Dolores Pavlić
Pojam gastronomije vezan je uz kuhanje i sve vezano za kuhanje. Gastronomija se razlikuje po cijelom svijetu, čak i između regija unutar jedne države. Upravo i to je i čar gastronomije, različitost koja je nastala pod utjecajem povijesnih okolnosti, podneblja i geografskoga položaja te načina života ljudi. Konzumiranjem hrane upoznaje se kultura i običaji te način života naroda s određenoga područja. Utjecajem globalizacije strana su jela došla u druge zemlje. Posljedično,...
Gebrauch von Phrasemen und Interjektionen in deutschen und kroatischen Jugendmagazinen
Gebrauch von Phrasemen und Interjektionen in deutschen und kroatischen Jugendmagazinen
Ana Horvat
Aufgrund ihrer Komplexität und Innovationsfähigkeit ist Jugendsprache in den letzten Jahrzehnten Gegenstand einer umfassenden linguistischen Forschung. Jugendsprache in Deutschland und Kroatien entwickelt sich unter dem wachsenden Einfluss der Medien, mit einem Akzent auf die Populärkultur und die englische Sprache. Um die Forschung der Jugendsprache und deren Besonderheiten zu vertiefen, wurden Phraseme und Interjektionen aus dem deutschen online Magazin Bravo und dem kroatischen online...
Gender Rapresentation in Star Wars Films
Gender Rapresentation in Star Wars Films
Matea Mlakić
This is a Bachelor Thesis which is examining how representation is used in portrayal of female characters in the Star Wars. Using feminist film criticism as a theoretical background, this paper will deal with problems of representation, male gaze and gender through two characters, Leia Organa and Padme Amidala. Firstly examining Leia and her portrayal throughout series, this paper will discuss and congregate all the negative aspects of when representation interferes to the character...
Gender Stereotypes in Desperate Housewives
Gender Stereotypes in Desperate Housewives
Martina Matijević
A TV series that provides entertainment and something to think about is not very easy to create. However, Marc Cherry managed to do just that and that is probably the reason why his TV series Desperate Housewives is so successful. Many social issues which appear in this TV series make people think about their everyday behaviour and how that behaviour affects other people. Therefore, this paper deals with some of those problems which are present in the series like representation of women,...
Gender and Language Identity of the Advertisements
Gender and Language Identity of the Advertisements
Natalija Zubak
This work analyzes the way in which women and men are presented in the certain American ads throughout the past few decades. The analysis shows although the feminist movement was successful the display of women in the ads had not been changed a lot considering the past. Women and the men are presented stereotypically, what reaches its peak in the modern times while presenting women as hyper-sexualized and men as dominant beings, who objectify women. Since almost every ad possess a little bit...
Gender issues in E.M. Forster's novel A Room with a View and Virginia Woolf's Orlando
Gender issues in E.M. Forster's novel A Room with a View and Virginia Woolf's Orlando
Irena Lekić
This final paper deals with the position of women in modernist novels Orlando by Virginia Woolf and A Room with a View by E.M. Forster. The analysis is based on the work of the 20th century gender theorists Simone de Beauvoir and Judith Butler. In Orlando, the emphasis is on the concept of gender performativity, first described and used by Butler in her book Gender Trouble (1990), with the aim of understanding women beyond the confinements of their gender. Similarly, the question of...
Gender roles in romantic comedies
Gender roles in romantic comedies
Ela Igrec
It can be said that popular culture and real life world are interdependable as they influence each other. Popular culture effects everyday lives with its representation of certain matters, whereas real-life events can be so powerful as to guide what popular culture will represent. The most concerning thought about popular culture is the fact that it can represent people, culture and concepts in stereotypical and prejudicial way. It is therefore of high importance to analyse which stereotypes...
Gender-Related Differences in Language Use: The Case of the TV Series “How I Met Your Mother”, “The Big Bang Theory” and “New Girl”
Gender-Related Differences in Language Use: The Case of the TV Series “How I Met Your Mother”, “The Big Bang Theory” and “New Girl”
Anela Došen
This master thesis deals with gender-related differences in language use in three popular and modern comedy TV shows: “The Big Bang Theory”, “How I Met Your Mother” and “New Girl”. After considering previously conducted research that deals with gender differences in language use, both those that favour biologically and sociologically conditioned differences that are reflected in language, and those that show that generalisations regarding gender and language use are not possible,...
General-bojnik Andrija Matijaš-Pauk
General-bojnik Andrija Matijaš-Pauk
Ante Relja
Andrija Matijaš – Pauk rođen je u Pozorcu u općini Marina pokraj grada Trogira 31. srpnja. 1947. godine. Još kao mladić odabrao je vojni poziv te je prvo djelovao u Jugoslavenskoj Narodnoj Armiji da bi se samim početkom obrambenog Domovinskog rata priključio Hrvatskoj vojsci. Bio je specijalist za tenkovski oklop te je stoga u sklopu svoje 4. gardijske brigade, po njemu nazvane „Pauci“, osnovao oklopnu bojnu čiji je odmah postao zapovjednik. Sa svojom Četvrtom Pauk je postigao...
Generalne ideološke orijentacije kod slobodnih građana i zatvorenika
Generalne ideološke orijentacije kod slobodnih građana i zatvorenika
Jakov Proroković
Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je konstruirati upitnik generalnih ideoloških orijentacija, te provjeriti njegovu dimenzionalnost i osnovne metrijske karakteristike. U prilog potencijalnoj valjanosti ovog mjernog instrumenta, drugi cilj bio je ispitati neke sociodemografske korelate generalnih ideoloških orijentacija te eventualne razlike u istima kod slobodnih građana i građana koji trenutno služe zatvorsku kaznu. Konstruirani upitnik ideoloških orijentacija i upitnik...
Generatori pare na ispušne plinove
Generatori pare na ispušne plinove
Kristian Dušević
Rad je pisan s ciljem da se objasni način rada, konstrukcijske karakteristike, te način održavanja ovih generatora pare. Generatori pare na ispušne plinove su uređaji koji smanjuju potrošnju goriva iskorištavanjem otpadne topline iz ispušnih plinova toplinskih uređaja. Ovi uređaji rade po termodinamičkom procesu koji se naziva Clausius–Rankineov proces. Toplina iz ispušnih plinova prelazi na vodu komešanjem, provođenjem topline, te toplinskim zračenjem. Glavni dijelovi...
Genetičko savjetovalište i prenatalna dijagnostika
Genetičko savjetovalište i prenatalna dijagnostika
Maja Mlakić
Genetičko savjetovalište ustanova je koja pruža pojedincu ili obitelji osnovne obavijesti o bolestima i anomalijama koje se nasljeđuju te njihovom utjecaju na život bolesnika. U savjetovalištu različiti stručnjaci objašnjavaju budućim roditeljima način i rizik nasljeđivanja, predočavaju mogućnosti u odnosu na rizik (odustajanje od potomstva, usvajanje, umjetna oplodnja), pomažu u samostalnom donošenju odluka te provode razgovore s roditeljima. Stoga je prikladnije govoriti o...
