Title Hosteli u funkciji razvoja omladinskog turizma u gradu Splitu
Title (english) Hostels in the Function of Youth Tourism Development in the City of Split
Author Blanka Zamberlin
Mentor Mili Razović (mentor)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Đani Bunja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mili Razović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Abstract Živimo u 21.stoljeću kada su mladi sve više željni avanture i novih putovanja. Kako putovanja često traju i u nekoliko zemalja, mladi se često odlučuju na hostel kao odabir za odsjedanje u turističkoj destinaciji. Mladi turisti svojim putovanjima također pridonose ekonomskoj slici turističkih zemalja, a povrh svega snažno utječu na socijalnu integraciju među narodima. Naime mladi se najviše od svih turista žele saživjeti sa zajednicom koju posjećuju i prepustiti se lokalnim običajima. Hostel je smještajni objekt kojeg mladi često koriste tijekom proputovanja u neku destinaciju. Sobe u hostelima su većinom višekrevetne spavaonice sa zajedničkim sanitarijama, iako na tržištu postoji sve veći broj hostela koji uz spavaonice u ponudi imaju i privatne sobe s vlastitim sanitarijama, sve bolji standard smještaja što uključuje klimatizirane sobe, kao i pristup bežičnom Internetu. Jedno od glavnih obilježja hostela su zajedničke društvene prostorije čime se povećava socijalizacija i međusobno druženje gostiju. Kako bi se gostima osigurala sigurnost osobnih stvari, hosteli im nude različite oblike sustava za sigurno spremanje stvari, poput ormarića sa šifrom ili ključem. Generalno gledano, hostele je moguće podijeliti na male, srednje i velike. Glavna karakteristika je broj kreveta i ponuda dodatnih sadržaja, te broj osoblja hostela. No, bez obzira na vrstu hostela, ono što gosti očekuju jest da će boraviti u čistoj i sigurnoj sobi i da će na kraju svoga boravka dobiti vrijednost za novac. Kako bi se ispitala uloga hostela u omladinskom turizmu grada Splita, izvršeno je istraživanje putem anketnog upitnika. Navedeno je istraživanje pokazalo kako hosteli značajno utječu na razvoj omladinskog turizma, no u budućnosti je potrebno značajne aktivnosti usmjeriti na razvitak i marketinške aktivnosti hostela grada Splita.
Abstract (english) We live in the 21st century when young people are increasingly eager for adventure and new travel. As travel often takes place in several countries, young people often decide on a hostel as a choice to stay in a tourist destination. Young tourists are also contributing to the economic image of tourist countries, and above all, strongly influence social integration among peoples. Namely, the youngest of all tourists want to live with the community they visit and leave their local customs. Hostel is an accommodation facility often used by young people to travel to a destination. The rooms in the hostel are mostly multi-shared with shared sanitary facilities, although more and more hostel rooms offer private rooms with their own sanitary facilities, a better standard of accommodation, including air-conditioned rooms as well as the availability of wireless internet. Hostels are characterized by more common social spaces, which increases socialization and socializing among guests. To ensure the security of personal belongings, hostels offer different forms of systems for safe storage of things, such as code or key boxes. Generally speaking, hostels can be divided into small, medium and large. The main difference between them is the number of beds and the offer of additional contents, as well as the number of hostel staff. Nevertheless, regardless of the size of the hostel, guests expect to stay in a clean and safe room and will get good value for money at the end of their stay. In order to examine the role of the hostel in the youth tourism of the city of Split, a survey was conducted through a survey questionnaire. This research has shown that hostels have a significant influence on the development of youth tourism, but in the future it is necessary to focus significant activities on the development and marketing activities of the city hostel.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:276046
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-05-21 12:20:15