Title Tema zavičajnosti u hrvatskoj dječjoj književnosti
Title (english) Indigeneity as a theme in Croatian children's literature
Author Jasminka Troha
Mentor Sanja Vrcić-Mataija (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Grahovac-Pražić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Katica Balenović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Vrcić-Mataija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers Studies in Gospić) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-02-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract U radu se interpretiraju odabrani, žanrovski raznoliki tekstovi hrvatske dječje književnosti povezani zavičajnom temom. Pojam se zavičajnosti, obilježen jezično-stilskim značajkama, istaknutom emocionalnošću te željom za osvješćivanjem zavičajnog identiteta (jezik, krajolik, običaji, prošlost) dječjim recipijentima iščitava u dječjoj poeziji, slikovnicama, tipološki raznolikim pričama, pripovijestima i romanima. Književnoteorijskom i kulturološkom analizom utvrđena je kao zajednička osobina spoznaja važnosti zavičajnog i regionalnog identiteta temeljenog na poznavanju i promicanju zavičajnih vrijednosti te ljubavi prema zavičaju. Uočene su motivske, jezične, kompozicijske i stilske razlike u odabranim djelima, zasnovane na žanrovskim posebnostima. Djela su odraz individualnih autorskih poetika, emocionalnog stanja autora, ali i društvenih prilika s obzirom na razdoblje u kojemu je određeni autor živio i djelovao. Autori najčešće u književnim tekstovima koriste autobiografski diskurs djetinjstva te vlastita životna iskustva povezana sa svojim zavičajem. Osim pripovjedne realističnosti proizišle iz projekcije vlastitog djetinjstva, primjetno je veliko uplitanje bajkovitosti bliske dječjem čitatelju, ali i potrebi bajkovitog viđenja zavičaja. Zavičajne se teme najčešče ostvaruju prostornom topofilijom: od emotivnih opisa ruralnih i urbanih lokaliteta, preko povijesnih digresija, do pripovijedanja o važnim osobama koje su svojim životom i djelovanjem postali prepoznatljivim dijelovima zavičajnog (ponekad i šireg) identiteta i kulturne baštine određenog kraja. U jezičnom smislu, neki su od književnih tekstova napisani standardnim jezikom, a drugi koriste dijalekte, regionalne i mjesne govore kao sredstva određivanja pripadnosti određenom kraju promičući očuvanje zavičajnih dijalektoloških vrijednosti.
Abstract (english) The paper interprets selected genre diverse texts that belong to Croatian children′s literature related by the theme of indigeneity. The concept of indigeneity, characterized by linguistic-stylistic features, prominent emotionality and desire for the awareness of indigenous identity (language, landscape, customs, history) is read to children recipients from children′s poetry, picture books, topologically diverse stories, tales and novels. Literary theory and culture analysis have identified the importance of native and regional identity based on knowing and promoting native values and patriotism. Motive-related, linguistic, compositional and stylistic differences have been noticed in selected writings, all based on the genre specifics. The writings are reflections of the individual authors' poetics, emotional states and social conditions due to the period in which the particular author lived and worked. In their literary texts authors mostly use autobiographical discourse of their own childhood and life experience connected to their homeland. Besides the narrative realism resulting from the projection of one's own childhood, a significant interference of the elements of fairy-tales, as well as the need of mythical vision of the homeland have been noticed. Indigenous themes are usually realized through spatial topophilia: from emotional description of rural and urban localities, through historical digressions, to the narration about important persons whose life and work have become recognizable parts of the homeland (and sometimes wider) identity and cultural heritage of a particular region. Linguistically, some of the literary texts are written in standard language, while others use dialects, regional and local speech as a means of determining the affiliation with a particular region and promoting the preservation of native dialectological values.
Keywords (english)
picture books
oral tradition
short stories
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:237137
Study programme Title: Primary education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2016-02-26 14:22:58