Abstract | Godina 2020. je bila posebno izazovna zbog potrebe suočavanja s pandemijom i izolacijom potaknutom željom za prevencijom širenja koronavirusne bolesti. Zbog toga, ljudi su bili suočeni s raznim faktorima rizičnima za njihovo mentalno zdravlje koji su im ometali svakodnevicu. Neki od njih su odvojenost od drugih, nedostatak fizičkog kontakta, informacije iz medija te neizvjesnost trajanja i ishoda same situacije za osobu i društvo. Prisutnost rizičnih faktora utjecao je na psihičku dobrobit pojedinaca pojavom raznih patoloških simptoma. U nošenju s nepovoljnom situacijom, faktori poput psihološke otpornosti i strategija suočavanja bili su zaštitni faktori u ovoj situaciji. Zbog specifičnih zahtjeva situacije izolacije, ljudi su morali biti kreativni u pronalasku načina nošenja sa stresorima u okolini. Prijašnja istraživanja na ovom području pokazuju pozitivne efekte kreativnih aktivnosti na psihičku dobrobit pa je stoga cilj ovog istraživanja utvrditi vezu aktivnosti u različitim domenama kreativnosti s nekim psihološkim aspektima poput anksioznosti, stresa, depresivnosti, strategija suočavanja i otpornosti u vrijeme izolacije. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 139 sudionika, od toga 122 sudionice i 17 sudionika prosječne dobi 23,20 godina (SD=2,16). Prigodni uzorak su činili studenti s područja Hrvatske, a samo istraživanje je provedeno putem online upitnika. Upitnik je sadržavao pitanja o općim demografskim podacima, Upitnik kreativnih aktivnosti i postignuća, Upitnik strategija suočavanja, Skalu depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa–21 (DASS–21) i Skalu otpornosti. Rezultati pokazuju da osobe koje se inače u životu bave kreativnim aktivnostima imaju veću psihološku otpornost nego osobe koje se inače ne bave kreativnim aktivnostima. Također, psihološka otpornost u razdoblju izolacije pozitivno je povezana s brojem aktivnosti u svim ispitanim domenama kreativnosti, osim u sportu, dok neugodni emocionalni simptomi nisu značajno povezani s aktivnostima niti u jednoj domeni kreativnosti. Hijerarhijskom regresijskom analizom utvrđen je značajan doprinos prediktora izbjegavajućih strategija suočavanja i otpornosti kriterijskoj varijabli neugodnih emocionalnih simptoma. |
Abstract (english) | Navigating the pandemic and isolation fueled by a desire to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease made 2020 particularly challenging. As a result, people faced various risk factors that interfered with their daily lives. These include the separation from others, lack of physical contact, the influx of information coming from the media, and the uncertainty of the duration and the outcome of the situation that affected both the individual and the society as a whole. The presence of risk factors influenced individuals’ psychological well-being by introducing symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression as unpleasant emotional symptoms. In dealing with an unfavorable situation, factors such as psychological resilience and coping strategies acted as protective factors. Due to the specific requirements of the isolation, people had to be creative in finding ways to deal with stressors coming from the environment and, since previous research has indicated the presence of positive effects of creative activities on psychological well-being, this research aims to determine the connection between activities that pertain to various domains of creativity and some of the psychological aspects such as anxiety, stress, depression, coping strategies and resilience during the isolation. The study involved 122 female and 17 male participants, 139 participants in total with an average age of 23,20 years (SD = 2,16). The sample is comprised of Croatian students, and all of the participants were examined with an online questionnaire. The questionnaire featured questions on the general demographic data, the Creative Achievement Questionnaire, the Coping Strategies Questionnaire, the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), and the Brief Resilient Coping Scale. The results have shown that people who usually engaged in creative activities in their daily lives have greater psychological resilience than people who did not engage in creative activities. Also, it has been shown that psychological resilience during the isolation period has been positively correlated with the frequency of performing these activities across all examined domains of creativity, except in sports, while unpleasant emotional symptoms have not been significantly correlated with activities in any creative domain. Hierarchical regression analysis has revealed a significant contribution of predictors of avoidance coping strategies and resilience to the criterion variable of unpleasant emotional symptoms. |