Title Das Ehrgefühl in Theodor Fontanes Werken Effi Briest, L'Adultera und Schach von Wuthenow
Title (croatian) Osjećaj časti u djelima Theodora Fontanea Effi Briest, L’Adultera i Schach von Wuthenow
Title (english) The sense of honour in Theodor Fontane’s works Effi Briest, L’Adultera and Schach von Wuthenow
Author Rozalija Kaluža
Mentor Goran Lovrić (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Jeleč (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Lovrić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikolina Miletić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-02-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Ehre – was bedeutet sie und welche Auswirkungen hat sie auf das Leben der Menschen? Kann die Ehre falsch interpretiert und ein verzerrtes Bild von Ehre erzeugt werden oder muss man ehrenhaft handeln, weil es so sein sollte? Wird die Ehre von der Gesellschaft oder etwas Höherem bestimmt? Gerade diese Fragen ziehen sich durch diese Diplomarbeit, die zurückgeht in das 19. Jh., in die Zeit des Realismus, als 1871 das Deutsche Kaiserreich gegründet wurde. Die gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse wurden durch die Kriege um das geeinte Deutschland und die Herrschaft des ersten preußischen Kaisers Wilhelm I. bestimmt. Das politische Bild dieser Zeit entfaltete sich während der Herrschaft Wilhelms II. und dem Reichskanzler Otto von Bismarck. In der goldenen Zeit seiner Herrschaft hatte Bismarck einen großen Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft und die gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse, sogar größer als der Kaiser selbst, und als solcher erscheint sein Name häufig in Romanen und Novellen dieser Zeit. Der Realismus in Deutschland war eine Zeit großer sozialer, kultureller und technologischer Veränderungen. Immer mehr Menschen zogen aufgrund größerer Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten in die Großstädte und so entwickelte sich die Industrie immer weiter. Der Adel und das Militär als ehrenhafte Bürger und Träger von Kultur, Bräuchen und Lebensart spielten eine wichtige Rolle. Auch Theodor Fontane beschäftigte sich mit Fragen der Gesellschaft und sozialen Phänomenen und deckte in seinen Werken Effi Briest, L'Adultera und Schach von Wuthenow das gesamte Themenspektrum aus dem gesellschaftlichen Leben der damaligen Zeit ab, was zugleich auch eine Kritik der damaligen Zeit war, weil Fontane selbst ein großer Kritiker gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse und Erwartungen sowie der Etikettierung von etwas als moralisch oder unmoralisch war. Das Thema Ehre und Ehrgefühl zieht sich durch diese drei Werke und wird auf unterschiedliche Weise behandelt. Am Ende läuft alles auf dasselbe hinaus: Ehre aufgrund der Stellung einer Person in der Gesellschaft und darauf, dass Frauen verpflichtet sind, die Ehre eines Mannes zu schützen, sonst gibt es in der Gesellschaft keinen Platz für sie. Am Thema Ehre zeigte Theodor Fontane auch die Stellung der Frau im 19. Jh und was es bedeutete, eine Frau zu sein, was sie aufgab und was sie als normal akzeptieren musste, um in der Gesellschaft zu bestehen und um ihre Ehre zu erhalten.
Abstract (croatian) Čast – što to znači i kakav utjecaj ima na ljudske živote? Može li se čast krivo protumačiti i stvoriti iskrivljena slika časti ili pak postupati časno jer se tako mora? Određuje li što je čast društvo ili nešto više od njega? Upravo su to pitanja koja se provlače kroz ovaj diplomski rad koji seže u 19. stoljeće, u vrijeme realizma, kada je Njemačko Carstvo osnovano 1871. godine. Društvene uvjete odredili su ratovi za ujedinjenu Njemačku i vladavina prvog pruskog cara Wilhelma I. Politička slika tog vremena odvijala se i za vrijeme vladavine Wilhelma II i kancelara Otta von Bismarcka. Tijekom zlatnog razdoblja svoje vladavine, Bismarck je imao velik utjecaj na društvo i društvene prilike, čak i veći od samog cara, pa se njegovo ime često pojavljuje u romanima i novelama tog razdoblja. Realizam u Njemačkoj bio je vrijeme velikih društvenih, kulturnih i tehnoloških promjena. Sve više ljudi selilo se u velike gradove zbog većih mogućnosti zapošljavanja, pa se industrija snažno razvijala. Plemstvo i vojska imali su važnu ulogu kao građanski sloj i nositelji kulture, običaja i načina života. Theodor Fontane bavio se i pitanjima društva i društvenih pojava te je u svojim djelima Effi Briest, L'Adultera i Schach von Wuthenow obuhvatio cijeli niz tema iz tadašnjeg društvenog života, što je ujedno bila i kritika tog vremena, jer je Fontane bio veliki kritičar društvenih prilika i očekivanja kao i etiketiranja nečega kao moralnog ili nemoralnog. Tema časti i osjećaja časti provlači se kroz ova tri djela i obrađena je na različite načine. Na kraju se sve svodi na isto: čast se određuje na temelju položaja osobe u društvu i na tome da su žene dužne štititi čast muškarca, inače za njih nema mjesta u društvu. Na temelju pojma časti Theodor Fontane pokazao je i položaj žene u 19. st. i što je tada značilo biti žena, čega se odricala i što je morala prihvatiti kao normalno da bi opstala u društvu te uopće sačuvala svoju čast
Abstract (english) Honor - what does it mean and what impact does it have on people's lives? Can honour be misinterpreted and create a distorted image of honour, or can one act honourably because one should? Is honour determined by society or something more? These are exactly the questions that run through this graduation thesis, which goes back to the 19th century, the time of realism, when the German Empire was founded in 1871. The social conditions were determined by the wars for the united Germany and the rule of the first Prussian emperor Wilhelm I. The political picture of this time took place during the reign of Wilhelm II and the imperial chancellor Otto von Bismarck. During the golden period of his reign, Bismarck had a great influence on society and social conditions, even greater than the emperor himself, and as such his name often appears in novels and short stories of the period. Realism in Germany was a time of great social, cultural and technological changes. More and more people moved to big cities for better job opportunities, so the industry continued to develop. The nobility and the army played an important role as honourable citizens and bearers of culture, customs and way of life. Theodor Fontane also dealt with issues of society and social phenomena, and in his works Effi Briest, L'Adultera and Schach von Wuthenow, he covered a whole range of topics from the social life of that time, which was also a criticism of that time, because Fontane himself was a great critic social conditions and expectations as well as labelling something as moral or immoral. The theme of honour and the feeling of honour runs through these three works and is dealt with in different ways. In the end, it all boils down to the same thing: honour based on a person's position in society and that women are obliged to protect a man's honour, otherwise there is no place for them in society. On the topic of honour, Theodor Fontane showed the position of women in the 19th century and what it meant to be a woman, what she had to give up and what she had to accept as normal in order to survive in the society and preserve her honour in general.
Otto von Bismarck
Wilhelm II.
gesellschaftliche Erwartungen
Frage der Ehre
Schicksal der Frau
Keywords (croatian)
osjećaj časti
Otto von Bismarck
Wilhelm II
društvena očekivanja
pitanje časti
sudbina žene
Keywords (english)
sense of honour
Otto von Bismarck
Wilhelm II
social expectations
question of honour
fate of women
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:760154
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-10-22 11:38:58