Abstract | Kolera je zarazna bolest koja se 1830-ih godina iz Azije proširila po Europi, a u Dalmaciji je izbila 1836. godine. Epidemija kolere je u Trogiru izbila sredinom sedmog mjeseca, a trajala je do početka devetog mjeseca 1836. U tom razdoblju od kolere je preminulo 199 od otprilike 3000 stanovnika Trogira. Ta statistika svjedoči o tome da je Trogir među dalmatinskim gradovima bio najteže pogođen epidemijom kolere. Zabilježeno je da je Trogir kroz prošlost bio suočen sa različitim epidemijama, ali grad je sredinom 19. stoljeća bio u izrazito lošem gospodarskom stanju, a prolazio je kroz političke, društvene i urbane promijene. Iako su se u gradu od početka 19. stoljeća počeli saditi parkovi te rušiti gradske zidine čime se urbani prostor počeo modernizirati, Trogir je bio u lošem komunalnom i higijenskom stanju. Osim toga, visokoj smrtnosti od kolere pridonijeli su i gustoća naseljenosti, neadekvatan pristup pitkoj vodi te močvarno područje koje se nalazilo sjeverno od gradske jezgre. Većinu stanovništva su činili niži socio-ekonomski slojevi odnosno poljoprivrednici i obrtnici, a Crkva i staro plemstvo kao nositelji društvenog života grada polagano gube svoj utjecaj u prvoj polovini 19. stoljeća. Trogir je u tom razdoblju bio prostorno podijeljen na tri glavna dijela, stari grad ili Città, predgrađe u Pašikama ili Città Nova te varoš na Čiovu ili Borgo dell Isola Bua. Epidemija kolere 1836. zahvatila je sva tri glavna dijela Trogira, a o epidemiji i njenim učincima svjedoče trogirske matične knjige iz tog perioda. Matična knjiga umrlih bilježi sve preminule od kolere te pruža informacije o njihovom socio-ekonomskom stanju i druge osobne podatke. Uz pomoć matične knjige umrlih i Stanja duša iz 1824. u kojem su popisane trogirske obitelji, moguće je prikazati prostorno kretanje epidemije kolere u Trogiru. |
Abstract (english) | Cholera is an infectious disease that spread across Europe from Asia in the 1830s, and broke out in Dalmatia in 1836. A cholera epidemic broke out in Trogir in the middle of the seventh month, and lasted until the beginning of the ninth month in 1836. During that period, 199 of Trogir's approximately 3000 inhabitants died of cholera. These statistics testify to the fact that Trogir was the hardest hit by the cholera epidemic among the Dalmatian cities. It has been recorded that Trogir was faced with various epidemics in the past, but in the middle of the 19th century the city was in an extremely bad economic condition, and it was going through political, social and urban changes. Although from the beginning of the 19th century parks were planted in the city and the city walls were demolished, which started to modernize the urban space, Trogir was in a bad communal and hygienic condition. In addition, population density, inadequate access to drinking water, and the swampy area north of the city center also contributed to the high death rate from cholera. The majority of the population consisted of lower socio-economic strata, that is, farmers and craftsmen, and the Church and the old nobility, as the bearers of the social life of the city, slowly lost their influence in the first half of the 19th centur.y In that period, Trogir was spatially divided into three main parts, the old town or Città, the suburb in Pašike or Città Nova and the village in Čiovo or Borgo dell Isola Bua. The cholera epidemic of 1836 affected all three main parts of Trogir, and the Trogir registry books from that period bear witness to the epidemic and its effects. The register of deaths records all cholera deaths and provides information on their socio-economic status and other personal data. With the help of the death register and the State of Souls from 1824. in which Trogir families were listed, it is possible to show the spatial movement of the cholera epidemic in Trogir. |