Abstract | Cilj ovoga diplomskog rada bio je prikazati lik pobunjenika u hrvatskoj prozi u trapericama, točnije u romanima Izdajice A. Šoljana i Čangi Alojza Majetića. Naime, u istraživanju postulata na kojima se temelji proza u trapericama primarna literatura bila je studija Proza u trapericama književnog teoretičara A. Flakera. Prije same interpretacije djela, pažnju smo posvetili američkoj beatničkoj književnosti koja je svojom koncepcijom i uvođenjem noviteta na planu forme i sadržaja utjecala na generaciju sljedbenika proze u trapericama. Beatnici se, također, protive ustaljenosti kako u književnosti, tako i u društvu te preko svojih djela, točnije likova, progovaraju o borbi za egzistenciju tj. pronalasku vlastitog mjesta u društvu. Šoljanovi likovi kao pripadnici „izgubljene generacije“ također su u potrazi za pronalaskom željene arkadije tj. životnoga smisla i istine koja nije samo puko egzistiranje. Lik Mogora očituje se kao lik pobunjenika protiv vladajućeg društvenog sistema prvotno svojim dokoličarenjem i svakodnevnim ništavilom, a potom i pobunom koja se nalazi u njemu samome posredstvom koje ne može pronaći mjesto zadovoljstva i spokoja, već uvijek teži nečem višem, višim idealima koji su, koliko god bili bliski, za Mogora posve neuhvatljivi. Majetićev lik Čangija je izrazit primjer buntovnika koji neprestanim bježanjem krši moralna i zakonska načela, ali ga pravda ipak sustiže. Odlazi na radne akcije kako bi se „preodgojio“, ali to ne uspijeva jer pod „teretom“ zakona, dosljedno otporu, završava u zatvoru. Tu se očituje tragika njegova lika jer se odaje poroku alkoholizma. Dakle, i Šoljanov i Majetićev lik je lik pobunjenika, ali se ta pobuna ostvaruje na različitim razinama. Sukladno navedenom, i Šoljanov roman Izdajice i Majetićev roman Čangi zaslužuju zavidno mjesto u korpusu djela hrvatske književnosti, a ponajprije u vidu modela proze u trapericama. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this graduation thesis was to portray the character of a rebel in Croatian prose in jeans, specifically in the novel Traitors by A. Šoljan and the novel Ĉangi by Alojz Majetić. Namely, in researching the postulates on which prose in jeans is based, the primary literature was the study "Prose in jeans" by the literary theorist A. Flaker. Before the same interpretation of the liretary work, we paid attention to American beat literature, which, with its conception and introduction of novelties in terms of form and content, influenced a generation of followers of prose in jeans. The Beatniks are also against the establishment both in literature and in society, and through their literary works, more precisely, characters, they talk about the struggle for existence, i.e. finding one's own place in society. Šoljan's characters, as members of the "lost generation", are also in search of finding the desired arcadia, i.e. the meaning of life and the truth that is not just mere existence. The character of Mogor manifests itself as the character of a rebel against the ruling social system, initially by his idleness and everyday nothingness, and then by the rebellion that is found in him only through the medium that cannot find a place of satisfaction and tranquility, but always strives for something higher, higher ideals that are, no matter how close they were, they were completely elusive for Mogora. Majetić's character Ĉangi is a clear example of a rebel who violates moral and legal principles by constantly running away, but still catches up with him. He goes to work actions in order to "re-educate himself", but he does not succeed because under the "burden" of the law, consistent with his resistance, he ends up in prison. This is where the tragedy of his character is revealed because he surrenders to the vice of alcoholism. So, both Šoljan's and Majetić's character is that of a rebel, but that rebellion is realized on different levels. According to the above, both Šoljan's novel Traitors and Majetic's novel Ĉangi deserve an enviable place in the corpus of literary works of Croatian literature, primarily as models of prose in jeans. |