Title Uloga umjetnosti na blockchain tehnologiji
Title (english) The Role of Art on Blockchain Technology
Author Ivana Matić
Mentor Antonija Mlikota (mentor)
Committee member Sofija Sorić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Mlikota (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Silvia Bekavac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History of Art) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-10-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art History and Theory of the Fine Arts, Architecture, Urbanism and Visual Communications
Abstract Ubrzan razvoj digitalizacije donio je sa sobom nove tehnologije i načine stvaranja te distribuiranja digitalne umjetnosti. U tom se smislu razvila blockchain tehnologija te su se otvorile mogućnosti za trgovanje nezamjenjivim tokenima (NFT). Ovaj diplomski rad istražuje uključivanje umjetnosti u svijet blockchain tehnologije s posebnim naglaskom na nezamjenjivim tokenima. Riječ je o revolucionarnoj tehnologiji koja omogućuje kreativcima, kolekcionarima, poduzetnicima i ostalim korisnicima da
... More kreiraju, prodaju i/ili kupuju digitalne nezamjenjive tokene na sigurnom i decentraliziranom mjestu. U uvodnom se dijelu rada donose osnovne postavke blockchaina i definiraju opće karakteristike nezamjenjivih tokena. U drugom dijelu rada opisan je izgled NFT tržišta, njegove prednosti i nedostatci te način na koji umjetnici i ostali korisnici iskorištavaju njihove pogodnosti za zaradu i promoviranje digitalne umjetnosti. Poseban je naglasak na popularnim svjetskim umjetnicima i domaćim umjetničkim izložbama posvećenim virtualnoj digitalnoj umjetnosti. Osim toga, istraženi su i izazovi ove tehnologije analizirajući pritom sigurnost, pravne regulative i uobičajene kriminalne radnje. Također, prikazano je novo istraživanje energetske učinkovitosti koje će baciti pozitivno svjetlo na ekološku osviještenost blockchain tehnologije. Na kraju rada predstavljena je potencijalna budućnost korištenja nezamjenjivih tokena na blockchain tehnologiji s fokusom na pojavu metaverzuma i umjetne inteligencije. Svrha je ovog rada predočiti kako se suvremena digitalna umjetnost kreće u drugačijem smjeru, pritom donoseći nove oblike umjetnosti, dok je ujedno podržana virtualnom stvarnošću i digitalnim napretkom. Less
Abstract (english) The accelerated development of digitization has brought about new technologies and methods for creating and distributing digital art. In this regard, blockchain technology has emerged, opening up opportunities for trading non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This thesis explores the integration of art into the world of blockchain technology, with a particular focus on nonfungible tokens. It is a revolutionary technology that enables creators, collectors, entrepreneurs, and other users to create,
... More sell, and/or buy digital non-fungible tokens in a secure and decentralized environment. The introduction of the thesis outlines the basic principles of blockchain and defines the general characteristics of non-fungible tokens. The second part of the thesis describes the appearance of the NFT market, its advantages and drawbacks, and how artists and other users leverage its benefits for earning and promoting digital art. Special emphasis is placed on popular global artists and domestic art exhibitions dedicated to virtual digital art. Additionally, the challenges of this technology are explored, including security, legal regulations, and common criminal activities. Furthermore, a new study on energy efficiency is presented, shedding a positive light on the environmental consciousness of blockchain technology. In the conclusion of the thesis, the potential future use of non-fungible tokens on blockchain technology is presented, with a focus on the emergence of the metaverse and artificial intelligence. The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate how contemporary digital art is moving in a different direction, bringing forth new forms of art, all while being supported by virtual reality and digital progress. Less
blockchain tehnologija
nezamjenjivi tokeni
tržište umjetnina
umjetna inteligencija
Keywords (english)
blockchain technology
non-fungible token
art market
artificial intelligence
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:267967
Study programme Title: History of Art (Museum and Gallery Studies/Art-conservation studies); specializations in: Science (single major), Art-conservation studies and Museum and Gallery Studies (single major) Course: Art-conservation studies and Museum and Gallery Studies (single major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti (sveučilišni/a magistar/sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-12-13 13:57:13