Abstract | Sve veća potražnja za morskim proizvodima stvara sve veći pritisak na sektor akvakulture, a time i morski okoliš. Iako uzgoj školjkaša ne zahtijeva dohranu, mijenja karakteristike vodenog stupca i utječe na morski sediment te pridnene organizme procesom biotaloženja organskog materijala. Meiofauna zajednica nastanjena u morskom sedimentu, pouzdan je bioindikator stanja okoliša i antropogenog utjecaja na morski ekosustav. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi promjene u raznolikosti i brojnosti organizama u meiofauni pod utjecajem uzgajališta školjkaša (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Sa uzgajališta dagnji u Novigradskom moru uzorkovani su uzorci sedimenta na tri postaje u ljetnom periodu godine: rubni dio uzgajališta (P1), ispod samog uzgajališta (P2) te referentna postaja (REF) na oko 700 m udaljenosti od uzgajališta. Autonomnim ronjenjem sakupljeni su triplikatni uzorci a pomoću multiparametarske sonde evidentirani fizikalnokemijski parametri vodenog stupca. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su kako ukupna brojnost organizama u meiofauni značajno varira između istraživanih postaja. Najmanje vrijednosti brojnosti zabilježene su na postaji REF, dok je najveća brojnost na postaji P2, što se povezuje sa taloženjem organske tvari. Bioraznolikost svojti bila je najveća na REF postaji sa evidentiranim razlikama samo između P1 i REF. Najzastupljenije svojte na sve tri postaje su Nematoda, Copepoda i Nauplii od kojih svojta Nematoda dominira i čija se zastupljenost povećava od REF prema P2, dok se brojnost Copepoda smanjuje. Međutim, nisu pronađene razlike u broju rijetkih svojti na istraživanom području. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su manji, lokaliziran utjecaj na brojnost i sastav zajednice meiofaune time što je ukupna brojnost zajednice meiofaune povećana na području pod direktnim utjecajem uzgajališta dagnji, dok je manja razlika u bioraznolikosti zabilježena samo između referentne postaje i postaje na rubnom dijelu uzgajališta. |
Abstract (english) | The increasing demand for marine products enhance the pressure on the aquaculture sector and, consequently, on the marine environment. Although shellfish farming does not require additional feeding, it alters the characteristics of the water column and affects marine sediment and benthic organisms through the process of biodeposition of organic material. Meiofauna, a microscopic community inhabiting sediment, serves as a reliable bioindicator of environmental conditions and anthropogenic impact on the marine ecosystem. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in meiofaunal community structure under the influence of mussel farm (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Sediment samples were taken at three stations during the summer period in Novigrad Sea: on the farm’s edge (i.e., P1), directly beneath the farm (i.e., P2), and control station (i.e., CTRL) located approximately 700 meters away from the farm. Triplicate samples were collected through autonomous diving, and a multiparametric sonde was used to record physico-chemical parameters of the water column. The results of our study showed significant variation in total meiofaunal abundance among the sampled stations. The lowest values were recorded at the CTRL station, while the highest abundance was observed at P2, which is associated with the deposition of organic matter. Biodiversity was the highest at the CTRL station, with differences observed only between P1 and CTRL ST. The most abundant taxa at all three stations were Nematodes, Copepods, and Nauplii, with Nematodes dominating and increasing in abundance toward P2, whereas Copepod numbers decreased. However, no differences were found in the number of rare taxa within the study area. These findings indicate a minor, localized impact on meiofauna abundance and community composition. While the total meiofauna abundance increased in area directly beneath the mussel farm, a slight difference in biodiversity was recorded only between the control station and the station on the farm’s edge instalation. |