Abstract | U ovome završnome radu prikazuje se stanje političkoga vodstva NDH i njenoga stanovništva u svibnju 1945 koje je rezultiralo njenim slomom. U uvodnome dijelu spominju se uspješne vojne operacije vojnih snaga Jugoslavenske Armije početkom 1945. godine koje su sužavali prostor NDH čije se političko vodstvo radi nerazvijene vojne industrije nije moglo oduprijeti zbog čega su uputili molbu Saveznicima da NDH prijeđe na njihovu stranu, ali Saveznici su njihovu molbu odbili. Nakon uvoda govori se o događajima i okolnostima Bleiburga i Križnoga puta napisano u tri poglavlja. U prvome poglavlju je fokus na povlačenje političkoga vodstva NDH sa vojskom i civilima iznoseći smjerove kretanja kolona prema Austriji koje je bilo popraćeno borbama sa partizanskim jedinicama. U drugome dijelu sagledava se djelovanje i suočavanje britanskoga političkoga vrha prema pristiglim hrvatskim izbjeglicama u Austriji i sve većoj prisutnosti vojnih snaga JA koji se ne žele povući, pronalazeći kompromisno riješenje koje je rezultiralo pregovorima između britanskih vojnih predstavnika i jugoslavenskih vojnih predstavnika koji su se izborili da se hrvatske izbjeglice izruče Jugoslaviji, ali pod uvjetom da napuste austrijski dio Koruške. U trećem poglavlju govori se o izručenju hrvatskih izbjeglica na prostoru Austrije vojnim snagama JA koje su izbjeglice formirali u četverorede, te se opisuje pravac njihova kretanja kroz Jugoslaviju poznat pod nazivom Križni put na kojemu su te izbjeglice bile smještene u logore, izložene malteretiranjima i likvidacijama o čemu potvrđuju brojna otkrivena masovna grobišta. U zaključku se navodi kako je za hrvatsku historiografiju ova tema kompleksna jer ona izaziva brojne prijepore kako među povjesničarima tako i u hrvatskom društvu te zahtjeva daljna znanstvena istraživanja jer dosadašnji broj ubijenih tijekom povlačenja prema Austriji, u Austriji i na Križnome putu se još uvijek temelji na procjenama. |
Abstract (english) | This final paper presents the state of the political leadership of the NDH and its population in May 1945, which resulted in its collapse. The introductory part mentions the successful military operations of the military forces of the Yugoslav Army in early 1945, which narrowed the space of the NDH, whose political leadership could not resist because of the underdeveloped military industry, which is why they sent a request to the Allies that the NDH go over to their side, but the Allies refused their request refused. After the introduction, the events and circumstances of Bleiburg and the Stations of the Cross are written in three chapters. In the first chapter, the focus is on the withdrawal of the political leadership of the NDH with the army and civilians, presenting the directions of movement of the columns towards Austria, which was accompanied by fights with partisan units. In the second part, the action and confrontation of the British political leadership towards the arrived Croatian refugees in Austria and the increasing presence of the JA military forces that do not want to withdraw, finding a compromise solution that resulted in negotiations between British military representatives and Yugoslav military representatives who fought for the extradition of Croatian refugees to Yugoslavia, but on the condition that they leave the Austrian part of Carinthia. The third chapter talks about the extradition of Croatian refugees on the territory of Austria to the military forces of JA, who formed the refugees into four rows, and describes the direction of their movement through Yugoslavia, known as the Way of the Cross, on which these refugees were placed in camps, exposed to mistreatment and liquidations, as confirmed by the numerous discovered mass graves. In the conclusion, it is stated that this topic is complex for Croatian historiography because it causes numerous controversies both among historians and in Croatian society and requires further scientific research because the number of those killed so far during the retreat towards Austria, in Austria and on the Way of the Cross is still based on estimates. |