Title L'inspiration chrétienne dans la poésie de Paul Claudel
Title (croatian) Kršćanska inspiracija u poeziji Paula Claudela
Title (english) Christian inspiration in Paul Claudel'spoetry
Author Kristina Dodig
Mentor Frano Vrančić (mentor)
Committee member Patrick Levačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniela Ćurko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Frano Vrančić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Francophone Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Ce mémoire est dédié au poète, dramaturge et diplomate français Paul Claudel. Le but de ce mémoire est de mettre en évidence son inspiration chrétienne présente dans sa poésie et de trouver, à travers l'analyse de poèmes issus de divers recueils, des éléments et motifs communs témoignant de sa profonde foi chrétienne, de son attachement à la Bible et de ses réflexions profondes et pensées perspicaces sur le monde, Dieu, l'homme, la mortalité et la vie éternelle. Son parcours de vie est particulièrement intéressant si l'on prête attention à sa relation avec l'Église et avec lui-même. À Paris, durant son adolescence, il a perdu la foi et a complètement négligé l'Église, captivé par les idéaux et l'état d'esprit général de l'époque, puis s'est converti et, à partir de ce moment-là, a consacré tout son travail, sa vie et ses œuvres à Dieu en étudiant la Bible, ainsi que la théologie et la philosophie. Inspiré par sa conversion, Claudel commence à écrire ses œuvres littéraires, notamment des pièces de théatre et des poèmes, où il transforme ses pensées en chefs-d'œuvre avec des vers apparemment simples, mais imprégnés de pensées profondes et complexes. L'accent de ce travail a été mis sur sa poésie, et l'analyse de divers vers témoignant de son engagement dans la diffusion de la pensée chrétienne et de sa compréhension du monde et de Dieu. Le mémoire présente des poèmes tirés des recueils Poésies, Cinq grandes odes et Connaissance de l'Est.
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj diplomski rad posvećen je francuskom pjesniku, dramaturgu i diplomatu Paulu Claudelu. Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada istaknuti njegovu kršćansku inspiraciju prisutnu u njegovoj poeziji te kroz analize pjesama iz različitih zbirki pronaći zajedničke elemente i motive kao dokaz njegove jake kršćanske vjere, posvećenosti Bibliji i dubokog i pronicljivog razmišljanja o svijetu, Bogu, čovjeku, smrtnosti i vječnom životu. Njegov životni put bio je posebno zanimljiv ako se obrati pažnja na njegov odnos sa Crkvom i samim sobom. U Parizu je tijekom adolescencije izgubio svoju vjeru i zanemario Crkvu u potpunosti zanesen idealima i tadašnjim općim stanjem svijesti nakon čega se preobratio i od tog trenutka sav svoj rad, život i književna djela posvećuje Bogu proučavanjem Biblije uz teologiju i filozofiju. Potaknut svojim preobraćenjem, Claudel počinje pisati svoja književna djela, posebno drame i poeziju, gdje svoje misli pretvara u remekdjela sa naočigled jednostavnim stihovima prožetim dubokim i kompleksnim mislima. Fokus ovoga rada bila je njegova poezija i analiza raznih stihova svjedoči njegovoj angažiranosti u širenju kršćanske misli i njegovu shvaćanju svijeta i Boga. U radu su prikazane pjesme iz zbirki pjesama Poésies, Cinq grandes odes i Connaissance de l'Est
Abstract (english) This thesis is dedicated to the French poet, playwright, and diplomat Paul Claudel. The aim of this thesis is to highlight his Christian inspiration present in his poetry and to find common elements and motifs through the analysis of poems from various collections as evidence of his strong Christian faith, dedication to the Bible, and deep and insightful reflections on the world, God, man, mortality, and eternal life. His life journey was particularly interesting given his relationship with the Church and with himself. In Paris, during adolescence, he lost his faith and completely neglected the Church, captivated by the ideals and the general state of consciousness at the time, after which he converted and from that moment dedicated all his work, life, and literary works to God by studying the Bible along with theology and philosophy. Motivated by his conversion, Claudel began writing his literary works, particularly dramas and poetry, where he transformed his thoughts into masterpieces with seemingly simple verses imbued with deep and complex thoughts. The focus of this paper was his poetry, and the analysis of various verses testifying his commitment to spreading Christian thought and his understanding of the world and God. The thesis presents poems from the poetry collections Poésies, Cinq grandes odes, and Connaissance de l'Est
Paul Claudel
Cinq grandes odes
Connaissance de l'Est
Keywords (croatian)
Paul Claudel
Cinq grandes odes
Connaissance de l'Est
Keywords (english)
Paul Claudel
Cinq grandes odes
Connaissance de l'Est
Language french
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:810276
Study programme Title: French Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije francuskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-08 10:40:10