Abstract | Mediteranska prehrana (MP) je prehrana koja uključuje visok unos povrća, voća, plave ribe, mahunarki, žitarica punog zrna, orašastih plodova i, maslinovo ulje kao primarnog izvora masnoća te nizak unos crvenog mesa i slatkiša. Preporučena je od strane Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) kao „zlatni standard“ preventivne medicine jer ima pozitivan utjecaj na zdravlje. Povezana je sa smanjenim rizikom od kronične nezarazne bolesti (KNB), kao dijabetesa tipa 2, karcinoma, kardiovaskularnih bolesti, metaboličkog sindroma, Alzheimerove bolesti, općenito poboljšava poslovnu efikasnost i dugovječnost. Cilj ovog istraživanja je procijeniti usklađenost prehrambenih navika radno aktivnih stanovnika Republike Hrvatske (RH) primjenom MEDAS upitnika (Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener) s mediteranskim načinom prehrane. Prvi dio upitnika sastojao se od sociodemografskih parametara (spol, dob, mjesto rođenja, prebivalište, zvanje, staž i sl.). Sadržaj drugog dijela upitnika, validirani je MEDAS upitnik razvijen u Španjolskoj, koji omogućuje na brz i jednostavan način utvrditi pridržava li se ispitivana skupina MP. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika za ispitivanu skupinu kod indeksa tjelesne mase (ITM) s obzirom na spol ispitanika (p=0,033) i stupanj obrazovanja (p=0,001). Prosječan ITM veći je kod ispitanika sa srednjom stručnom spremom i iznosi 26,5 ± 5,5 kg/m2 u odnosu na ispitanike s višim stupnjem obrazovanja (24,5 ± 3,7 kg/m2). Veći udio ispitanika u ovom istraživanju (53,47%) se bavi nekim oblikom tjelesne aktivnosti. Rezultati pokazuju da je 75 (88,23%) žena i 44 (74,57%) muškaraca ostvarilo manje od 10 bodova putem MEDAS upitnika što nije dobra usklađenost s MP. Tek 10 (11,76%) žena i 15 (25,42%) muškaraca je ostvarilo više od 10 bodova prema MEDAS upitniku. Statistički značajna razlika utvrđena je s obzirom na spol, konkretno muškarce za komponente MEDAS upitnika kao što su konzumacija maslinovog ulja, povrća, maslaca, margarina ili vrhnja te vina i tjestenine s mediteranskim umakom. Ista nije utvrđena s obzirom na stupanj obrazovanja. Može se zaključiti da muškarci i žene imaju slične prehrambene navike što se tiče usklađenosti s MP. Žene, kao i visokoobrazovani dio ispitanika u prosjeku postižu nešto veći broj bodova (42,5±32,5, 41,5±26,5) u odnosu na muškarce i srednjoškolsko obrazovani dio ispitanika (29,5±14,5, 30,0±20,0). Postignuti rezultati s obzirom na pojedinačne komponente MEDAS upitnika nisu različiti, ako se promatra obrazovanje ispitanika, iako nešto veći broj bodova postižu ispitanici s fakultetskom naobrazbom. |
Abstract (english) | The Mediterranean diet (MD) is a diet that includes a high intake of vegetables, fruits, blue fish, legumes, whole grains, nuts and olive oil that is considered to be the primary source of fat and a low intake of red meat and sweets. It is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the "gold standard" of preventive medicine because it has a positive impact on health. It is associated with a reduced risk of chronic non-infectious diseases (CKD), such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer's, it diseasegenerally improves business efficiency and longevity. Aim of this research is to assess the eating habits of the working population of the Republic of Croatia (RH) using the MEDAS questionnaire (Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener) with the Mediterranean diet. The first part of the questionnaire consisted of sociodemographic parameters (gender, age, place of birth, residence, title, length of service, etc.). The content of the second part of the questionnaire, is a validated MEDAS questionnaire developed in Spain, that allows you to quickly and easily determine if the respondents adhere to the MD. Statistically significant difference in body mass index (BMI) was found with regard to the sex of the respondents (p = 0.033) and the level of education (p = 0.001). The average BMI is higher in respondents with secondary education and amounts to 26.5 ± 5.5 kg / m2 compared to respondents with a higher level of education (24.5 ± 3.7 kg / m2). A larger share of respondents in this study (53.47%) are engaged in some form of physical activity. The results show that 75 (88,23%) women and 44 (74,57%) of men achieved less than 10 points according to the MEDAS questionairre, which is not considered to be a good compatibility with the MD. Only 10 (11.76%) women and 15 (25.42%) men achieved more than 10 points according to the MEDAS questionnaire. Statistically significant difference regarding to gender was found for the listed components of the MEDAS questionnaire, specifically with men, such as consumption of olive oil, vegetables, butter, margarine or cream, and wine and pasta with the mediterranean sauce. The significance was not determined with regard of the level of education. Given the results of this study, it can be concluded that men and women have similar eating habits in terms of compatibility with MD. Women, as well as the highly educated part of the respondents, on average achieve slightly higher number of points (42,5±32,5, 41,5±26,5) compared to men and the high school educated part of the respondents (29,5±14,5, 30,0±20,0). The results achieved with regard to the individual components of the MEDAS questionnaire are not different if the education of the respondents is observed, although a slightly higher number of points are achieved by the respondents with a university degree. |