Title Volonterski rad kao jedan od čimbenika inkluzije djece s Down sindromom
Title (english) Volunteer work as a factor in the inclusion of children with Down syndrome
Author Rozalija Kaluža
Mentor Matilda Karamatić Brčić (mentor)
Committee member Jasmina Vrkić Dimić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matilda Karamatić Brčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rozana Petani (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Pedagogy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-10-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Abstract Down sindrom predstavlja genski poremećaj, u kojem dolazi do trisomije na 21. kromosomu, odnosno kod 21. kromosomskog para dolazi do pojavljivanja jednog kromosoma viška, koji uzrokuje različite tjelesne i mentalne teškoće kod osobe. Osobe s Down sindromom imaju određeni stupanj mentalne retardacije te samim time i različite teškoće u učenju i koncentraciju. Od najranije dob je jako važno intervenirati i uključiti čitav niz stručnih suradnika i liječnika u razvoj djece s Down sindromom, kako bi se uspjeli uključiti u svakodnevni život njihove društvene zajednice. To zahtijeva jako puno vremena, strpljenja, ali i ljubavi. Unatoč svim poteškoćama, moguće je ostvariti enormne rezultate i poboljšati kvalitetu njihova života. Djeca i osobe s Down sindromom mogu sve što i ostali ljudi, samo što uče i zaključuju na jedan drugačiji, nama teže shvatljiv način. U svrhu njihovog uključivanja u redovite odgojneobrazovne ustanove provodi se proces inkluzije, koji označava njihovo uključivanje u redoviti program odgoja i obrazovanja gdje imaju jednake mogućnosti kao i ostala djeca, samo uz prilagodbu materijala i nastavnog plana i programa. U procesu inkluzije mogu sudjelovati svi, pa tako i volonterski angažmani predstavljaju jedan od vodećih izvannastavnih oblika provođenja procesa inkluzije osoba s Down sindromom. Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je ispitati koji su stavovi volontera prema radu s osobama s Down sindromom, ali i njihovi stavovi prema Down sindromom općenito. U svrhu ovog istraživanja također su ispitana njihova shvaćanja volontiranja i Down sindroma, te na koji način su kroz različite oblike volonterskog angažmana u svom volonterskom centru/udruzi bili uključeni u proces inkluzije osoba s Down sindromom unutar svoje društvene zajednice.
Abstract (english) Down syndrome is a genetic disorder in which trisomy occurs on the 21st chromosome, that is, in the 21st chromosome pair, an extra chromosome appears, which causes various physical and mental difficulties in a person. People with Down syndrome have a certain degree of mental retardation and, therefore, different learning and concentration difficulties. From an early age, it is very important to intervene and involve a whole range of professional associates and doctors in the development of children with Down syndrome, so that they can successfully join the everyday life of their social community. This requires a lot of time, patience, but also love. Despite all the difficulties, it is possible to achieve enormous results and improve the quality of their lives. Children and people with Down syndrome can do everything that other people can, only that they learn and conclude in a different way, which is harder for us to understand. In order to include them in regular educational institutions, the process of inclusion is carried out, which means their inclusion in the regular education program where they have the same opportunities as other children, only with the adaptation of materials and the curriculum. Everyone can participate in the inclusion process, so volunteer engagements are one of the leading extracurricular forms of implementing the inclusion process of people with Down syndrome. The main goal of this thesis was to examine the attitudes of volunteers towards working with people with Down syndrome, as well as their attitudes towards Down syndrome in general. For the purpose of this research, their understanding of volunteering and Down syndrome was also examined, and in what way they were involved in the process of inclusion of people with Down syndrome within their social community through various forms of volunteer engagement in their volunteer centre/association
Down sindrom
rana intervencija
Keywords (english)
Down syndrome
early intervention
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:125777
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra pedagogije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2025-02-21 10:48:11