Title Promjene u litičkoj industriji na prijelazu srednjeg u gornji paleolitik
Title (english) Changes of stone tool technology in transition from Middle to Upper Paleolithic
Author Krešimir Vacek
Mentor Dario Vujević (mentor)
Committee member Mate Parica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dario Vujević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Horvat (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Archaeology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology Prehistoric Archeology
Abstract Tehnologija je skup primjenjivih tehnika ili procesa kojima se izrađuje željeni
predmet. Tehnika je pak praktični dio tehnologije i primjenjuje se s određenom namjerom.
Korištenjem određene tehnike, čovjek je sposoban izraditi unaprijed isplanirani predmet.
Postoje 4 grupe po kojima pratimo nastanak i razvoj paleolitičkog kamenog alata, a one su
čovjekovo djelovanje, sirovinski materijal, fizičke akcije i na kraju, izrađeni kameni alat.
Čovjek je uvijek težio tome da koristiti lako obradive, ali i lako nabavljive sirovine. Najčešće
su rožnjak, tuf, kremen, opsidijan i vapnenačke stijene. Iako se metode izrade odbojka
unaprijed isplaniranog oblika prvi puta koriste u donjem paleolitiku, u srednjem paleolitiku se
njihovo korištenje naglo povećava. Među njima je najznačajnija levaloaška metoda. Ostale
metode korištene u musterijenu su diskoidna metoda, metoda izrade quina strugala, laminarna
tehnika. Najzastupljeniji tipovi kamenog alata u musterijenu su strugala. Prema obliku
možemo izdvojiti čak 21 tip. Ostalo oruđe čine musterijenski šiljci, noževi s hrptom te razni
nazupci i udupci. Dolaskom homo sapiensa, 45 000 godina prije sadašnjosti, počinje gornji
paleolitik. Industrije koje postoje u periodu dolaska nazivaju se prijelaznima jer unatoč
dolasku nove vrste pokazuju elemente stapanja karakteristika musterijena i orinjasijena.
Orinajsijen je prva prava gornjopaleolitička industrija. Specifična je po novim metodama koje
su omogućile izradu mnogo više kamenog alata od musterijenskih metoda. To je rezultiralo
većom pokretljivošću orinjasijenskih zajednica. Pojavljuju se novi tipovi: orinjasijensko
sječivo, grebala na orinjasijenskom sječivu, ostala grebala i razna dubila. Iako već postoje u
prijelaznim industrijama, u orinjasijenu se naglo povećava broj koštanih šiljaka. Razvoj se
nastavlja u gravitijenu koji je specifičan po pojavi raznih tipova dubila što se veže uz
intenzivnu obradu koštanih predmeta. Nakon njega dolazi solitrejen koji je karakterističan
primjenom toplinskog postupka te lovorikim šiljcima.
Abstract (english) Technology is a composition of applicable techniques or processes which are used to create a
desired object. Technique is the practical part of the technology and is used with a specific
purpose. When a human is using specific techniques, he can create a pre planned object.
There are four groups that we observe through occurrence and development of stone tools in
Paleolithic. These groups are following: man’s activity, raw material, physical activity and
finished stone tool. Man has always strived for using easily tillable raw materials, but also
materials that can be acquired. Usually those were chert, tuff, flint, obsidian and limestone
rocks. Although the method of pre planned shape for creating flake was firstly used in Lower
Paleolithic, its usage did not increase until the period of Middle Paleolithic. The best such
known method is levallois method. Other methods used in Mousterian are disc-core method,
the method of creating quina scraper and laminar technique. Most frequently used types of
stone tools in Mousterian are scrapers. Based on their shape, we can distinguish twenty one
different types. Other tools are mostly Mousterian points, backed knifes and other
miscellaneous denticulates and notches. With the occurrence of Homo sapiens 45 000 years
ago starts the Upper Paleolithic. Industries in this period of occurrence are called transitional,
because they show elements of merging of Mousterian and Aurignacian characteristics.
Aurignacian culture is the first real Upper Paleolithic industry. It is distinguished by its new
methods that enabled the creation of more stone tools than Mousterian methods, which
resulted in greater mobility of Aurignacian communities. New types of tools are made:
aurignacian blade, scratchings on aurignacian blade, other scratchers and burins. Although
they already existed in transitional industries, the number of bone spikes increases in
Aurignacian period. The development continues in Gravettian , known for appearance of
different kinds of burins, which are connected to intensive treatment of bone objects. After
Gravettian follows Solutrian period that is known for applying heat processes and laurel
srednji paleolitik
gornji paleolitik
litičke industrije
prijelazne industrije
kameni alat
Keywords (english)
Middle Paleolithic
Upper Paleolithic
stone tool technology
transitional industries
stone tools
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:306707
Study programme Title: Archaeology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-11-14 11:47:32