Title Rimski mozaici na području kolonije Iulia Pola
Title (english) Roman mosaics on the territory of the Iulia Pola colony
Author Antonio Anđić
Mentor Ivana Jadrić-Kučan (mentor)
Committee member Igor Borzić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Jadrić-Kučan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Miletić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Archaeology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-10-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology Ancient Archeology
Abstract Mozaik je stara slikarska tehnika koja uključuje upotrebu raznobojnih i oblikovanih kockica od kamena, stakla ili glazirane keramike, koje se zatim slažu u razne uzorke i slike. Kada se govori o rimskoj umjetnosti, može se primijetiti da je mozaik jedna od najpopularnijih slikarskih tehnika. Ova tehnika se upotrebljavala za ukrašavanje privatnih i javnih građevina, poput termi, javnih građevina, vila i kuća. Kako s vremenom dolazi do rapidnog razvoja gradova tako raste i zanimanje za mozaike. Stoga, mozaik postaje najvažniji dio arhitektonske dekoracije. Pronađeni su brojni rimski podni mozaici smješteni u rimskim vilama i ranokršćanskim bazilikama na području kolonije Julije Pule (Colonia Iulia Pola) i njenog šireg područja, te carstva vila s područja uvale Verige u razdoblju od 1. st. pr. Kr. do 5. st. po. Kr. Nadalje, sama podjela rimskih vila u kojima su pronađeni mozaici je sljedeća: villa rustica (izvangradska vila u kojoj, uglavnom, prebivaju sluge), villa urbana (vila koja je dio nekog većeg kompleksa, građena u urbanim središtima) te villa maritima (vila na obali mora s dominantnim izgledom arhitekture). Jedan od poznatijih rimskih podnih mozaika, iz rimske vile urbane je mozaik Kažnjavanja Dirke. Nadalje, mozaik iz Ulice Castropola u Puli te mozaik u kapeli sv. Ivana u samostanu sv. Franje u Puli također su pronađeni u ostacima rimske vile urbane. Dok su mozaik u peristilnoj vili u Pomeru te mozaik s lokaliteta Valbandon kraj Pule u prošlosti činili dio rimske vile rustike. Među ostacima rimskih maritimnih vila pronađeni su: mozaik s lokaliteta Vižula kod Medulina, mozaik s Velikog Brijuna iz uvale Verige, mozaik iz vile kraj Barbarige te mozaik s lokaliteta Dragonera kraj Peroja. Na području kolonije Julije Pule, također su pronađeni: mozaik kod Danteovog trga u Puli, mozaik Salus iz četvrti sv. Teodora u Puli, mozaik s lokaliteta Betiga - sv. Andrija kraj Barbarige, mozaik s lokaliteta Nezakcij kraj Pule te mozaik iz bazilike sv. Marije Formoze iz Pule. Posljednja tri mozaika činila su podne mozaike u ranokršćanskim bazilikama.
Abstract (english) Mosaic is an old painting technique that involves the use of colorful and shaped cubes made of stone, glass or glazed ceramics, which are then arranged into various patterns and images. Mosaic is the most popular painting technique in Roman art. This technique was used to decorate private and public buildings, such as thermal baths, public buildings, villas and houses. With the rapid development of cities, the interest in mosaics rises. Therefore, the mosaic becomes the most important part of the architectural decoration. Numerous floor mosaics were found in Roman villas and early Christian basilicas in the area of Colonia Iulia Pola and its wider area along with the empire of villas from the area of the Veriga bay from the 1st century BC to the 5th century AD. Furthermore, there are three types of Roman villas in which mosaics were found: villa rustica (a villa outside the city where mainly servants live), villa urbana (a villa that is part of a larger complex, built in the urban centers) and villa maritima (a villa on the seashore with the dominant appearance). One of the most famous floor mosaics, from the Roman villa urbana, is the Punishment of Dirka mosaic. Furthermore, the mosaic from Castropola Street in Pula and the mosaic in the chapel of St. John in the monastery of St. Francis in Pula were also found in the remains of the Roman villa urbana. On the other hand, the mosaic in the peristyle villa in Pomer and the mosaic from Valbandon near Pula were a part of a villa rustica. Furthermore, among the remains of villa maritima these mosaics were found: mosaic from Vižula near Medulin, mosaic from Great Brijun in Veriga bay, mosaic from a villa near Barbariga and mosaic from Dragonera near Peroj. The following mosaics were also found in Colonia Iulia Pola: a mosaic near Dante’s Square in Pula, a Salus mosaic from the quarter of St. Teodora in Pula, a mosaic from Betiga - St. Andrew near Barbariga, a mosaic from the Nezakcij near Pula, and a mosaic from the Basilica of St. Mary Formoza from Pula. The last three mosaics were floor mosaics in early Christian basilicas
rimska vila
villa rustica
villa urbana
villa maritima
Keywords (english)
roman villa
villa rustica
villa urbana
villa maritima
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:858241
Study programme Title: Archaeology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-24 10:21:21