Abstract | Važnost turizma za Japan sve je veća, osobito nakon krize koju je uzrokovala pandemija koronavirusa. Turizam može biti izvrstan ponovni pokretač ekonomije. Japan posljednjih godina bilježi sve veći broj međunarodnih posjetitelja. U svijetu je Japan poznat po svojim kvalitetnim proizvodima, razvijenom ekonomijom, automobilskom industrijom i mnogim drugim aspektima. Popularna je kultura također jedan od poznatih aspekata Japana koji je najzastupljeniji među mlađom populacijom. Često je upravo popularna kultura medij putem kojega djeca i mladi u svijetu saznaju informacije o Japanu, japanskoj kulturi i načinu života. Od početka 21. stoljeća industrija japanske popularne kulture raste, a čak je i za vrijeme pandemije bila jedna od industrija koja nije posustala jer nije iziskivala od ljudi odlazak iz samoizolacije. Zbog ovakvih se rezultata ovim radom željelo ispitati pomoću hipoteza treba li Japan koristiti popularnu kulturu za brendiranje države kao turističke destinacije. Istraživanje se temeljilo na dvije hipoteze: 1. postoje razlike između razine upoznatosti s japanskom popularnom kulturom i percepcijom imidža Japana, 2. postoje razlike između razine upoznatosti s japanskom popularnom kulturom i namjere posjete Japana. Na temelju prikupljenih primarnih podataka htio se ispitati stav mladih u Hrvatskoj o imidžu Japana i vjerojatnosti posjeta Japanu s obzirom na njihovu upoznatost s popularnom japanskom kulturom. Ispitano je 103 ispitanika. U anketi su se nalazile tri skupine pitanja: socio-demografska pitanja, pitanja u vezi s japanskom popularnom kulturom te pitanja u vezi s Japanom kao destinacijom. Pitanja su bila zatvorenog tipa osim jednog koji se koristio TOMA metodom odnosno „top oft he mind awareness“. Putem ovog pitanja prikupile su se primarne asocijacije ispitanika u vezi s Japanom. Prije samog primarnog istraživanja izvršena je detaljna analiza sekundarnih podataka na temelju kojeg se stvorio teorijski okvir za rad kako bi se pružio bolji uvid u tematiku rada. Rezultati prikupljenih podataka grafički su prikazani, a njihova statistička obrada izvršena je u Microsoft Excel programu. Pomoću sekundarnih i primarnih podataka ispunjeni su ciljevi ovog rada. Putem obrađene znanstvene literature objasnili su se pojmovi japanske popularne kulture, brendiranja destinacije i stvaranja imidža. U specifičnim su poglavljima definirani okviri marketinškog brendiranja Japana te su detaljnije objašnjene kampanje „yokoso Japan“ i „Cool Japan“. U radu su također dani primjeri korištenja popularne kulture u japanskoj turističkoj ponudi i načina na koji brendiraju specifične regije i Japan kao destinaciju. Kao zadnji cilj pomoću primarnog istraživanja istražena je percepcija mladih u Hrvatskoj o popularnoj japanskoj kulturi. Može se zaključiti na temelju uzorka da mladi u Hrvatskoj jesu zainteresirani za japansku popularnu kulturu te da količina upoznatosti utječe na njihovu vjerojatnost putovanja u Japan i stvaranje pozitivne percepcije imidža Japana. |
Abstract (english) | The importance of tourism for Japan is increasing, especially after the crisis caused by the corona virus pandemic. Tourism can be a great economic re-starter. Japan has seen an increasing number of international visitors in recent years. In the world, Japan is known for its quality products, developed economy, automobile industry and many other aspects. Popular culture is also one of the famous aspects of Japan that is most noted among the younger population. It is often precisely the popular cultural through which children and young people in the world learn information about Japan and Japanese culture and lifestyle. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the Japanese popular culture industry has been growing. Even during the pandemic, this was one of the industries that did not falter because it did not require people to leave self-isolation. Due to these results, this paper wanted to investigate using the hypothesis whether Japan should use popular culture for branding the country as a tourist destination. The research was based on two hypotheses. There are differences between the levels of familiarity with Japanese popular culture and the perception of the image of Japan, and there are differences between the levels of familiarity with Japanese popular culture and the intention to visit Japan. Based on the collected primary data, the aim was to examine the attitude of young people in Croatia regarding the image of Japan and the likelihood of visiting Japan, given their familiarity with popular Japanese culture. 103 respondents were questioned. The survey included three groups of questions: socio-demographic questions, questions related to popular culture, and questions related to Japan as a destination. The questions were of a closed type, except for one that used the TOMA method, i.e. "top of his mind awareness". Through this question, the respondents' primary associations related to Japan were collected. Also, before the primary research itself, a detailed analysis of secondary data was performed, on the basis of which a theoretical framework for the work was created in order to provide a better insight into the topic of the work. The results of the collected data are presented graphically, and their statistical processing was performed in the Microsoft Excel program. Using secondary and primary data, the objectives of this paper were fulfilled. The concepts of Japanese popular culture, destination branding and image creation were explained through the processed scientific literature. Also through specific chapters the frameworks of Japan's marketing branding are defined and the "yokoso Japan" and "Cool Japan" campaigns are explained in more detail. Examples of the use of popular culture in the Japanese tourist offer and the way in which they brand specific regions and Japan as a destination are also given in the work. As the last goal, the perception of young people in Croatia about popular Japanese culture was investigated using primary research. It can be concluded based on the sample that young people in Croatia are interested in Japanese popular culture and that the amount of unfamiliarity affects their likelihood of traveling to Japan and creating a positive perception of Japan's image. |