Abstract | Upotreba i implementacija humora je, u psihološkom smislu, oduvijek smatrana sastavnom komponentom čovjekove dobrobiti, a interes za njegovo istraživanje je potaknuo stvaranje različitih konceptualizacija tog konstrukta. Vodeći se četverodimenzijskim pristupom Martina i suradnika (2003) koji diferencira njegove adaptivne i maladaptivne pojavnosti, dosadašnja su se istraživanja bavila ispitivanjem relacija pojedinih stilova humora s pokazateljima određenih mentalnih stanja, kao i mehanizmima kojima djeluju na njih. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati odnos četiriju stilova humora (afilijativnog, samopoboljšavajućeg, agresivnog i samoporažavajućeg) s mjerama automatskih misli, anksioznosti i depresivnosti. U istraživanju provedenom u online obliku sudjelovalo je 358 sudionika dobnog raspona od 18 do 60 godina, pri čemu udio žena iznosi 65.9 % (N=236), a muškaraca 34.1 % (N=122). Sudionici su ispunjavali set od triju mjernih instrumenata kojeg su sačinjavali kratka verzija Upitnika automatskih misli, Upitnik stilova humora te Skala bolničke anksioznosti i depresivnosti, a kojima su prethodila sociodemografska pitanja. U svrhu validacije kratke verzije Upitnika automatskih misli provedena je konfirmatorna faktorska analiza kojom je potvrđena njegova jednofaktorska struktura, kao i visoke razine pouzdanosti i faktorskih zasićenja čestica. Nadalje, utvrđena je značajna povezanost stilova humora s mjerama automatskih misli, anksioznosti i depresivnosti, pri čemu adaptivni stilovi humora (afilijativni i samopoboljšavajući) s navedenim trima mjerama koreliraju negativno, a samoporažavajući humor pozitivno. Agresivni stil humora nije značajno povezan ni s jednim od triju indikatora. Glede automatskih misli, pokazalo se kako one visoko pozitivno koreliraju s mjerama anksioznosti i depresivnosti, kao i da dvije potonje mjere pokazuju pozitivnu povezanost. Također, rezultati regresijskih analiza pokazali su kako su afilijativni i samopoboljšavajući humor negativni prediktori automatskih misli i depresivnosti, s tim da je samopoboljšavajući stil negativan prediktor i u slučaju anksioznosti. S druge strane, ženski spol i samoporažavajući humor su pozitivni prediktori anksioznosti i depresivnosti, pri čemu se samoporažavajući stil pokazao pozitivnim prediktorom i kod automatskih misli. |
Abstract (english) | The use and implementation of humor, in a psychological sense, has always been considered an integral component of human well-being, and the interest in its research has stimulated the creation of different conceptualizations of that construct. Guided by the four-dimensional approach of Martin and his associates (2003), which differentiates its adaptive and maladaptive manifestations, previous research has dealt with the examination of the relationships of particular humor styles with indicators of certain mental states, as well as the mechanisms by which they act on them. The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between four humor styles (affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive and self-defeating) with measures of automatic thoughts, anxiety and depression. 358 participants with age range 18-60 took part in the online survey, where the proportion of women is 65.9% (N=236) and men 34.1% (N=122). The participants completed a set of three measuring instruments made up of a short version of the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire, the Humor Styles Questionnaire and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, preceded by a sociodemographic questions. In order to validate the short version of the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted, which confirmed its one-factor structure, as well as the high level of reliability and factor saturation of the items. Furthermore, a significant association of humor styles with measures of automatic thoughts, anxiety and depression was found, whereby adaptive humor styles (affiliative and self-enhancing) correlate negatively with the three mentioned measures, and self-defeating humor positively. Aggressive humor is not significantly related to any of the three indicators. Regarding automatic thoughts, it was found that they are highly positively correlated with measures of anxiety and depression, as well as that the two latter measures show a positive interrelation. Also, the results of regression analyzes showed that affiliative and self-enhancing humor are negative predictors of automatic thoughts and depression, with the self-enhancing style being a negative predictor of anxiety as well. On the other hand, female gender and self-defeating humor are positive predictors of anxiety and depression, with self-defeating humor also being a positive predictor of automatic thoughts. |