Abstract | Rak vrata maternice jedan je od oblika raka na koji se može utjecati, koji se može spriječiti i koji se može liječiti, ako se otkrije na vrijeme. Upravo je zato važno da se o njemu educiramo, podižemo svijest o cijepljenju, preventivnim pregledima i testiranjima. Sedam stvari koje bi trebali znati o raku vrata maternice i kako ga spriječiti. Infekcija HPV-om glavni je uzročnik raka vrata maternice kod žena Dugotrajna i ne liječena infekcija visokorizičnim tipovima Humanog papiloma virusa (HPV) jedan je od najčešćih uzroka raka vrata maternice. Rak vrata maternice je u 99,7% slučajeva uzrokovan infekcijom HPV-a. Cijepljenje protiv HPV-a, kako žena tako i muškaraca koji ovaj virus mogu prenijeti, uvelike smanjuje mogućnost nastanka raka. U Hrvatskoj svaki treći dan jedna žena umre od raka vrata maternice. “U Hrvatskoj godišnje od raka vrata maternice oboli više od 300 žena, dok ih više od 100 izgubi bitku s ovom bolešću. Cijepljenje protiv HPV-a i redoviti preventivni ginekološki pregledi značajno smanjuju šanse za nastanak ove vrste raka (1).” Rak vrata maternice treći je najčešći rak žena u Hrvatskoj u dobi od 30 do 39 godina, a najveći broj oboljelih žena nalazi se u dobnoj skupini od 35 do 55 godina. Pravovremena prevencija i redoviti pregledi zato su iznimno važno u ovoj dobnoj skupini. Rak vrata maternice jedan je od najpreventabilnijih oblika raka Gotovo svaki slučaj raka vrata maternice može se spriječiti! Ovaj rak je jedan od najpreventabilniji u cijeloj ljudskoj populaciji jer se može rano dijagnosticirati redovitim pregledima, a cijepljenjem protiv HPV virusa mogućnost pojave znatno se smanjuje. “Rak vrata maternice može se spriječiti cijepljenjem protiv HPV-a (1).” Sprječavanjem i smanjenjem rizika za zarazu HPV virusom izravno se utječe na sprječavanje razvoja raka vrata maternice kod žena. Ovo postižemo cijepljenjem djece u ranoj adolescentskoj dobi, i to djevojčica i dječaka. Imunološki odgovor na cjepivo u dobi od 10 do 15 godina puno je bolji nego kod odraslih i u toj je dobi mogućnost zaraze virusom puno manja, pa je i cjepivo učinkovitije. Programi probira i testiranje mogu smanjiti smrtnost bolesti za 80 %. Redoviti preventivni ginekološki pregledi i testiranje Papa testom i testom na HPV, i program probira, odnosno testiranje premaligne promjene dok se rak još nije razvio, načini su na koji se mogu otkriti promjene i prije nego nastane rak ili se rak može dijagnosticirati u ranomstadiju koji se može uspješno liječiti. Kvalitetni, dobro organizirani programi probira 4 pokazali su se vrlo učinkovitima u smanjenju pojavnosti i smrtnosti od raka vrata maternice, te mogu smanjiti smrtnost od ove bolesti za 80 %. Simptomi su nespecifični i rijetki. Još jedan razlog za podizanje svijesti o važnosti preventivnih i redovitih ginekoloških pregleda je činjenica da rak vrata maternice duže vrijeme ne pokazuje simptome u ranim stadijima, kada ga je najbolje liječiti jer je u tom slučaju postotak uspješnosti liječenja puno veći. Rak vrata maternice ozbiljan je zdravstveni problem, ali uz pravilnu edukaciju, preventivne mjere, cijepljenje i redovite ginekološke preglede, žene mogu značajno smanjiti svoj rizik od ove bolesti. Dovoljno je da odlučite da je pojava bolesti film koji nitko neće gledati i uzmete svoje zdravlje u svoje ruke. |
Abstract (english) | Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that can be influenced, prevented, and treated if detected early. Regular screenings, such as Pap tests, and HPV vaccinations are crucial in reducing the risk and ensuring early detection. It’s crucial to educate ourselves about it, raise awareness about vaccinations, preventive screenings, and testing. Here are seven important things to know about cervical cancer and how to prvent it. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the primary cause of cervical cancer. Peolonged and untreated infection with high-risk types of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common causes of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is caused by HPV infection in 99,7% cases. Vaccinated against HPV can significantly reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Both woman and man who can transmit this virus greatly reduce tha possibility of developing cancer. In Croatia, one woman dies from cervical cancer every third day. In Croatia, more than 300 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year, and over 100 lose their battle with this disease. Vaccination against HPV and regular preventive gynecological exams significantly reduce the chances of developing this type of cancer. Regular screenings and early detection are crucial for effective treatment and better outcomes. Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer among women in Croatia aged 30 to 39, with the highest number of cases occurring in the 35 to 55 age group. Timely prevention and regular check-ups are therefore extremely important for women in this age group. Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer. Almost every case of cervical cancer can be prevented. By vaccinating against the HPV virus, the possibility of occurrence is significantly reduced.Preventing and reducing the risk of HPV infection directly impacts the prevention of cervical cancer in woman. We achieve this by vaccinating children in early adolescence, both girls and boys. 6 The immune response to the vaccine in the age group of 10 to 15 years is much better than in adults, and at that age, the possibility of contracting the virus is much lower, making the vaccine more effective. Screening programs and testing can reduce disease mortality by 80%. Regular preventive gynecological exams, including Pap tests and HPV testing, along with screening programs that detect precancerous changes before cancer develops, are ways to identify changes early or diagnose cancer at an early stage when it can be successfully treated. High-quality, well-organized screening programs have proven to be very effective in reducing the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer, and can reduce the mortality rate from this disease by 80%. Symptoms are non-specific and rare. Another reason to raise awareness about the importance of preventive and regular gynecological exams is the fact that cervical cancer often shows no symptoms in its early stages, when it is bets treated because the success of treatment is much higher. Cervical cancer is serious health issue, but with proper education, preventive measures, vaccination, And regular gynecological exams, woman can significantly reduce their risk of disease. It’s enough to decide that the occurrence of the disease is a movie that no one won’t watch and decide to take your own health into your own hands. |