Abstract | Opsesivno kompulzivni poremećaj neurotski je poremećaj obilježen prisutnošću ponavljajućih ideja i fantazija (opsesija) te ponavljajućih radnji (kompulzija) i impulsa koje osoba smatra neprimjerenim i kojima pruža unutarnji otpor. Dosadašnja istraživanja ukazuju na pozitivan odnos stresa na poslu i prisutnosti opsesivnih misli te negativan odnos socijalne podrške i prisutnosti opsesivnih misli. Također, rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja pokazuju negativan odnos ekstraverzije i otpornosti s prisutnošću opsesivnih misli te pozitivan odnos emocionalnosti i prisutnosti opsesivnih misli. Nadalje, istraživanja naglašavaju da pojedinci koji imaju nadređene doživljavaju veću razinu stresa na poslu. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je ispitati odnos nekih aspekata vatrogasnog posla i određenih karakteristika ličnosti s prisutnošću opsesivnih misli na uzorku hrvatskih vatrogasaca. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku hrvatskih vatrogasaca (N=202; NM=194; NŽ=8). Podaci su prikupljeni online metodom, a korišteni instrumenti su sljedeći: Skala socijalne podrške, podljestvica za socijalnu podršku na poslu, Podrška od radnih kolega (Šimunić, Gregov i Proroković, 2016), Skala stresora u vatrogasnom poslu (Kimbrel i sur., 2015; Galić i Slišković, 2022); HEXACO-PI-R upitnik ličnosti, podljestvica Emocionalnost i Ekstraverzija (Ashton i Lee, 2008,2009; Babarović i Šverko, 2013), Kratka skala otpornosti (Smith i sur., 2008; Slišković i Burić, 2018) i Upitnik opsesivno kompulzivnih simptoma, podljestvica Opsesivnih misli (Šarić, 2020). Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na postojanje pozitivne povezanosti emocionalnosti i stresa na poslu s prisutnošću opsesivnih misli. Nadalje, utvrđena je negativna povezanost ekstraverzije, otpornosti i socijalne podrške s prisutnošću opsesivnih misli. Radni staž, ekstraverzija i otpornost značajni su negativni, a emocionalnost i stres na poslu značajni pozitivni prediktori prisutnosti opsesivnih misli. Sudionici koji su na višoj poziciji doživljavaju višu razinu stresa na poslu u odnosu na sudionike koji su na nižoj poziciji. Prikazani rezultati potvrđuju samo neke od pretpostavljenih odnosa te je očita potreba za daljnjim istraživanjem ove tematike. Nadalje, dobiveni rezultati mogu biti od koristi za oblikovanje preventivnih i intervencijskih programa usmjerenih k daljnjem napredovanju i nošenju sa stresnim situacijama u vatrogasnom poslu. |
Abstract (english) | Obsessive compulsive disorder is a neurotic disorder identified by the presence of recurring ideas and fantasies (obsessions) and recurring actions (compulsions) and impulses that a person considers unacceptable and against which there is internal resistance. Previous research shows a positive correlation between stress at work and presence of obsessive thoughts and a negative correlation between social support and presence of obsessive thoughts. Also, the results of previous research show a negative correlation between extraversion and presence of obsessive thoughts, as well as the relationship between resilience and presence of obsessive thoughts. On the other hand, results show a positive correlation between emotionality and presence of obsessive thoughts. Furthermore, previous research emphasizes that individuals who have superiors above them experience higher levels of stress at work. The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between some aspects of firefighter’s work and certain personality characteristics and presence of obsessive thoughts on a sample of Croatian firefighters. The research was conducted on a sample of Croatian firefighters (N=202; NM=194; NW=8). Data was collected through an online survey and the following instruments were used: Social support scale, subscale for social support at work, Support from work colleagues (Šimunić, Gregov and Proroković, 2016), Sources of occupational stress (Kimbrel et al., 2015; Galić and Slišković, 2022); HEXACO-PI-R personality questionnaire, Emotionality and Extraversion subscale (Ashton and Lee, 2008,2009; Babarović and Šverko, 2013), The brief resilience scale (Smith et al., 2008; Slišković and Burić, 2018) and Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms Questionnaire, Obsessive thoughts subscale (Šarić, 2020). Results show that there is a positive correlation between emotionality and presence of obsessive thoughts, and between stress at work and presence of obsessive thoughts. Furthermore, there is a negative correlation between extraversion, resilience, social support, and presence obsessive thoughts. Work experience, extraversion and resilience are negative, and emotionality and stress at work are positive predictors of presence of obsessive thoughts. Participants who are at higher positions experience a higher level of stress at work compared to the participants who are at lower positions. The presented results confirm just some of the assumed relationships, so there is an obvious necessity for further research on this topic. Furthermore, the presented results can be of great use for the design of preventive and intervention programs aimed at further progress and coping with stressful events in the fire department. |