Abstract | Ovisnost je dugotrajna bolest koja oblikuje specifično ponašanje i funkcioniranje. Na ovisnika utječu psihoaktivne tvari, biološki i okolišni faktori te osobine ličnosti. Ti faktori međusobno djeluju, utječući na rad, odnose i dinamiku obitelji. Ovisnost je prepoznata kao bolest koja značajno utječe na članove obitelji ovisnika, često uzrokujući tjeskobu, depresiju i strah. Model stresa-napetosti-savladavanja-podrške objašnjava kako problemi ovisnosti stvaraju kroničan stres za obitelj, često rezultirajući fizičkim i psihičkim problemima. Obitelj reagira usvajanjem različitih strategija suočavanja i traženjem socijalne podrške. Emocionalna regulacija, odnosno kontrola izražavanja emocija, igra ključnu ulogu u tom procesu. Pri tome je emocionalna regulacija povezana s raznim aspektima mentalnog zdravlja i dobrobiti tako da su njezine adaptivne strategije povezane s nižim razinama depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa, dok su maladaptivne strategije povezane s njihovim višim razinama (Aldao i sur., 2010; Garnefski i sur., 2004; Garnefski i Kraaij, 2007; Hu i sur., 2014). Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati kognitivne strategije i razine socijalne podrške koje članovi obitelji ovisnika koriste, odnos emocionalne regulacije sa simptomima depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa, kao i socijalne podrške kod članova obitelji ovisnika i ispitati medijacijsku ulogu socijalne podrške između kognitivnih emocionalnih regulacija i neugodnih emocionalnih stanja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 67 sudionika čija se dob kretala između 19 i 73 godine. Podaci su prikupljeni Upitnikom kognitivne emocionalne regulacije - CERQ (Soldo i Vulić-Prtorić, 2018), Skalom depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa - DASS (Ercegovac i Penezić, 2012) i Skalom socijalne podrške - SPSS (Ivanov i Penezić, 2010). Sudionici istraživanja češće primjenjuju adaptivne strategije i imaju pristup umjerenim do visokim razinama socijalne podrške. Ustanovljeno je da postoji pozitivna povezanost između depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa te maladaptivnih kognitivnih strategija za regulaciju emocija kao i negativna povezanost između simptoma emocionalne nelagode i adaptivnih strategija. Također, postoji pozitivna povezanost između faktora socijalne podrške i adaptivnih kognitivnih strategija za regulaciju emocija, kao i negativna povezanost s maladaptivnim strategijama. Utvrđena je i medijacijska uloga socijalne podrške između kognitivnih emocionalnih regulacija i neugodnih emocionalnih stanja. S povećanjem učestalosti korištenja adaptivne strategije pozitivnog refokusiranja, povećava se razina ukupne socijalne podrške te se snižava razina stresa. |
Abstract (english) | Addiction is a chronic disease that shapes certain behaviors and functions. An addict is influenced by psychoactive substances, biological and environmental factors, and personality traits. These factors interact and impact work, relationships, and family dynamics. Addiction is recognized as a disease that has a significant impact on family members of addicts, often causing anxiety, depression, and fear. The stress-strain-copingsupport model explains how addiction problems cause chronic stress in the family, often leading to physical and psychological problems. The family responds by using various coping strategies and seeking social support. Emotion regulation, i.e., the control of emotional expression, plays a crucial role in this process. In this context, emotion regulation itself has been associated with various aspects of mental health and well-being, such that its adaptive strategies (acceptance, reorientation to planning, positive reorientation, positive reappraisal, and perspective taking) are associated with lower levels of depression, anxiety, and stress, whereas maladaptive strategies (self-blame, blaming others, rumination, and disaster management) are associated with higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress (Aldao et al., 2010; Garnefski et al., 2004; Garnefski and Kraaij, 2007; Hu et al., 2014). The aim of the study was to examine the cognitive strategies and levels of social support utilized by family members of addicts, the relationship between emotional regulation and symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, as well as social support among family members of addicts, and to investigate the mediating role of social support between cognitive emotional regulation and distressing emotional states. Sixty-seven participants between the ages of 19 and 73 participated in the study. Data were collected using the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire - CERQ (Soldo and Vulić-Prtorić, 2018), Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale - DASS (Ercegovac and Penezić, 2012), and Social Support Scale - SPSS (Ivanov and Penezić, 2010). Study participants prefer to employ adaptive strategies and have access to moderate to high levels of social support. It was found that there is a positive correlation between depression, anxiety and stress and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies and a negative correlation between emotional stress symptoms and adaptive strategies. There is also a positive correlation between social support factors and adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies and a negative correlation with maladaptive strategies. A mediating role of social support between cognitive emotion regulation and unpleasant emotional states was also found. With an increase in the frequency of using the adaptive strategy of positive refocusing, the level of overall social support increases and the level of stress decreases. |