Abstract | Danas gotovo da i nema privredne grane u kojoj se ne koriste kovine. Kovine su zahvaljujući svojim izvrsnim osobinama čvrstoće, elastičnosti, otpornosti prema habanju, provodljivosti topline i elektriciteta i dr. zauzeli mjesto najvažnijeg konstrukcijskog elementa. Međutim kovinski predmeti nisu vječni jer se s vremenom troše na različite načine. Jedan od najčešćih i najvažnijih oblika razaranja kovinskih materijala je korozija. Korozija nanosi vrlo velike štete gospodarstvu. Iako je točan iznos jako teško izračunati prema nekim procjenama šteta iznosi, samo na proizvodima crne metalurgije, i do 10% ukupne proizvedene količine. Prema drugim procjenama godišnja štetu od korozije u brodarstvu iznosi i do 15% štete od ukupne proizvodnje crne metalurgije [1]. Ukupnu štetu nastalu uslijed korozije treba dijeliti na izravne troškove (troškovi zamjene korodiranih dijelova, izrada novih dijelova i ugradnja, održavanje i zaštita prilikom upotrebe itd.) te na neizravne troškove (troškovi nastali uslijed povlačenja sredstava iz upotrebe, gubitak brzine broda i povećana potrošnja goriva zbog obraštanja i korozije podvodnog dijela broda, zagađenje tereta od produkta korozije itd.). Troškovi gradnje i održavanja broda se povećavaju i s time što se dijelovi predimenzioniraju [2]. Nastajanje korozije se ne može potpuno spriječiti ali se korozijski procesi mogu održavati na određenom stupnju kontrole |
Abstract (english) | Today, there is almost no industry in which metals are not used. Thanks to their excellent properties of strength, elasticity, resistance to wear, heat and electricity conductivity, etc., metals have taken the place of the most important structural element. However, metal objects are not eternal. They wear out over time in different ways. One of the most common and important forms of destruction of metal materials is corrosion. Corrosion causes very large damages to the economy. Although the exact amount is very difficult to calculate, according to some estimates, the damage amounts to up to 10% of the total produced quantity, only on ferrous metallurgy products. According to other estimates, the annual damage from corrosion in shipping is up to 15% of the damage from the total production of ferrous metallurgy. The total damage caused by corrosion should be divided into direct costs (costs of replacing corroded parts, manufacturing and installation of new parts, maintenance and protection during use, etc.) and indirect costs (costs resulting from the withdrawal of assets from use, loss of ship speed and increased fuel consumption due to fouling and corrosion of the underwater part of the ship, cargo pollution from corrosion products, etc.). Costs also increase as parts become oversized. The formation of corrosion cannot be completely prevented, but corrosion processes can be maintained at a certain level of control. |