Abstract | Drugi svjetski rat je neiscrpna inspiracija za vizualne medije poput filma. Saveznici su još tijekom Rata izrađivali filmove koji su trebali potaknuti žar za borbom, dok su poslije završetka Rata filmovi poticali sjećanje na značajne pojedince, vojne jedinice, borbe i bitke. Filmovi su nastojali što autentičnije prikazati navedeno, a domoljublje, antiratni i/ili propagandni smjer su uobičajeni elementi filma, bili oni skrivene ili očite prirode. Ratni je film doživio svoj zamah prikazima Drugog svjetskog rata, a svaka zemlja i svaki narod koji je sudjelovao u Ratu, imao je svoje ratno iskustvo koje se rasprostiralo od manjih (ne)poznatijih crtica i anegdota do širokih priča i događaja većinom poznatih svima. Za bolje razumijevanje ratnog filma, ovaj je rad podijeljen u dva dijela: teoriju i film. Prvi dio obrađuje ratni film još od vremena Prvog svjetskog rata, preko ratova u Koreji i Vijetnamu, do onih u Iraku i Afganistanu. Osim navedenog, u tom se poglavlju rad preusmjerava na neizostavne elemente Drugog svjetskog rata, a kada bolje pogledamo, i svih drugih ratova: vojnike i časnike, borbe i bitke te oružje i tehnologiju. Drugi dio obrađuje film i to kroz ukupno osam poznatih filmskih uradaka koji su izrađeni u ukupno pet nacionalnih kinematografija koje su tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata svojim političkim, vojnim i ekonomskim djelovanjem bile na strani Saveznika: Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, Jugoslavije, Sovjetskog Saveza i Kine. |
Abstract (english) | The Second World War is an inexhaustible inspiration for the visual media such as films. During the War, the Allies were making films whose purpose was to encourage the eagerness to fight. On the other hand, after the end of the War, the films were focused on preserving the memory of prominent individuals, military units, fights and battles. In depiction of these themes, the films tried to be as authentic as possible, whilst patriotism, antiwar and/or propaganda were common elements of the films, regardless of their hidden or obvious nature. Incline of the war films was a result of the screenings during the War and each country and its nations that participated in the War had their own war experience – it was presented in the forms of (un)familiar vignettes and anecdotes as well as in the forms of the well-known wide tales and experiences. For better understanding of the war films, this paper is divided into two segments – theory and film. Former part is concerned with the war films since the times of World War I, the wars in Korea and Vietnam, and lastly, with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition, the focus of this chapter is shifted on the crucial elements of the wars of this period, especially of the World War II – soldiers and officers, fights and battles, and weapons and technology. Latter part deals with eight popular films which were made in total of five national cinemas that were, based on their politics, military acts and economy, on the side of the Allies – the United States, the United Kingdom, Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union and China. |